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Am I missing something or the inferior army (Armenia) got a major help from Russia when they took that 20%?

Yes you are missing a major point. I recommend you search "CaspianReport" in YouTube and watch his videos. He's an Azerbaijani blogger who talks about history, politics, culture and Karabagh.
well can i ask you question that why u buyed nag missile there are many better missile available to azherbhaijan and smerch in background looks good hope pakisatan ger russian smerch from azherbhaijan

Maybe because its a good anti-tank missile?

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why azherbhaijan not bought baktarshiken missile from a country which is more reliable to them than india pakistan
more like it's not necessary!
Azerbaijan is a tiny country with 6 million people. It has no power by itself.
Iran just needs to work with Turkey and that will keep Azerbaijan in check.

Im Iranian-Azeri myself, my father is from Rasht. I was raised in Baku. Anyway nobody wants a fight. So lets just avoid playing macho and respect each other. Azerbaijan and Iran share close cultural, linguistical and historical relations. We are not just 6 million, the country has 9 million people. But the Azerbaijani language is spoken by about 45 million people. There are 30 million Azerbaijanis in Iran, lets not neglect this fact. The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad is Azerbaijani; Ayatollah Khamenei is Azerbaijani; even the opposition leader of the Green movement, Musasi is Azerbaijani. So yeah, lets respect each other, we do not want any fights nor do we want any lands from Iran. All we ask is recognition and respect for Azerbaijani culture in Iran, which there is a great lack. For example no Azerbaijani school excist for 30 million people in Iran, while Armenians who number 150.000 have 45 schools. This shows that there is a deliberite assimilation campaign going on in Iran. We support intergration but assimilation of Azerbaijanis would mean the annihilation of Iranian history and culture.
Famous military historian, Semistan Nezirli, explains the early years of the Azerbaijani national army of 1918. From the 'Caucasus Campaign' to the historic battle between the Russian Empire and independent Azerbaijan. Featuring unique images, interviews and narrating by Mr. Nezirli himself. Subtitles can be activated by pressing the "cc" button.

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For those interested "Odlar Yurdu" is our national motto, it means "Land of Fire".

"Dedicated to National Hero Shahid Mubariz Ibrahimov (1988-2010). Allah Rehmet Elesin.

I express my deepest condolences to the hero's parents. In his last letter, Ibrahimov asked his parents not to cry, and to be proud instead.

"Every evening I look at the occupied territories, and my heart is ready to explode, as I see these empty dead lands. Each of those houses used to have light inside, people used to talk loud. And now, there is nothing but dead silence. This reminds me of the enemy, who did this to my motherland", says Ibrahimov in one of his letters."

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New video of Azerbaijani Cobra Counter-Terrorism Unit, notice they are equiped with cornershot rifle.

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New video of Azerbaijani Air Force (AzAF) showing the SkyWolf Air Fleet. Watch the video in HD settings.

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We used to have an Azerbaijani student in our class... he seemed to have a great appreciation with Turkey...

I didn't know Azerbaijan had any particular relationships with Pakistan until I joined :pdf: which enlightened me about my country! No wonder he possessed more-than-average knowledge about Pakistan
Is there any specific reason why Azerbaidjan is called "land of fire"?
We used to have an Azerbaijani student in our class... he seemed to have a great appreciation with Turkey...

I didn't know Azerbaijan had any particular relationships with Pakistan until I joined :pdf: which enlightened me about my country! No wonder he possessed more-than-average knowledge about Pakistan

Talk about close relations, Pakistan has no official diplomatic relations with Armenia, because the latter occupies 20% of Azerbaijani lands. Here is the latest development in Pakistan-Azerbaijani relations:

Navy chief: Pakistan will not recognize Armenia until Azeri land is freed
29-09-2010 09:41:19

BAKU – Pakistan's navy chief has said his country will not recognize Armenia until the occupied Azerbaijani territories are liberated.

Admiral Noman Bashir’s statement was made as Azerbaijan’s Navy commander, Vice-Admiral Shahin Sultanov was holding talks with the country’s senior military officials in Pakistan.

Bashir also said Pakistan attaches great importance to its relations with Azerbaijan, saying it would continue to support the fraternal country’s stance.

Azerbaijani Charge D’Affairs in Pakistan Dashgin Shikarov said relations between the two countries are developing and they are supporting one another’s positions in international organizations.

Shikarov said Baku praises the fact that in response to Armenia’s aggression against Azerbaijan, Pakistan does not recognize the invading country’s independence.

20 percent of Azerbaijan’s territory has been under Armenian occupation for nearly two decades.

Stressing that Azerbaijan has always stood by Pakistan, the charge d’affairs cited a number of examples pointing to the friendship between the two nations. He said that the Azerbaijani government provided assistance to Pakistan following an earthquake in 2005; a school for girls has been built in Muzaffarabad on Azerbaijani First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva’s initiative; and Azerbaijan provided financial and humanitarian aid to Pakistan following recent floods on President Ilham Aliyev’s orders.

SOURCE: Azernews - Navy chief: Pakistan will not recognize Armenia until Azeri land is freed' | Nation
Is there any specific reason why Azerbaidjan is called "land of fire"?

There are three reasons for that. The most regonized is that in ancient times, Azerbaijan was the homeland of the Zoroastrian religion. The prophet was born in Iranian Azerbaijan and his teachings were the foundation of a new monotheistic religion that spread throughout the Persian Empire. The symbol of the Zoroastrian religion was fire - and therefore the homeland of the Zoroastrians was called "Azerbaijan" (in modern spelling) meaning - "Land Of The Eternal Fire".

For some quick information watch this video:

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Nagorno Karabagh isnt directly connected by land with Armenia as can be seen from the maps, so in essence is it similar to what Nakhchivan is for Azerbaidjan? Using the air i mean.
Nagorno Karabagh isnt directly connected by land with Armenia as can be seen from the maps, so in essence is it similar to what Nakhchivan is for Azerbaidjan? Using the air i mean.

Very observing of you, you are right, its much like Naxcivan. But I must note that before the Soviet Union, Naxcivan was connected to the mainland of Azerbaijan. The Russian Empire had for centuries been working on to eradicate the Muslims from the Caucasus. Our family names were converted to Russian suffix, our mosques demolished, etc. Thats why today the Muslims in Caucasus (think of Chechens, Dagestanis, etc) want their own independent state. Stalin continued this Russian strategy and he divided the Azerbaijani lands, to make the state weak and dependent of Moscow. Stalin did this to all former Soviet states, territorial changes even demographic. In fact this fear of dependency is what kept the Soviet Union intact. When Stalin gave Azerbaijani lands to Armenia, hundred thousands of Azerbaijanis were deported from those lands. I added two videos, the first explains the last 200 years in the Caucasus history. The second is a short documentary (10 min), it explains in detail how the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia started.

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well my azeri brethren even though i hold absolutely no hatred against the Armenian people but i pray that u kick their a**es out of ur land. that is how fairness dictates it to be. and on another note cud some1 plz tell what stance Azerbaijan holds on Kashmir? just curious. i have read some1 saying its pro Pakistani but any official links? just wanna know who else in the world shares our view about the land of my forefathers
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