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Awami govt proved again - they are indian stooges

We did not fight for independence only to be merged with another country.

Don't even think about that again.

Pagans praised you as "true Bangladeshi" but your comment forced me to think whether you are really a Bangladeshi or not.

@ leonblack

Nope, 'm Bangladeshi. You can check my National ID. But I said that out of depression about my green BD. Also, it's true that I always feel sad for that we have a small land and small power. This is my weakness that I want to live in big land and want big powerful country but don't know why. That's why I'm much enthusiastic about visa free access. I like big countries. I said for the Brother Nation to get the feelings of big land and big power, also which could be beneficial for both Pk n Bd. But whatever! I get frustrated when I see that there is no hope where my dream about my BD cannot become true.

My dream about my BD is like these but, sad, no hopes.

I want to see a self dependent powerful Bangladesh.
I want to see Bangladesh which won’t dominated by other countries like India.
I don’t want to see weaker Bangladesh than its neighbors.
I dream that Bangladesh will send a rocket in space one day.
I dream a Bangladesh which will achieve a lot of success in Economy, Medical, Computer science, bio-technology, chemistry and space technology.

But India is very hopeful country in these case so I appreciate India for their achievement and trying. I respect their scientist.


U r right that we have same race, geography or language.
But remember that we surely don't have the same mentality and cultural.

# We r very generous and liberal nation. But everyone know that India is not that much liberal and generous. India is not generous at all and the example is our water and land disputes.

# We r Muslim, so our cultural value and ur are not same. Our culture is not like ur Hindi serial and Bollywood movies. We have different social values.

# We never poke our nose in other nations internal matter.

# 98% Bangladeshi laugh at the people of Calcutta for their miserly nature. Where, no doubt, u can't imagine, that how much generous are Bangladeshis in case of spend money and sacrifice for others compare to people of ur Calcutta.

So BD and India cannot be merge but possible theoretically if India could be very very generous to us. I believe India and BD can be friend for economical strategy but true friendship is not possible unless India will change its narrow mind. So India is not good as our friend but u could be my good friend as some Indians are not bad for us.

But Pagans, whatever, u want to marge BD with India, so it means u
like BD. So Thanks.
brotherbangladesh is a "Yes Sir" personality. He agrees to everything to everybody. :smitten::smitten:

Ya, may be. I have a problem that I can not say 'NO' as I m bit generous and liberal. But I ,really,do not like India for their mean mind.
i strongly disagree. real binding force of Bangladesh is their culture not ISLAM. we have seen it in 71 where bangladeshi united to protect their language and freedom.

Language and freedom in Bangladesh did not have conflict with Islam. The culture of Bengalis in Bangladesh has a unique edge that was shaped by the influence of Islam. You will find that when you go to the real countryside of Bangladesh. Language issue did not have anything to do with Islam, except the fact that we were oppressed and Islam tells us to fight against oppression. In that sense what Bengalis did was Jihad against Pakistan. Do not get overwhelmed by the Pakistani information propaganda that tries to advertise Urdu as an Islamic language. Language has no religion. Bengali, Hebrew, Urdu, Hindi are as Islamic as any other language in the world. The only language which has slightly better position among Muslims is Arabic and that is understandable. All other languages including Urdu, Bengali are same to all Muslims. Religion is part of the culture as any hindu Bengali won't be able to deny that. At the same time for Muslims, Islam is the culture while incorporating parts of their own pre-Islamic culture that do not contradict Islamic principles and are influenced by the geography, climate, means of agriculture into the Islamic way of life is absolutely permissible in the eye of Islam.

Overwhelming majority of Bangladeshis support Awami League but when Awami League lost the election around 2001 I think they realized their mistake and when they were running for the election one year ago, Awami leaders assured the public that they will not do anything that goes against any Islamic laws or Islam!. This just shows that Bengalis in Bangladesh are not extremists but they are surely religious and modest in nature. The conflict with Pakistan had nothing to do with Islam and you'd never hear any of Sheikh Mujib's speeches where he tries to invoke any sentiment against religion. The grievances were economic, political and racial and totally non-religious in nature. Language issue had also nothing to do with Islam. West Pakistanis wanted Urdu as the sole national language with local roots so that it becomes easier for them to exclude Bengalis from the power structure and also deny the middle class Bengalis from economic opportunities as Bangla was the dominant if not the only medium of communication between people in Bangladesh. Urdu was never spoken in this land. That's why we protested for our own survival against the Pakistani corruption and dominance. I hope you get the real story here.
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Well why dont India joins Bangladesh??? We could start with few states. Cant we?:)

Yes, until only a few decades ago, the entire north india upto Peshwar used to be known as the Presidency of Bengal. So, why not re-unite part of India with Bangladesh and rename it United States of Bengal. It is a very good idea.
I would be grateful if you provide an authentic link.


