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Ayn Al-Arab or so-called "Kobani"?

Do you prefer the original name Ayn Al-Arab or so-called Kobani?

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btw these turks are so full of BS. their media, thir people, the day will come when we see justice. Peshmerga deserting is just BS, thousands of Peshmergas volunteered to go to Kobane.

man your "media" or so called fantasy tv is really BS how can you say that turkish TV is BS its far beyond any kurdish fantasy TV.. man PKK flee with dress, pershmerga flee.. that is normal.. send their your woman and they wont flee :)
On second thought, I would like to change my vote to kobani. I don't want to hear that the eye of the Arabs (ayn al Arab) has been defeated lol.
No, Kobane will be defeated and it will return to its original name Ayn Al-Arab :lol:
9 of them escaped during the dinner from the restaurant. Caught in the woods by security personnel.

A number of others complained about food sickness and stomach hurts, but later checked by doctors, doctors found nothing.

IŞİD'le savaşacak Peşmergeler kaçmaya kalkıştı
Haha, parading through Turkish cities, but when the Kobane border comes closer, their heroism get's that much smaller. :lol: And these mountain goats want to run a country
did you pray and thank for the US airstrikes, western material support and Turkey's permission to let Peshmerga into Syria? don't forget to give credits where due :)

of course would not be possible without support from US
Let Arabs and Turks call it Ayn al Arab, while Kurds and most western countries (based on their media reports on the city) call it Kobani, it doesn't matter much in this case.
What is "you" here? I have ancestral ties to Iraq.
Yes Assyrians, Chaldeans and Arameans are closer to other locals than they are to people from Jordan, KSA, Egypt, Palestine, Italy, Georgia or Bahrain. Very shocking.

Yet those people cluster more with the Arabs of those regions than any Kurds. Besides what you are saying just confirms that Kurds are a recent invention and just a mixture of Anatolians, Semites, Iranian migrants to the ME, Turks etc. Hence why recorded Kurdish history is so new.

Fact of the matter is that all of Northern Syria and Northern Iraq was inhabited by Semitic people and civilizations (originally migrating from the nearby Arabian Peninsula and Levant) long before anything called Kurd or Farsi existed and that you Kurds or others cannot suddenly erase that history and call it "Kurdish land" just because you inhabit it today. That's the main point here.

In such a case certain districts/neighborhood of Sao Paulo are "Arab land".

Anyway the official name is Ayn Al-Arab. Kurds can call it Stalingrad or Kobane if you want to. Won't change the official name or history of that area though.

I am not part of your Turkish-Kurdish dick contest here either and don't "support" anyone.


West Asians are generally much closer and similar to eachother, doesn't matter Syrian, Palestinian, Turk, Kurd, Armenian etc.
Assyrians for instance are closest to Armenians than anyone else and they are close to Jews aswell. Kurds are close to both. Hurrian input. It got nothing to do with Semitic genes or anything. It's pretty obvious that it would have been the Kurds that came over the Assyrians since they are such a small group and not vice versa since the time of the Medes, Assyrians have been influenced by Kurds.

Kurds are mainly Iranic, Kurds and Persians are closest to eachother I think. But Kurds are also very close to the anicent Hurrians that they also have as ancestors. The Mitannis were indo-european and they were there 2000 years before the arrival of Iranic groups and ruled a large kingdom. The Zagros mountians that includes alot of Northern Iraq is where Kurds ancestors first lived which were these Hurrian groups like Gutians, Lullubis etc. The Semitics lived in the plains more southwards like Ninveh closer to the two main rivers. There were constant wars between those small kingdoms on the mountains and the much larger ones on the plains. The word Kurd is according to prof Izady first refered to in an Summerian tablet meaning mountain dweller meaning for thsoe tribes that lived on Zagros regions. The Iranic groups mixed with the Hurrian groups, time went the Median Empire along Babylon invaded and crushed the brutal Assyrians. The Kurds ended up much further westwards like in Duhok, Erbil etc, which is today main Kurdish cities. Many lived Nomandic lives aswell further expanding into the west like into some parts of Syria.

Then if you really mean what you say shouldn't you go say that to your Turk buddies? Who changed the names of every single rock and water particle in Anatolia?

The reality is that Kurds are living and fighting in Kobane not Arabs, of course there are some. But it's Kurds and Kurds have been calling it Kobane since they first inhabited that land. It's mainly Kurds that are dying there and sacrificing their lives for the town, not Arabs. But the hatred people got for Kurds makes them change all their perceptions.
Let Arabs and Turks call it Ayn al Arab, while Kurds and most western countries (based on their media reports on the city) call it Kobani, it doesn't matter much in this case.
It does matter. That piece of last land is still part of Syria. The Kurdish terrorist pkk took advantage and declared Ayn al-Arab as independent enclave. From whom did they ask permission?
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It does matter. That piece of last land is still part of Syria. The Kurdish terrorist pkk took advantage and declared Ayn al-Arab as independent enclave. From whom did they ask permission?

when Daesh declared Islamic state whom did they ask for permission ?
well once Kurdistan is finally recognized they can name it whatever they want

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I thought the US doesn't recognize terrorist states?

raping? I didn't know that there indian fighters too :cheesy:

Indian autists have these dreams of going there, using their ancient Brahmin superpowers (depicted in their ancient book) to kill 500 million ISIS fighters, and then save these poor, oppressed Kurdish women and making them their wives.

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