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Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

Why should India??? We dont need anyones support to Prove its ours, We are relaxed, some are desperate Enough to prove it and Hence Gathering Support of Muslim Countries

You are absolutely correct...Rather we should improve our economic progress.....rest of the world will follow us one day...
That pretty much sums up your ignorance, arab does NOT equal to muslims. The current head of OIC is Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, a TURK. Past heads of OIC include the NIGERIAN Hamid Algabi and MALAYSIAN Tunku Abdul Rahman. Are any of these Arabs?

India is and will remain a Hindu country no matter how much it tries to portray itself as fair and equal to all minorities. It is only natural for the clear majority to decide, as they did with the Babri Mosque. Not calling all Indian Hindus right wing extremists but if they really cared about equality then shouldnt they have been out on the streets protesting against these extremists and making it clear that they dont represent the large chunk of Hindus? So stop justifying Indias illegal occupation of Kashmir using the "We treat Muslims equally" card. If you did, then Kashmiris wouldnt be out on the streets demanding "Azaadi". What India is doing in Kashmir is the exact equivilant of what Russia is doing in the Caucasus especially Checnya/Dagestan.

I couldnt agree more, on both points. Not all Muslims are Arabs, nor does the OIC represents Arab-only perspective.

Its obvious that India is a Hindu country, while Pakistan is a Islamic country. So what right does India have to keep Muslim-Kashmir under its control?
I couldnt agree more, on both points. Not all Muslims are Arabs, nor does the OIC represents Arab-only perspective.

Its obvious that India is a Hindu country, while Pakistan is a Islamic country. So what right does India have to keep Muslim-Kashmir under its control?

Err.. India Hindu country, when did that happen? India is and always was a secular country.
I couldnt agree more, on both points. Not all Muslims are Arabs, nor does the OIC represents Arab-only perspective.

Its obvious that India is a Hindu country, while Pakistan is a Islamic country. So what right does India have to keep Muslim-Kashmir under its control?

Arabs only make up 20% of the total worldwide Muslim population but indians think otherwise!
india is not an hindu country.i dont know why outsiders think so.this may be due to 80% population of hindus.but when u will visit,u will have different scenario.
I couldnt agree more, on both points. Not all Muslims are Arabs, nor does the OIC represents Arab-only perspective.

Its obvious that India is a Hindu country, while Pakistan is a Islamic country. So what right does India have to keep Muslim-Kashmir under its control?

Simple reason dear....India want to keep Kashmir under its belt...Now its upto world to accept it or dont accept it.....We dont care...In this presnet centuary 2010, Kashmir is an integral part of india...and will remain as it is.....If the world start dividing itself on the baisis of religion..then there is no end to it....
Simple reason dear....India want to keep Kashmir under its belt...Now its upto world to accept it or dont accept it.....We dont care...In this presnet centuary 2010, Kashmir is an integral part of india...and will remain as it is.....If the world start dividing itself on the baisis of religion..then there is no end to it....

So thats how india keeps its own people, "under its belt", in the 2010 "century"


Also, note the phrase "...We dont care..."

For sure kashmiri people are not included in the "We"

Conclusion: India is an occupier
So thats how india keeps its own people, "under its belt", in the 2010 "century"


Also, note the phrase "...We dont care..."

For sure kashmiri people are not included in the "We"

Conclusion: India is an occupier

Okay if this is the case..then the same rule applies to your Balochistan,Sindh also....Then you are also an occupier of Balochistan....becoz Balochistan was never a part of Pakistan at all....
Okay if this is the case..then the same rule applies to your Balochistan,Sindh also....Then you are also an occupier of Balochistan....becoz Balochistan was never a part of Pakistan at all....

I knew you would react as such, as predicted

since you have brought up sindh and baluchistan in this thread, its your job now to defend the claim you have made here about each of them

if you choose not to, then please dont mention them here
Azerbaijan cannot be trusted, they collaborate with Israel........Iran is very aware of this.

In regards to Kashmir: Armenia and NKR (Artsakh) support India on this issue and we know the historical realities of the region. Former General Musharraf also compared Kashmir to Nagorno Karabagh conflict between Armenian and Azerbaijan.

An older article in this regard from our side:

India and Armenia Karabakh Have Delicate Attitude about Karabakh and Kashmir Problems

PanARMENIAN.Net - December 14 the parliamentary delegation led by RA NA speaker Tigran Torosian took part in the sittings of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha houses, reports the RA NA press office. The Armenian delegation also met with Indian Vice President and Chairman of Rajya Sabha Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, who stressed the importance of democracy in both states and described the Armenian-Indian parliamentary ties as friendly and hearty. He voiced assurance that the visit of the parliament speaker will strengthen relations targeted at progress and development. For his part Tigran Torosian expressed his gratitude for warm welcome saying that the Indian Vice-President's call to Armenia has laid a firm foundation for a good tradition. In his words, the cooperation between the Armenian and Indian parliaments make relations more complete. He pointed out to the cooperation within international organizations, trade and economic as well as scientific and cultural relations which consolidate friendship between the two peoples. Tigran Torosian voiced hope that the activation of the intergovernmental commission will become a natural continuation of interparliamentary ties. The Armenian speaker said he hopes that a deputy friendship group will be formed within the Indian parliament adding he is glad to witness delicate attitude of both states about the problems of Nagorno Karabakh and Kashmir.

