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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Both sides lost 2000+ men in the war and dozens of tanks. Let's hope cool heads prevail and the war ends for good. NK joining Armenia by referendum and comes under Russian protection is cherry on top.
NK will have to join Azerbaijan.
Those 100k people can migrate and Azerbaijan should compensate them with some money to start a new life in Armenia.
This way there would be a lasting peace.
Else it will be wars in next whole century.
Those 100k people can migrate and Azerbaijan should compensate them with some money to start a new life in Armenia.

terrorist state Armenia with Russian military support occupied Azerbaijani territory , killed thousands of innocent People and forced 1 million People to move from their lands in NK

This way there would be a lasting peace.
Else it will be wars in next whole century.

Azerbaijan will liberate NK and Armenians can not fight even 1 year
It didn't join for political reasons. NK residents all have Armenian citizenship. They didn't join because Azerbaijan by itself can't take NK. Now with Erdogan's backing Azerbaijan can take NK so that's why they will join Armenia by referendum and therefore come under Russian protection by CSTO treaty.
With out the return of Azeri people who were forced to migrate back to NK, no referendum will be acceptable to the world.
Also believed their munition has depleted to the point that a temporary ceasefire is a must.
Or the Azeri leader think that it had already won few years in the office.
Azerbaijan won't get this chance again as everyone learn from mistakes.
UNITED nations has already decided the fate of NK
Rest is all power show ..might is right
With out the return of Azeri people who were forced to migrate back to NK, no referendum will be acceptable to the value.

Or the Azeri leader think that it had already won few years in the office.
Azerbaijan won't get this chance again as everyone learn from mistakes.
Exactly ..thus well played armenia..they fought well and held their line
Now some reporrs suggest its just a temporary humanitarian seize fire
Doubt. The mountainous region is easy for ambush. It's harder for Azeris to hold in NK than it is for Americans to hold in Iraq and Afghanistan, especially considering Armenia is very heavily armed compared to Iraqi resistance and Afghan resistance.
Armenian don't have that much population like Iraq or Afghanistan in NK.
No local support and no supply lines. Also no export of democracy type slogan by Azerbaijan so it mean Azerbaijan won't have to try and make good relation with the locals.
In short a retreat will mean a retreat.
No coming back in disguise of locals.
UNITED nations has already decided the fate of NK
Rest is all power show ..might is right

Exactly ..thus well played armenia..they fought well and held their line
Now some reporrs suggest its just a temporary humanitarian seize fire

Yes, it's temp to exchange bodies and stuff. Some reports that skirmishes are till ongoing.
This is what i was on about ... Soon as the Azeris walk in talks they will loose ... N they have already lost. Now the ceasefire next step is that western powers will chuck in some deals n Azerbaijan will loose won battle. ..
Azerbaijan is stopping now while they were winning this war? Is this "ceasefire" real?
This is a ceasefire negotiated by Moscow. Objective is to exchange dead bodies and POWs. Then, start negotiation for NK. There's no time limit for cease fire.....

My take aways:
  • It's an extremely temporary settlement
  • Armenia started it. Now, she has to convince her own dwindling folks
  • Setback is tremendous for Armenia. To compensate it won't be easy. Already 16-years olds have been sent to the front. Morale is already low
  • Azerbaijan will only go up militarily. She urgently needs AD systems to save her pipelines. Turkey is already ready with HISAR-O (40-50Km) , but HISAR-U (100km+) is the need of the hour. AF needs to be beefed up further (may be JF-17s on an urgent basis)
  • Some relief for Turkey and Pak too
  • It's like "slow and steady wins the game"
  • Not bad for the first real gain from AZ's POV
  • etc.
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Russians never allowed Muslims to be heavily armed ..... stop lying
in 1991 even there were only 2 Azerbaijani Pilots for Cargo Planes and in 1990s Russians withdrew all MIG-29s from Azerbaijan ..... In 2007, however Azerbaijan took delivery of the first of MiG-29 Fighters

on the other hand many christian Armenians were Generals in USSR Armed Forces and Russians the 366th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 23rd Division supported Armenia against Azerbaijan to occupy Nagorno Karabakh

even still Russia protect Armenia and there are 7.000+ Russian troops , dozens of Fighter Jets , Attack Helicopters and Air Defense Systems in Armenia

You are full of liar ....

Azerbaijan took around 20% of occupied territory back and Armenia just cried to the US , France and Russia to stop Azerbaijan Armed Forces

cowardly terrorist state Armenia only fire Missiles on innocent Civilians in Azerbaijan .... nothing else

Azerbaijan liberates more occupied territory day by day

My friend I think Russians will arm anything who can pay them be it a Muslim country or other.... Look at Egypt how heavily they are being armed these days from Sukhoi 35, MIG 29, T-90 etc.... During Saddam time see how heavily they armed Iraq.... In spite of India buying regularly from them they supplied PAF JF17s with engines, MI17 and MI 35 choppers and may possibly supply Sukhoi 35s....
There is news that Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed on Ceasefire.

If this is true then hats off to Armenia for their bravery..... Azerbaijan with full of modern weapons, support from regional dominating power like Turkey could not defeat Armenia who is smaller, landlocked with no support except lip service from the world.....still they stood, fought and protected their integrity.....
As long as Azeri territory is returned, then there should be no issue with peace. Armenians can withdraw to their UN recognized borders and leave Azerbaycan.

Furthermore, Armenia should take action against all terrorist, militant groups which function in Armenia, who are fed vehement anti-Muslim and anti-Turkish brainwashing.

Such war-like statements and rhetoric should not happen in the future. Time for Armenia to make peace with its neighbors and to accept its reality.
Azeri army lost dozens of drones to Armenian Su-30SM air superiority fighters which are armed with R-77-1 long range BVR missiles.

They could lose hundreds, and it literally wouldn't matter. Drones were created to be disposable, their entire purpose was to replace manned air craft.

If Armenia is willing to waste BVRs to destroy drones, then I'd take that as a victory for Azerbaijan.

Drones can be replaced easily, pilots cannot.

both, do they manufactured all their munitions, espeically large calibre shell?
I'm unsure about large calibre munitions, but I'm sure they have factories for at least small arms and ammunition manufacturing.

This is what i was on about ... Soon as the Azeris walk in talks they will loose ... N they have already lost. Now the ceasefire next step is that western powers will chuck in some deals n Azerbaijan will loose won battle. ..
Once again, the ceasefire was not meant as a negotiation one, though Russia and France will certainly try and push for it. This was ONLY meant for prisoner exchanges and body retrieval. Fighting will likely resume, once this exchange is complete.

Unless there is an agreement that Armenia will immediately leave all occupied regions, I don't see Azerbaijan agreeing to even meet with negotiators.
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