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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Shusha comes into NK proper..it was hard won..so i doubt azeri will give up anything on negotiation
Russia has played its card. It doesnt see any benefit in giving armenia anything apart from save withdrawal and avodiance of any civilian blood shed

Nothing has been set in stone as yet and i could say is that would be my best guess . Because without some guarantee from third party over clear threat of superior Azeris military prowess it would be hard to sell some sensible negotiaton senses to thick skull of the armenian .
When i said policing regime it would be running in the border area not the whole districts . I guess i'm simply couldn't articulate thing clear enough before ...
I suspect products of HIT taxilla falling on Armenian occupiers. Just guessing.
I dont know if wr have provided any thing or i mean i dont see what we can offer that turkey cant.

However its some moral support and some diplomatic support that we can offer
I dont know if wr have provided any thing or i mean i dont see what we can offer that turkey cant.

However its some moral support and some diplomatic support that we can offer

You offer the diplomatic support of 215 million people and their nuclear weapons.

That’s enough warning for any power to not get involved.
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest

It is Putin's shenanigans. He saw Armenia losing and wants to provide a face-saving way to hold onto territories in Karabagh. More like territories for Armenia in Karabagh in return for the corridor to Nahçivan. In my view, Azerbaijan should delay any discussion on the corridor to Nahçivan until all of the territories of Karabagh and surrounding regions are liberated.
Also its not mattet of life or death for azeri to get to nahcivan
U have acess via gerogia and then through turkey for example its 11 hrs via ganja through georgia to kars(turkey) & nachivan..a direct route or through iran will be 3-4 hrs..

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest

Still i am surprised the armenians gave up susha but are providing a strong resistance af agdam..seem they have no tactics or common sense
From shusha hankendi is going to get all the shelling etc..its un defendible without shusha..they should have concentrated there man power here
Also its not mattet of life or death for azeri to get to nahcivan
U have acess via gerogia and then through turkey for example its 11 hrs via ganja throuhj georgia to kars(turkey) & nachivan..

Still i am surprised the armenians gave up susha but are providing a strong resistance af agdam..seem they have no tactics or common sense
From shusha hankendi is going to get all the shelling etc..its un defendible without shusha..they should have concentrated there man power here

I feel Armenian doesn't expect Azerbaijan
to go for Shusha,
that's why they strengthen the Agdam area.
I feel Armenian doesn't expect Azerbaijan
to go for Shusha,
that's why they strengthen the Agdam area.
I think they are stuck in 1990s they thought they are warriors and azeris are pussies ...this is what i get from all their propoganda materials

But azeri spent alot on their army and training.. Its amazing pace of conquest ..

I still believe it was stupid
The classic play book was to take the south and then circle back..
Hence why armenians should have focused to protect shusha as well..

With shusha and capital gone and i doubt there is anything esle to protect ..

In essence it will be at best become a insurgency which is something that wont bother azeris..they made the tough time table to finish before the world gets back to normal from covid

I also believe that russia gave up in trying to convince armenia to compromise ..

After all russia would benefit more from solid relationship with azeris and resolution of this conflict ..
I doubt weapon sale to armenia counts they dont have the money and azeris will keep buying from them anyway
Also its not mattet of life or death for azeri to get to nahcivan
U have acess via gerogia and then through turkey for example its 11 hrs via ganja through georgia to kars(turkey) & nachivan..a direct route or through iran will be 3-4 hrs..

Still i am surprised the armenians gave up susha but are providing a strong resistance af agdam..seem they have no tactics or common sense
From shusha hankendi is going to get all the shelling etc..its un defendible without shusha..they should have concentrated there man power here
Perhaps the Armenians expected an assault on the Lachin corridor and spread their forces thinly there. I think a direct assault on Shusha, bypassing Lachin, caught the Armenians off balance. Just a possibility.
Still i am surprised the armenians gave up susha but are providing a strong resistance af agdam..seem they have no tactics or common sense
From shusha hankendi is going to get all the shelling etc..its un defendible without shusha..they should have concentrated there man power here

ARM didnt give anything up. They lost the battle. If they reenforce Shusha from Agdam, they would lose Agdam. AZE opened up new fronts and ARM could just not keep up. Very similar to the germans in WW2 when they avoided french defences and went the other way around and took paris while the french defenders were still on the french german border. lol, great play.
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest


This map is misreporting the territory seized by Azerbaijani army. Based on the latest reports from Azerbaijani ministry of defense, they're 2 KMs away from Hankendi. This is the reason why the residents in that city have fled in large numbers today.

