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Awww! No Fried Chicken For US Soldiers In Afghanistan?

The VC were nearly decimated after the 1968 Tet Offensive. The South Vietnamese massively turned against them after the atrocities they did in many towns and cities they temporarily occupied in that same offensive.

Yet that also changed the perception of the war back home.. leading to a PR defeat.
You might want to try to stop Pakistan's airspace abuse.

well you should have told that to osama when they invaded your air space in 2001.

back to topic pakistan should close the routes and cooperate closely with Mr Putin to stop chicks going in to afghan starve american soldiers and their intimate needs
Ah...So now it is an 'infraction'. The administrative hammer was wielded. Toodles...
Ah...So now it is an 'infraction'. The administrative hammer was wielded. Toodles...

you should know the rules by now you went offf topic and no ddoubt must have been reported lol.

back to topic I think pakistan and russia should stop supplies throgh both routes and only open them on russian and pakistani terms.
Join a military. Piss US off. Then you will find out. The hard way.

I guess the other option would be to become your ally..... apart from the latest gung ho....the Australians, Canadians and the British could testify to that. !!
Typically, for a military in a foreign land, it's hard to beat an insurgent group and anyone applying guerrilla warfare.

A country fighting and insurgent group at home is not too difficult.

Even my country beat one backed by a formidable country once.
you should know the rules by now you went offf topic and no ddoubt must have been reported lol.

back to topic I think pakistan and russia should stop supplies throgh both routes and only open them on russian and pakistani terms.

I see that it's always like: Pakistan and Russia, Pakistan and China....

As if they do anything keeping you in mind, as if you are an equal player.

The famous rule of mathematics (courtesy India of course):

X+0 = X

You don't add any value. Russia or China with or without you will do exactly the same, what is in their interest.
I see that it's always like: Pakistan and Russia, Pakistan and China....

As if they do anything keeping you in mind, as if you are an equal player.

The famous rule of mathematics (courtesy India of course):

X+0 = X

You don't add any value. Russia or China with or without you will do exactly the same, what is in their interest.

what you smoking mate. Please try thinking beforee you type. Your hatred for pakistan just seeps through.

Their are two routes to afghanistan one via curtosy of russians, one through pakistan. Russians want concessions of america re missile shield, If both Russia and Pakistan coordinate their response to america , american troops would not be able to stay in afghanistan long term,
Is that too complicated for a troll like you to understand. Oh by the way india dont count. our forefathers made sure india dont have a border with afghanistan This strategic piece of land is no longer known as india. It has been since 1947 and will remain Pakistan:pakistan::pakistan:
what you smoking mate. Please try thinking beforee you type. Your hatred for pakistan just seeps through.

There is no hate. I assure you.

Their are two routes to afghanistan one via curtosy of russians, one through pakistan. Russians want concessions of america re missile shield, If both Russia and Pakistan coordinate their response to america , american troops would not be able to stay in afghanistan long term,

Is there any indication Russia takes Pakistan's counsel when it decides what to do in this case?

You are painting a hypothetical scenario here. And behaving as if it is a reality.

Is that too complicated for a troll like you to understand. Oh by the way india dont count. our forefathers made sure india dont have a border with afghanistan This strategic piece of land is no longer known as india. It has been since 1947 and will remain Pakistan:pakistan::pakistan:

You people are so obsessed with "strategic location".

If only you could think it has been a bane rather than a boon.

And that for a thousand years and more....

Only trolls use so many flag smileys when they have nothing else to say.

In your own case, you took so much trouble to leave that same land, didn't you? ;)
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