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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Tehran denies transfer of weapons via Iran’s soil to Armenia

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Liar liar pants on fire.

Is Armenia really this bad at air defenses lol? They've been getting crushed so hard by the Azerbaijanis ... that UAV footage was absolutely devastating to say the least.

AD and UCAV have a mutual kill ratio of about 1 to 1. For every AD destroyed, you can expect 1 UCAV destroyed, and vice versa.

But MANPADS work better against UCAV because a man sized target is small and hard for UCAV to hit.
AD and UCAV have a mutual kill ratio of about 1 to 1. For every AD destroyed, you can expect 1 UCAV destroyed, and vice versa.

But MANPADS work better against UCAV because a man sized target is small and hard for UCAV to hit.
I have only been visiting this forum today, and have never seen any posts by you before. After reading through just a few of your posts, I am sorry to say that you have lost all credibility in my eyes. And also many others who had the displeasure of reading your biased, ill informed posts devoid of facts. On top of that you keep posting the same 3 pro Armenian videos repeatedly. Aren't you tired?
NK is not part of Azerbaijan. USSR is dead. Soviet decision to transfer NK from Armenia to Azerbaijan is dead along with USSR.
NK is not part of Azerbaijan. USSR is dead. Soviet decision to transfer NK from Armenia to Azerbaijan is dead along with USSR.
You will get a heart attack. I mean all that time you spent here and such machoness I thought by now you will be on front lines on holy crusade with Candian banner
Iran has traditionally had enormous influence in Nakhchivan, the large western exclave of Azerbaijan. Partially, this is an outcome of history—Nakhchivan’s population was more Persianized than other portions of Azerbaijan.

Nakhchivan could join Iran -- a big worry for Azerbaijan.

This aerial onslaught reminds me of Turkey hammering in Syria when it was cowardly attacked by Syrians. I bet it’s Turkish operators doing same here again. I’m guessing it’s Turkey in charge of campaign so success won’t be too far now.and on Iranians role, are always a bunch of losers and spoilers and back stabbers now openly confirmed.

ABC News



Azerbaijan and Armenia brush off suggestion of peace talks
Leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia have brushed off the suggestion of peace talks, accusing each other of obstructing negotiations over the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh
AVET DEMOURIAN Associated Press
September 29, 2020, 5:17 PM
• 5 min read

This image taken from a video released by Armenian Defense Ministry on Monday, Sept. 28, 2020 allegedly shows fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces at the contact line of the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan. Armeni

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The Associated Press
This image taken from a video released by Armenian Defense Ministry on Monday, Sept. 28, 202...Read More
This image taken from a video released by Armenian Defense Ministry on Monday, Sept. 28, 2020 allegedly shows fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces at the contact line of the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan. Armenian and Azerbaijani forces fought over the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh for a second day Monday, with both sides blaming each other for resuming the attacks that reportedly killed and wounded dozens as the decades-old conflict has reignited.(Armenian Defense Ministry via AP)
YEREVAN, Armenia -- Leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia brushed off the suggestion of peace talks Tuesday, accusing each other of obstructing negotiations over the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, with dozens killed and injured in three days of heavy fighting.
In the latest incident, Armenia said one of its warplanes was shot down by a fighter jet from Azerbaijan’s ally Turkey, killing the pilot, in what would be a major escalation of the violence. Both Turkey and Azerbaijan denied it.
The international community is calling for talks to end the decades-old conflict between the two former Soviet republics in the Caucasus Mountains region following a flareup of violence this week. It centers on Nagorno-Karabakh, a region that lies within Azerbaijan but has been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by the Armenian government since 1994 at the end of a separatist war.
The U.N. Security Council called on Armenia and Azerbaijan Tuesday evening to immediately halt the fighting and urgently resume talks without preconditions. The U.N.’s most powerful body strongly condemned the use of force and backed Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ earlier call to stop the fighting, deescalate tensions, and resume talks “without delay."
Azerbaijani President Ilkham Aliyev told Russian state TV channel Rossia 1 that Baku is committed to negotiating a resolution but that Armenia is obstructing the process.
“The Armenian prime minister publicly declares that Karabakh is (part of) Armenia, period. In this case, what kind of negotiating process can we talk about?” Aliev said. He added that according to principles brokered by the Minsk group, which was set up in 1992 by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to resolve the conflict, “territories around the former Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region should be transferred to Azerbaijan.”
Aliev noted that if Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says “that Karabakh is Armenia and that we should negotiate with the so-called puppet regime of Nagorno-Karabakh, (he is) trying to break the format of negotiations that has existed for 20 years.”
Pashinyan, in turn, told the broadcaster that “it is very hard to talk about negotiations ... when specific military operations are underway.” He said there is no military solution to the conflict and called for a compromise.
But first, Azerbaijan must “immediately end (its) aggression towards Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia," Pashinyan said. “We all perceive this as an existential threat to our nation, we basically perceive it as a war that was declared to the Armenian people, and our people are now simply forced to use the right for self-defense.”
Since Sunday, the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Ministry reported 84 servicemen were killed. Aliyev said 11 civilians were killed on its side, although he didn’t detail the country’s military casualties.