In Gubadly region, the Azerbaijan army has already reached the border with Armenia,.

And in Aghdere and Agdam regions, the Azerbaijan army is fully operating there and cleanup operations are in progress. If one follows the reports from the Azerbaijani ministry of defense, one would fully be aware of the territories so far seized by the glorious Azerbaijan army.

Finally, the Azerbaijani army is much closer to Lancin than the map is showing.
Azerbaijan says key Karabakh town captured
AFP On Nov 8, 2020 Last updated Nov 9, 2020

Azerbaijan said Sunday its forces had captured the key town of Shusha from Armenian separatists in Nagorno-Karabakh, but Armenia insisted that fighting for the strategically vital area was ongoing.

The capture of Shusha would be a major victory for Azerbaijan six weeks after new fighting erupted over Nagorno-Karabakh, an ethnic Armenian enclave that broke away from Azerbaijan’s control in the 1990s.
The fortress town sits on cliffs around 15 kilometres (nine miles) from Nagorno-Karabakh’s largest city Stepanakert and on the main road through the region to the territory of Armenia, which backs the separatists.

Both sides have reported fierce clashes around the town in recent days, after Azerbaijani forces swept across the southern flank of Nagorno-Karabakh and pushed through its mountain passes.
In a televised address to the nation on Sunday, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced that the town had been captured.

“With great pride and joy, I inform you that the town of Shusha has been liberated,” said Aliyev, dressed in military fatigues and standing in front of an Azerbaijani flag.
He said November 8 would “go down in the history of the Azerbaijani people” as the day “we returned to Shusha”.

“Our liberation march continues. We will go to the end, until the complete liberation of the occupied territories,” Aliyev said.

– Celebrations in Baku –

Flag-waving Azerbaijanis celebrated in the capital Baku after Aliyev’s announcement, with cars honking their horns as residents crowded along city streets.

Armenian officials confirmed there were heavy clashes for the town but said the battle was far from over.
“The fighting continues in Shushi, wait and believe in our army,” Armenian defence ministry official Artsrun Hovhannisyan said, using the Armenian name for the town, shortly after Aliyev’s announcement.

Armenian defence ministry spokeswoman Shushan Stepanyan said there was “the most ferocious combat” overnight for the town, while the Armenian government said taking Shusha was an “unattainable pipe dream for Azerbaijan”.

“Despite heavy destruction, the fortress city withstands the blows of the adversary,” it said.
In the streets of the Armenian capital Yerevan, residents said they did not believe the town had been taken.
“To know who controls Shushi we will listen to the commanders of our army, not Aliyev,” 50-year-old Arman told AFP on the city’s central Abovyan Street.

“In any case I can assure you that the war will not be finished if the Azerbaijanis take Shushi.”
Shusha had been a majority Azerbaijani city before the 1990s conflict and has been a rallying cry for authorities in Baku promising to retake Nagorno-Karabakh.

New clashes broke out in late September between Azerbaijan and the Armenia-backed separatists over control of Karabakh, which declared its independence nearly 30 years ago.

That declaration has not been recognised internationally, even by Armenia, and it remains a part of Azerbaijan under international law.

The recent flare-up has been the worst in decades, with more than 1,000 people confirmed dead including dozens of civilians, although the death toll is believed to be much higher.

– Diplomatic efforts –

Fighting has continued despite several attempts by Russia, France and the United States to help reach a lasting ceasefire.

The three countries make up the “Minsk Group” of mediators that helped broker a truce between the ex-Soviet rivals in 1994 but have failed to find a lasting solution to the long-simmering conflict.
Diplomatic efforts appeared to intensify as the fighting raged around Shusha, with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday speaking by phone to Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan and French President Emmanuel Macron.

Turkey is a key ally of Azerbaijan and on Sunday Erdogan congratulated Baku after its claim of retaking Shusha, saying it was “a sign that the liberation of the rest of the occupied territories is near”.

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest

also Maps are not representative of situation..
for example if azeri just take the capital, agdam they would get 80% of area..most of the area un populated and mountainous so just the cities count

i believe the Armenians will regroup at the capital(next logical step) ..this opportunity for azeris to put pressure on other fronts especially agdam, agdere and in the north
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