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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Many here are saying that Azerbaijan is losing but the few advances Azerbaijan made were all in strategically important areas.
They are very near to cutting of the roads from Armenia to karabakh. That will be a major blow to Armenia and Azeri advances would take pace once it is done.
Also the Armenian propaganda videos are not coming now which shows that Azerbaijan have the upper hand and it is making advances. With the passage of time the advance will take pace as Armenian would be out of weapons and strong defences.
I can compare and Nagorno-Karabakh was never Azerbaijani. Am I the only one here that knows the story of how it was Stalin that simply on a whimm transferred the territory of Karabakh to Azerbaijan? In the 1930s. So you’re ok if I was Pakestan’s leader and decided to give Your home state to India? Literally take your whole state, people and everything and hand it to India? On a whim! In a Day?

You are comparing two completely different situations.

Nagorno-Karabakh is a conflict between two parties who got different claims. In Kashmir, both parties AGREED on how to resolve the issue but later one (India) became renegade and ignored its pledges given to the UN. How can you compare the two situations?
I wouldn't take these people seriously. They don't seem to know even the basics of the conflict. At least you should be willing to look at it with an open mind and willing to learn but not for them. Country with a GDP per capita less than 2000 day dreaming about projecting power 1000s of miles away lol.

Why dont you look among your own kind? Asked people as to who helped Sri Lanka in its war against Tamil Tigers. How many thousand miles away you are from us?

For tiny nation like yourself, you do have a very loud mouth.
Many here are saying that Azerbaijan is losing but the few advances Azerbaijan made were all in strategically important areas.
They are very near to cutting of the roads from Armenia to karabakh. That will be a major blow to Armenia and Azeri advances would take pace once it is done.
Also the Armenian propaganda videos are not coming now which shows that Azerbaijan have the upper hand and it is making advances. With the passage of time the advance will take pace as Armenian would be out of weapons and strong defences.
Azerbaijan slowly gaining the upper hand.
dont be surprised if during a war with india they invade Pakistan..
LMAO....90% of people who say this dont actually know or understand Iran. Iran has respect for Pakistan as a MUslim nation....but if some of you Pakistanis dont believe it, then thats on you.
then Russia will resupply them..
On what price ?? Between a thousand or hundred thousand dollar drone and million dollar AA defence equipment the armenian will soon find they are digging a very deep hole they could never hope to climbing it up again ...
It's a simple math really . But , it's due coming anyway ..
On what price ?? Between a thousand or hundred thousand dollar drone and million dollar AA defence equipment the armenian will soon find they are digging a very deep hole they could never hope to climbing it up again ...
It's a simple math really . But , it's due coming anyway ..

Probably for free. Russia has a s t of Soviet era AD in storage.
LMAO....90% of people who say this dont actually know or understand Iran. Iran has respect for Pakistan as a MUslim nation....but if some of you Pakistanis dont believe it, then thats on you.

Gotta love the effort you go to, to defend indefensible and hostile Iranian actions against Muslim Turkey, Azerbaycan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Arabs, etc.

Shah bash.
Cut the crap. I want areas till jalalabad and wakhan .

Iranian proxies like NA and Kabulie are history.

Afghanistan and Pakistan are headed towards merger. Azerbaycan and Turkey also. Iran has two rising Muslim powers flanking it, day by day internal troubles are brewing and proxies are failing.

It is time for Iran to try behaving like a responsible country and backing away from India, Armenia, Serbia, Assad, and stop arming Shia militias all over the ME.
Probably for free. Russia has a s t of Soviet era AD in storage.
And you'll believe your own statement ?? Come on dude . The current armenian gov was allready seen as a backstabber bunch by kremlin . And in the real world politics nothing will ever comes up free ...
I just don't know how and when ... But , i believe in my hunch . Putin would only make a moves when nagorno-karabakh area was close to atleast 50-70% retaken by the Azeris on his only CSTO's pretext . But the price his going to exert is definitely will make the armenian coughing bloods for atleast decades to come ....
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