Both countries accused each other of firing into their territory outside of the Nagorno-Karabakh area on Tuesday.
The separatist region of about 4,400 square kilometers (1,700 square miles), or about the size of the U.S. state of Delaware, is 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the Armenian border. Soldiers backed by Armenia also occupy some Azerbaijani territory outside the region.
Armenia also alleged that Turkey, which supports Azerbaijan, was involved. “Turkey, according to our information, looks for an excuse for a broader involvement in this conflict,” Pashinyan said.
The Armenian military said an SU-25 from its air force was shot down in Armenian airspace by a Turkish F-16 fighter jet that took off from Azerbaijan, and the pilot was killed.
The allegation of downing the jet was “absolutely untrue,” said Fahrettin Altun, communications director for Turkey's president. Azerbaijani officials called it “another fantasy of the Armenian military propaganda machine.”
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Armenia to withdraw immediately from the separatist region, and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Turkey is “by Azerbaijan’s side on the field and at the (negotiating) table.”
Armenian officials said that Turkey, a NATO member, is supplying Azerbaijan with fighters from Syria and weapons, including F-16 fighter jets. Both Azerbaijan and Turkey deny it.
Earlier in the day, Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry said Armenian forces shelled the Dashkesan region in Azerbaijan. Armenian officials said Azerbaijani forces opened fire on a military unit in the Armenian town of Vardenis, setting a bus on fire and killing one civilian.
Armenia's Foreign Ministry denied shelling the region and said the reports were laying the groundwork for Azerbaijan “expanding the geography of hostilities, including the aggression against the Republic of Armenia."
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has pushed for “an immediate cease-fire and a return to the negotiating table" in phone calls with the leaders of both countries, her office said.
She told them the OSCE offers an appropriate forum for talks and that the two countries’ neighbors “should contribute to the peaceful solution,” said her spokesman, Steffen Seibert.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said during a visit to Greece that “both sides must stop the violence" and work "to return to substantive negotiations as quickly as possible.”
Russia, which along with France and the United States co-chairs the Minsk group, urged every country to help facilitate a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
“We call on all countries, especially our partners such as Turkey, to do everything to convince the opposing parties to cease fire and return to peacefully resolving the conflict by politico-diplomatic means,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday.
Putin spoke to Pashinyan on Tuesday for the second time in three days, urging de-escalation and, like the other leaders, an immediate cease-fire.
Associated Press writers Daria Litvinova in Moscow, Geir Moulson in Berlin, Suzan Fraser in Ankara and Elena Becatoros in Athens contributed.
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it is also a lesson for us as we are willing to send our troops in support of azerbaijan but not sent our army to liberate kashmir from india,azerbaijan is not nuclear power but they forced armenia to withdraw from disputed territory and now armenia are thinking to declare this region as independent,it is cowardliness and shameful stance of our leadership that they failed to take such firm stance against indian army in kashmir after india annexed kashmir last year and our future generations will never forgive such traitor ship
Brother, I think there are some factual inaccuracy in your statements:

1. Pakistan is not sending any troops for Azerbaijan.
2. Kashmir was annexed in 1948 and not in 2019. If you are talking about some legal changes, then it doesn't make any difference on the status.
3. We have already tried multiple time to liberate Kashmir by force, but we failed except in 1948. Furthermore, thanks to our elites Pakistan get looted badly in past 3.5 decades which left us economically and diplomatically vulnerable to fight any major war. So unless you want to fight like Taliban with life of your women and infant at stake, you have to fight the battle of economy and democracy first. this 21st century. THe whole USSR got defeated and dismantled without firing a single bullet. So plan and think logically.
4. Do you really think Azerbaijan/Armenia is comparable to Pakistan India? N-K is legally accepted Azeri territory unlike Kashmir. Azerbaijan is much more powerful then Armenia. THe fire power involved can be estimated from the fact that Armenia has just 4 su30 as strike aircraft and som 12 gunships whereas Azerbaijan has 12 Mig29 and 4 mig 21 with some 17 gunships. A total of less than 50 aircrafts. In case of Pakistan an India the fire power is highly in favor of India and with the nuke involved the risk are very high. So unless you have a fool proof plan to avoid a nuclear winter and yet take Kashmir by force you have to fight this war mostly on economic and diplomatic front.
Iranians role, are always a bunch of losers and spoilers and back stabbers now openly confirmed.

