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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Thats what it looks like. they are getting pretty desperate. ARM have taken a lot of punishment but they are still holding the line. Already they have a lot of people unwilling to fight, but that doesn't matter, they will always find enough suckers.

Here's an example of one of those quad computer drones in action.

Lol. When he saw and ran the other way from the drone and it came happily to him.
The ARM Army is leaving behind their heavy equipment at an accelerated rate!!! They're quickly returning into what they're best at - terrorism via small criminal gangs with a 100+ years of track record....

The revenge for Berde has been being served hot by hitting at the ARM military targets...

Armenia will still exists. There will be no Artsakh.
we will see about that and its aint that far away supporting an occupier had just expose your true identity an indian hiding behind my pakistani flag.
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest

An invading group of
15-25 peoples
who attempted sabotage
in the Zengilan axis
were completely neutralized.


Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest

Dead saboteur

Here are some threats from ARM diaspora. and his view on why Lachin is not going to fall. The existence of NK is a red line that would cause Armenia to destroy AZE vital infrastructure. what a curious way to think.

So he basically thinks the existence of NK is currently not under threat.

List of almost 5500 Armenian soldiers killed in the war.
Probably hackers leaked it.
Stupidity of Armenian leaders will result in the elimination of most of male Armenian population. Look at the four drone attack videos released today at Clash Report (a Turkish military/intelligence related) twitter account. Without any exaggeration, hundreds of (probably more than 500) Armenian soldiers were slaughtered/toasted just today. I don't know what the heck is really pushing the nonsense and belligrance into apparently empty Armenian skulls and what they are hoping to achieve in NK mountains. But the reality on the ground is that Azeri drones are chasing them down the mountain paths, allowing them get closer to each other or try to hide under a shelter, and then smoking them off in their hide outs. Drone operators are literlay playing with them just like a healthy cat plays with a half dead mouse that tries to meakly run here and there to escape. But the cat's paw suddenly hits it out of the blue and brings it back. These idiots will soon be exhausted, tired and torn, and half dead before the drone will hit their heads with a bomb. The only escape to safty but utter disgrace is to surrender to Azeris without getting more Armenians slaughtered. But these disgraced terrorists and bloody war-criminals really deserve to be utterly disgrace, prosecuted, and punished for the ethenic cleansing and grave war crimes that they committed against the civilian Azeri population of NK in 1990s.
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest

all these videos of the
removal of the Armenian army
are likened to the
priceless grace of God.
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