Rating cooperation as wonderful Bhairon Singh Shekhawat thanked Armenia for support rendered during election of India a UN Security Council member. He also mentioned of the prospects of development of information technologies, agriculture as well as middle and small business.

The Armenian delegation members laid wreaths to the monument to Mahatma Gandhi and make a note in the book of honorary guests.
PanArmenian news
Azerbaijan cannot be trusted, they collaborate with Israel........Iran is very aware of this.

In regards to Kashmir: Armenia and NKR (Artsakh) support India on this issue and we know the historical realities of the region. Former General Musharraf also compared Kashmir to Nagorno Karabagh conflict between Armenian and Azerbaijan.

An older article in this regard from our side:

PanArmenian news

armenia is also a friend of israel


kashmir is NOT like NKR, musharraf is wrong
armenia is also a friend of israel

Armenia Looks to Boost Ties With Israel | Asbarez Armenian News

kashmir is NOT like NKR, musharraf is wrong

Armenia maintains no significant relations with Israel that supports Azerbaijan with weapons and UAVs, however Armenia is not an enemy of Israel and seeks good relations with all countries.

It might be worth to mention that Armenians have been present in Jerusalem for thousands of years as evident by having their own separate “Quarter” next to the “Christian Quarter”. However the population has been decreasing and they get discriminated and pressured by certain religious Jews in the area and sometimes in conflict with the Greek Orthodox for territory…. nevertheless, they maintain the oldest and one of the most beautiful parts of Jerusalem with the ancient Armenian churchs and crafty shops. It is also the closest to the Palestinian side of East Jerusalem.

General Musharraf is smart....I had always liked him. He should be in charge again, in my opinion.
Armenia maintains no significant relations with Israel that supports Azerbaijan with weapons and UAVs, however Armenia is not an enemy of Israel and seeks good relations with all countries.

I know where armenians are all over the Middle East. Thats irrelevant to the topic here.

If israel provides weapons to azerbaijan, then that is not much of an issue because Pakistan buys weapons from america, the best intimate friend of israel.

You said Azerbaijan cannot be trusted.

Azerbaijan is a brother Muslim state. Egypt also is at peace with Israel and co-operates with them. Is Egypt not trustable too?

We look at many realities on the ground.

For example, one reality is, excluding NKR, armenia has occupied vast areas of Azerbaijan, which are not disputed territory, and 1 million Azeris are refugees. Thats like a third of Armenia's own population. It is doing what israel is doing.

It is likely you have discussed this topic elsewhere on the internet, and came across this forum while surfing.

armenian nationalist propaganda is no hidden, we know what they say when they take over undisputed Azeri territory illegally
Azerbaijan cannot be trusted, they collaborate with Israel........Iran is very aware of this.

In regards to Kashmir: Armenia and NKR (Artsakh) support India on this issue and we know the historical realities of the region. Former General Musharraf also compared Kashmir to Nagorno Karabagh conflict between Armenian and Azerbaijan.

An older article in this regard from our side:

PanArmenian news

Yeah and this comes from an Armenian user. But he forgot to mention that while Armenia occupies 20% of Azerbaijani lands, Iran sided with Armenia during the conflict and still has special relations with this aggressor. The aggressor status of Armenia is recognized by the UN and OIC in many resolutions.

Armenia maintains no significant relations with Israel that supports Azerbaijan with weapons and UAVs, however Armenia is not an enemy of Israel and seeks good relations with all countries.

It might be worth to mention that Armenians have been present in Jerusalem for thousands of years as evident by having their own separate “Quarter” next to the “Christian Quarter”. However the population has been decreasing and they get discriminated and pressured by certain religious Jews in the area and sometimes in conflict with the Greek Orthodox for territory…. nevertheless, they maintain the oldest and one of the most beautiful parts of Jerusalem with the ancient Armenian churchs and crafty shops. It is also the closest to the Palestinian side of East Jerusalem.

General Musharraf is smart....I had always liked him. He should be in charge again, in my opinion.

Bravo, you mentioned exacly why Azerbaijan has relations with Israel. We need their advanced military technology because Armenia occupies 20% of Azerbaijani lands. One million of our people were forced to abandon their homes. The Azerbaijani people and state support the independence of Palestina. All you try to do is discredit Azerbaijan but attempting to link Azerbaijan as a pro-Israeli country. But anyone who is slightly educated can see through your manipulation. The truth is Israel is one of the handful countries willing to sell advanced technology to Azerbaijan. We buy their UAV and missile technology to improve our military so one day we can free our lands from the Armenian/Russian occupation.
Artsakh has always been Armenian........there are no occupiers on that land.

Azerbaijan is a soviet installed state by Stalin to please Ataturk. After the fall of USSR the new Azerbaijan did not even recognize NKAO until later.

Azerbaijan will need more than Israeli weapons and intelligence to take back Artsakh from Armenians and it has nothing to do with guns.....as far as Russia is concerned we hope that they don’t pull another “operation Ring” on us when Azeris were given an Army battalion to surround Armenian towns and purge them.

Instead of spending all the oil money buying Israeli weapons why don’t Aliyev spend a little for the refugee problem that he maintains on purpose as political tool. Armenia absorbed and solved its refugee problem in less than two years after the conflict and they have no oil and are under blockade from both sides.
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