4 points revealing the Iranian double game against Pakistan

1. After Kulbushan was caught by us and the Iranian connection with Indians and BLA, BLF, etc. was revealed, it became very hard for Pakistanis to give excuses to Iran.

2. Before Feb 27 incident, Iran and Afghan government mobilized their forces on our Western borsers to distract us and try to give Indians a chance to strike us. Solemani even threatened to attack Pakistan.

3. Then they brainwashed our citizens on ziarat in Iraq to join Liwa Zenabiyoun to be used as cannon fodder to replenish lost Assad and Hezbollah troops.

4. Afterwards, İran forced thousands Shia Pakistani pilgrims to go back to Pakistan, leading to the Corona epidemic we had in our country. Iran did so knowing full well what would happen.

As of late, Iranians have been very hateful against Pakistan. You can see it even here on PDF.

We need to make it clear that these antagonistic moves will be met with a swift answer.
it is also a lesson for us as we are willing to send our troops in support of azerbaijan but not sent our army to liberate kashmir from india,azerbaijan is not nuclear power but they forced armenia to withdraw from disputed territory and now armenia are thinking to declare this region as independent,it is cowardliness and shameful stance of our leadership that they failed to take such firm stance against indian army in kashmir after india annexed kashmir last year and our future generations will never forgive such traitor ship

Hold on bro, aren't you being a bit unfair?

Pakistan has created a two front war in Kashmir for India now, and China has annexed Indian held territories in Galwan.

Imran Khan has done outstanding work in setting the narrative and humiliating India in every internarional forum.

Friends of India are finally feeling Pakistani anger. Pakistan even stood firm against KSA and UAE pressure on Kashmir.

Pakistan is consolidating Afghanistan and fencing its own border, we are making GB a province so that Pakistan military can fully deploy there to protect CPEC.
Brother, I think there are some factual inaccuracy in your statements:

1. Pakistan is not sending any troops for Azerbaijan.
2. Kashmir was annexed in 1948 and not in 2019. If you are talking about some legal changes, then it doesn't make any difference on the status.
3. We have already tried multiple time to liberate Kashmir by force, but we failed except in 1948. Furthermore, thanks to our elites Pakistan get looted badly in past 3.5 decades which left us economically and diplomatically vulnerable to fight any major war. So unless you want to fight like Taliban with life of your women and infant at stake, you have to fight the battle of economy and democracy first. this 21st century. THe whole USSR got defeated and dismantled without firing a single bullet. So plan and think logically.
4. Do you really think Azerbaijan/Armenia is comparable to Pakistan India? N-K is legally accepted Azeri territory unlike Kashmir. Azerbaijan is much more powerful then Armenia. THe fire power involved can be estimated from the fact that Armenia has just 4 su30 as strike aircraft and som 12 gunships whereas Azerbaijan has 12 Mig29 and 4 mig 21 with some 17 gunships. A total of less than 50 aircrafts. In case of Pakistan an India the fire power is highly in favor of India and with the nuke involved the risk are very high. So unless you have a fool proof plan to avoid a nuclear winter and yet take Kashmir by force you have to fight this war mostly on economic and diplomatic front.

I agree with you brother. We should build our strength for now.

However if the situation arises, India is foolhardy and can easily be convinced to launch an attack on Pakistan, we in turn can nullify our disadvantages by fighting a defensive war. At the same time, China can move in and force India to spread its forces ovsr to fronts. Lreferably this should all happen in the winter, when Indian forces face the most disadvantages (as they are not used to cold.)
it is also a lesson for us as we are willing to send our troops in support of azerbaijan but not sent our army to liberate kashmir from india,azerbaijan is not nuclear power but they forced armenia to withdraw from disputed territory and now armenia are thinking to declare this region as independent,it is cowardliness and shameful stance of our leadership that they failed to take such firm stance against indian army in kashmir after india annexed kashmir last year and our future generations will never forgive such traitor ship
in a waltz? :laughcry:

Egypt (and all Arabs combined) could not beat teeny tiny Israel but Egypt alone will rival Turkey?

Turks have been fighting/killing over many decades, it's become second nature for them. Arabs on the other hand are like pajeets (big mouth, no nuts)

Lol, you put it nicely. I’m sure some where along the line they made being a Pajeet 1st nature. Arabs only think of money and let their dignity slide. Just look at the stupid UAE royal had a white man guarding his wife and she flew out with him can’t even protect their own.
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