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Ayn Al-Arab or so-called "Kobani"?

Do you prefer the original name Ayn Al-Arab or so-called Kobani?

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From the almighty!

Daesh Al Baghdadi - hear voices ?? lol

I thought the US doesn't recognize terrorist states?

The Zionist coalition - Turkey, US propped up 'moderate ' rebels - Fake Syrian Army (FSA) is losing grounds and has been weaken by JAN and Daesh. Kurds are USA's boots on the ground, when the "not so moderate" rebels get decimated, USA has a choice either dump the Kurds or give them independence . P/S US prefers the oil pipe lines in Syria- Iraq to be under the US friendly Kurdish control

Ayn Al-Arab....

This is another perspective , many people will hate this post.... but it is something to share

It is Called Ayn Al-Arab and known to Kurdish settlers as Kobani.

The Kurds living there today, are the descendants of the same Kurds who committed the genocide against the Christians on the promise that they could keep all Christian properties as the spoils of war. In other words, these very same Kurds are the descendants of the likes of ISIS. After killing Christians, they followed their paths of flight and settled among them, eventually outnumbering them and claiming their new home as being Kurdish from the beginning of time when so-called "Kobani" was only founded several decades ago by Armenians, NOT Kurds!

This same history is true of the city of Qamishli, which was founded by Syrian Christian survivors of the genocide perpetrated at the hands of Kurdish militias and citizens who responding to a call for jihad against all Christian citizens massacred men, women, children and the elderly turning entire rivers red from the amount of blood they spilled, rounding up Christians and burning them alive, beheading men, raping women and taking children as slaves.

This is the real history of the Kurds of Ayn Al-Arab and Qamishli, two towns founded by Christians fleeing the Kurds and ultimately colonized by Kurds fleeing their Turkish allies and masters who after promising them the spoils of war crushed Kurdish ambitions to turn historically Syrian lands and ancient Christian regions into a Kurdish homeland.

I suppose those who support the Kurdish claims to the ancient Syrian heartlands of Mesopotamia will tomorrow support recognition of the Islamic State occupation of lower Mesopotamia."
raping? I didn't know that there indian fighters too :cheesy:
their holy book says it's ok to rape and murder :cheesy:

and they get 72 virgins in paradise for blowing themselves up too :cheesy:
Erdogan doesnt have any card. HE, HIMSELF IS THE CARD.
Anyway the good point of this article is about Kobani name
Uneducated people about the subject in Europe believe kurds were the first populations

That shows, according to my opinion, that people should live together and not being ethnico obsessed

As said Syrianlion, our region has a bloody history
lot of populations civilizations have lived there and there, together or not, and for exemple Christians have been persecuted clearly in the region .

Erdogan anyway, as you say about, having a very bad opinion against him in Western world
i don't think he played the smart card even if sometimes his speech is good .. but you know ... you can say ten good sentences if you say one bad sentence people will remember the bad one ;)
Anyway the good point of this article is about Kobani name
Uneducated people about the subject in Europe believe kurds were the first populations

That shows, according to my opinion, that people should live together and not being ethnico obsessed

As said Syrianlion, our region has a bloody history
lot of populations civilizations have lived there and there, together or not, and for exemple Christians have been persecuted clearly in the region .

Erdogan anyway, as you say about, having a very bad opinion against him in Western world
i don't think he played the smart card even if sometimes his speech is good .. but you know ... you can say ten good sentences if you say one bad sentence people will remember the bad one ;)
western sources.... read them, but take it with a grain of salt. they always look through their own interests and biases. Even if you make multiple truthful statements, they are not always gonna listen to your voice. Until now i have seen many biased articles, not a single western article that expresses Turkey's point of view objectively, always half true and/or subjective. It has become clear that if you want to have a positive imagine in the western media, you should follow and do whatever their govts want from you :)

most importantly, whenever the west and its media objects and causes problems for Turkey, it almost always means we are on the right track. wouldnt be surprised one bit if foreign powers are behind encouraging the pkk to break the peace deal.
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Ayn Al-Arab....

This is another perspective , many people will hate this post.... but it is something to share

It is Called Ayn Al-Arab and known to Kurdish settlers as Kobani.

The Kurds living there today, are the descendants of the same Kurds who committed the genocide against the Christians on the promise that they could keep all Christian properties as the spoils of war. In other words, these very same Kurds are the descendants of the likes of ISIS. After killing Christians, they followed their paths of flight and settled among them, eventually outnumbering them and claiming their new home as being Kurdish from the beginning of time when so-called "Kobani" was only founded several decades ago by Armenians, NOT Kurds!

This same history is true of the city of Qamishli, which was founded by Syrian Christian survivors of the genocide perpetrated at the hands of Kurdish militias and citizens who responding to a call for jihad against all Christian citizens massacred men, women, children and the elderly turning entire rivers red from the amount of blood they spilled, rounding up Christians and burning them alive, beheading men, raping women and taking children as slaves.

This is the real history of the Kurds of Ayn Al-Arab and Qamishli, two towns founded by Christians fleeing the Kurds and ultimately colonized by Kurds fleeing their Turkish allies and masters who after promising them the spoils of war crushed Kurdish ambitions to turn historically Syrian lands and ancient Christian regions into a Kurdish homeland.

I suppose those who support the Kurdish claims to the ancient Syrian heartlands of Mesopotamia will tomorrow support recognition of the Islamic State occupation of lower Mesopotamia."
To be fair though the armenians were attacking the kurds during ww1 because they were being used by russia against the ottomans.

If anyone is going to pay war reparations from ww1 it should be krg, and pkk lol.

They are so low that the pkk party in the turkish parliament wants turkey to recognize the "armenian genocide".
We have seen arguments in this thread saying why the town should be called ayn al arab but i havnt seen an argument as to why it should be called kobani.
To be fair though the armenians were attacking the kurds during ww1 because they were being used by russia against the ottomans.

If anyone is going to pay war reparations from ww1 it should be krg, and pkk lol.

They are so low that the pkk party in the turkish parliament wants turkey to recognize the "armenian genocide".
We have seen arguments in this thread saying why the town should be called ayn al arab but i havnt seen an argument as to why it should be called kobani.
Nobody should pay reparations. You only pay that when you loose a war. Only thing what Ottoman Army did was relocate the Armenians because they sided with the Russians. The Russians recorded that Armenians were committing massacres on the Muslim locals to create a panic effect to empty the lands and create greater Armenia. If anybody should pay war reparations it is Armenia.
Nobody should pay reparations. You only pay that when you loose a war. Only thing what Ottoman Army did was relocate the Armenians because they sided with the Russians. The Russians recorded that Armenians were committing massacres on the Muslim locals to create a panic effect to empty the lands and create greater Armenia. If anybody should pay war reparations it is Armenia.
I agree but the pkk is being cheap and wants Turkey to pay for something that didn't even happen. Shows how low they are.
Armenia should pay ,they killled 1-2million.
I agree but the pkk is being cheap and wants Turkey to pay for something that didn't even happen. Shows how low they are.
Armenia should pay ,they killled 1-2million.
PKK tactic is to damage and discredit Turkey. I doubt they care about the truth. It is just realpolitik. Somehow these PKK Kurds expect help from us while doing everything (in their power) to damage Turkey and her interests.
When Turkey actually contributes to the defense of the town, they can have a say in the name. If they wait for it to be depopulated by ISIS, f*** off.

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