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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

This does not make sense. AZE to give them road into NK so they can send more soldiers and missiles to his Azeri towns, in exchange for a corridor into nexchivan? It's madness and absurd. And just before they take the capital.
Should be a very good deal after all the territory has been taken back. Connecting Nakhichivan is of great significance for the turkic world.
ARM didnt give anything up. They lost the battle. If they reenforce Shusha from Agdam, they would lose Agdam. AZE opened up new fronts and ARM could just not keep up. Very similar to the germans in WW2 when they avoided french defences and went the other way around and took paris while the french defenders were still on the french german border. lol, great play.
They had lost their high ground 2 weeks ago; there is nothing for them to hold. Complete retreat is in effect.

There should be reinforcements to hold the territory gained but to continue forward into the additional lands occupied up to Nixavan and establish a permanent link.
Should be a very good deal after all the territory has been taken back. Connecting Nakhichivan is of great significance for the turkic world.

Ok, they get a road to nakchivan. But they give a road to armenia so that armenia can have access to Shush? Hadrut? jabrail? What in the world is Armenia going to need that for? Think about it a little. Why would Armenia want a road to AZE held cities and towns?
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