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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Armenia is running an organized campaign on social media giving the impression that they have got an edge in the conflict. Azerbaijan did the right thing probably realized earlier on that this is psychological warfare and shut down the internet. In reality Armenia is getting hammered hard and is literally begging Russia and Iran for help. Russia doesnt want another front to open up next to its border so that leave Iran helping them covertly. No one in EU and US is giving a fcuk bcz Azerbaijan has a legal claim over the N K region recognized by UN. I see this war ending with Azerbaijan getting some portion of territory and then cease fire. After few month they will replenish and start it all over again and no one will come to help Armenia again.

This is pretty much it

This will be a series of short wars and Azerbaijan will slowly take more and more territory

Legally Armenians don't have a leg to stand on and a U.N resolution specifically instructs them to leave

Armenia will find it's occupation will cost it
I think Armenia should better start using them now before it gets destroyed on the ground by Azerbaijan or Turkey attack..... they shouldn't waste any time.....

In my honest opinion only 1 power in that region can immediately turn the total gamut of the war..... Iran.....

Russia can't do much as it doesn't share land connection with Armenia.....

Both Turkey and Iran are dominating powers in that region but right now Turkey in a stand off with Greece in the west it can't afford to pick up a fight with another big boy like Iran in the east if it enters the war to help Armenia and it will surely be on the back foot..... if Turkey withdraws then Pakistan alone won't risk it's troops for Azerbaijan war who are right now deployed in Azerbaijan.....

Cutting down nakichivan enclave of Azerbaijan will be like a walk in park for Iran..... they can either keep this area as hostage and force Azerbaijan to stop the war and return back to the pre war zone if they want this enclave back or make it a separate country..... I don't understand why Iran is so quiet......
It will be a political suicide and to certain extent faith crisis will emerge if this step was taken by the iranian authority . Their best next step was a very covert ops ( which is required a money that they don't having ) since exposed helping attempt to the Armenian would bring political and religius catastrophe on Iranian allready fragile political landscape .
I think Armenia should better start using them now before it gets destroyed on the ground by Azerbaijan or Turkey attack..... they shouldn't waste any time.....

In my honest opinion only 1 power in that region can immediately turn the total gamut of the war..... Iran.....

Russia can't do much as it doesn't share land connection with Armenia.....

Both Turkey and Iran are dominating powers in that region but right now Turkey in a stand off with Greece in the west it can't afford to pick up a fight with another big boy like Iran in the east if it enters the war to help Armenia and it will surely be on the back foot..... if Turkey withdraws then Pakistan alone won't risk it's troops for Azerbaijan war who are right now deployed in Azerbaijan.....

Cutting down nakichivan enclave of Azerbaijan will be like a walk in park for Iran..... they can either keep this area as hostage and force Azerbaijan to stop the war and return back to the pre war zone if they want this enclave back or make it a separate country..... I don't understand why Iran is so quiet......

You sound desperate for a intervention
No Pakistani troops are officially deployed in Azerbaijan. Iran will not overly attack Azerbaijan. That would cause an internal rift. Russians are neutral as long as fighting is limited to NK.

I was watching news on TV and Indian news channels are reporting that Pakistan has deployed it's troops already in Azerbaijan.....
bad bad bad injun! whensoever I think bharati lies have reached their peak they go and prove me wrong

howsoever you try you will not succeed in splitting Pakistan and China. just wait till next spring thaw (tocount how many pajeets were turned in to icicles during Oct-Feb)

@HRK @AgNoStiC MuSliM
You sound desperate for a intervention

Yes if Azerbaijan is getting support from powerful countries like Turkey then Armenia too should get a support from heavy weights like Iran in my honest opinion..... Armenia must be saved......
But .... But .... According to some member here the Azeris were allready on the backfoot and repelled ?? How come they look so energetic and high moralled then ???
Are you running black campaign for Azeris here bro ?? Since he was so adamant on the Azeries misshap and losses and the Armenian positive gains ....


Is this why we see young Armenian soldiers on the battlefield, instead of veterans?

Also we have seen the video of them breaking down and crying.

You can try very hard to spin it, but the end result is Armenia failed in its invasion of more Azeri land and now has lost territory. In the coming days, they will give way more and more.

Azeris ruled all of Iran during the Safavi dynasty, which was one of the greatest and most powerful empires of all time. They went toe to toe with the Ottomans and our Mughal ancestors at their heights.
Safavid Dynasty was of Kurdish Iranic descent (from father side)
I think Armenia should better start using them now before it gets destroyed on the ground by Azerbaijan or Turkey attack..... they shouldn't waste any time.....

In my honest opinion only 1 power in that region can immediately turn the total gamut of the war..... Iran.....

Russia can't do much as it doesn't share land connection with Armenia.....

Both Turkey and Iran are dominating powers in that region but right now Turkey in a stand off with Greece in the west it can't afford to pick up a fight with another big boy like Iran in the east if it enters the war to help Armenia and it will surely be on the back foot..... if Turkey withdraws then Pakistan alone won't risk it's troops for Azerbaijan war who are right now deployed in Azerbaijan.....

Cutting down nakichivan enclave of Azerbaijan will be like a walk in park for Iran..... they can either keep this area as hostage and force Azerbaijan to stop the war and return back to the pre war zone if they want this enclave back or make it a separate country..... I don't understand why Iran is so quiet......
10 million Azeri people are living in Azerbaijan, 15 to 20 million Azeri people are living in Iran (total population of Iran is 83 million) and around 1 million Azeri are living as diaspora. Azeri people on both side of border follow Shia sect of Islam. Obviously Azeri people on both sides of the border wants that their brothers should not be killed by Armenians. We Pakistani people thinks that Armenian did the same thing to Azerbaijan what India did in Kashmir. Azerbaijan was a new country and was weak when Armenia took advantage of it by taking it over by the support of Iran, Russia and some European countries. But now they are strong enough to get back there land without any external support. They just want Ammunition supplies from friendly countries. If Azerbaijan get back their land than there will also be a chance that Eastern and Western Azerbaijan of Iran wants to join Azerbaijan. Iran is playing with fire. Actually they are playing with the feelings of people by giving support to Armenia.
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China and Russia. Don't overestimate yourself.

Sri Lanka will never forget Pakistan’s support during war

Some have already forgotten. In our language we call them "namakharam". Dont embarrass yourself and your nation kid, speak among your kind who actually know the score.
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