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Azam swati and his wife's bedroom videos they sent to their daughter and wife. This is low...ahh

his name tag does say NASEER though :-) and he has one star I guess? I don't know how to read shoulder badges
There could be many NASEERs
Watch major adil rajas vlog if you want to know about dirty Harry's background
Well i guess the real dajjali face of our establishment is exposed. Having observed their deeds, ive said it many times, these ppl are agents of freemasons and worahippers of dajjal. Allah in souro ko tabah o barbad karay.
To All the Common members of this forum I have 2 general questions related to the future of Pakistan Army, If anyone of you could respond

Army as an Institution would ever be able to absolve itself for the crimes committed by current leadership ???


Army as an Institution would share the burden of the criminal doings of their leadership for the next 3-4 decades ???


@PanzerKiel I know it is not a right thing to tag you in this thread and I am sure that you also feel the same indignation, displeasure & resentment on this incident as all of us are feeling, but sincerely my purpose to tag is to get my question heard/read
Well i guess the real dajjali face of our establishment is exposed. Having observed their deeds, ive said it many times, these ppl are agents of freemasons and worahippers of dajjal. Allah in souro ko tabah o barbad karay.

These khaki monsters have lost all dignity and respect. Now they only have Zardari, Bilawal, Maryam, Sharif and Donald Lu as their admirers.
To All the Common members of this forum I have 2 general questions related to the future of Pakistan Army, If anyone of you could respond

Army as an Institution would ever be able to absolve itself for the crimes committed by current leadership ???


Army as an Institution would share the burden of the criminal doings of their leadership for the next 3-4 decades ???


@PanzerKiel I know it is not a right thing to tag you in this thread and I am sure that you also feel the same indignation, displeasure & resentment on this incident as all of us are feeling, but sincerely my purpose to tag is to get my question heard/read

Just like the khaki men couldn't absolve themselves from previous crimes like BD, OBL and political meddling this is just another addition. There is only one future for khaki monsters. Back into the baracks.
what do you expect from a fauj that live and die for a plot!!!

this is not a professionally Army this is a mafia! the biggest meanest evil Mafa in Pakistan all the worse from Pakistan joins this Khanzeer institution so they can GET A FUCKING PLOT!!!!!!
please qualify your comment to only those who run the security agencies.
the rest have no part or say in it. they serve on the borders and on training grounds without public interaction.
who is getting this beating so badly ???

Whoever it is, but for sure that person and his whole family will hate army more than shaitaan. More than half of suicide bombers were created due to hatred. The army have done heinous crimes against pashtuns and all of that will come to bite them. Zulm ka hisab barabar hota hay, may Allah destroy these snakes.
Since anger is for the political meddling from a few, my guess is that if the next COAS does not insist on continuing the stream of political misadventures, then the feeling of resentment will soon go away. Especially if new establishment could manage tangibly free and fair election free of rigging and all people trust the elections, then recovery of repute will be very quick I think.

Though managing elections is not their domain but we all know they do it.
So for the last time to atone, they need to compensate by using their notorious influence to ensure no rigging.

There is no absolution for an army that has been double dealing for most of its existence. Pakistan has suffered at the hands of an army that has been promoting itself as the sole saviour. In reality, this rogue army has been playing all sides for personal gain.

The most immediate solution is abandoning the Pak army from any interference in political matters. They must return to their baracks including their COAS. As long as generals continue to meddle in politics nothing good can happen.
Whoever it is, but for sure that person and his whole family will hate army more than shaitaan. More than half of suicide bombers were created due to hatred. The army have done heinous crimes against pashtuns and all of that will come to bite them. Zulm ka hisab barabar hota hay, may Allah destroy these snakes.

PTM wasn't crazy after all. Of course there is always some level of nuisance in every story. Nevertheless, generally PTM demands weren't entirely crazy.
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