Illegal Indians in Bangladesh
Thursday May 26 2005 14:46:21
Mohammad Zainal Abedin from Bangladesh

Though Indian government and its print media relentlessly try to prove that the Bangladeshis are intruding into India daily, and Indian BSF (Border Security Forces) personnel engage try to push the Indian Bengali speaking Muslims to Bangladesh, the reality is totally otherwise.

According to the available reports, lakhs of Indians hailing from Indian states of West Bengal, Meghalaya, Assame, Tripura, Mizoram are illegally staying in Bangladesh庸rom urban to the rural areas. These states are extremely poor and the Indians come to Bangladesh in search of job and better living.

Most of these Indians enter Bangladesh without passport or visa, take shelter in the houses of their relatives. In order to justify them as Bangladeshis they collect certificates and other documents from the respective authorities with the help of their relatives or the agents in exchange of money.

In course of time they start to claim that they are Bangladeshis. Some Hindus, those who do not have relatives in the urban areas introduce themselves as Muslims and provide fake permanent addresses to justify them as Bangladeshis. Due to identical language, physical appearance and structure, none doubts that they are Indian Hindus. So they can easily live in Bangladesh illegally.

In the urban areas these Indians outwardly work in buying houses, garment factories,fashion houses,freight and forwarding agencies, educational institutions, computer training centers,restaurants, advertising agencies, bars and hotels, beauty parlours , guest houses, private firms and business houses. Some of them work as car and taxi drivers and even rickshaw pullers. I personally came across more than one hundred rickshaw pullers in Dhaka City over the last couple of months.

It is learnt that some of these Indian are the agents and operatives of Indian intelligence agency由AW (Research and Analysis Wing) and they are involved in carrying out subversive activities.They are involved in money laundering,檀oondy・and smuggling creating devatating effects on the economy.

Besides their outwardjobs, they might have been planted in Bangladesh to carryout sabotage.

It is apprehended these RAW agents might be engaged to create anarchic situation in the
country before and after the forthcoming general elections. Abrupt increase of political killings in the country, particularly robbery in Dhaka in recent days, indicates presence of such people in Bangladesh. Arrest of nine Indian from the venue of Prime Minister痴 scheduled meeting at Lakhsam proves the huge presence of RAW agents and operatives in Bangladesh.

It is difficult to ascertain the real figure of the Indians in Bangladesh who are scattered in the rural areas also. To justify the huge presence of the Indians in Bangladesh and the problems that are being surfaced let me quote a report of a Dhaka傭ased daily. The Choddogram Correspondent of the daily reported that about 1,100 hundred Indians illegally reside in Choddogram, a Bangladeshi Upazila that shares border with Indian state of Tripura. ]

Indians hailing from Tripura state illegally live in all the 14 unions of the Upazila. Tripura lags behind Bangladesh in every sector, having no infrastructure, particularly in the border areas. Indians daily labourers come to Bangladesh illegally to have work, sell and buy commodities in Bangladeshi bazars and meet their relatives living in Bangladesh.

Due to massive intrusion of the Indians local people of 舛hoddogram・Upazill are becoming jobless, as the Indians work in exchange of lower remuneration than their Bangladeshi counterparts. Workers of almost 80 per cent saloons of Choddogram are Indians. These saloon workers live in Bangladesh illegally.

Many Indians are working in tea-stalls, hotels, groceries, clinics, garment factories, construction and agriculture farms. Many of them work as tailors, bus-conductors, cobblers, carpenters, masons, rickshaw pullers, etc. These Indians reside in Bangladesh enjoying the blessings of a number local influential people.

These Indians are involved in various crimes and anti-social activities. As the Indians do not have any permanent address, they commit various types of crimes, including murder, theft, robbery, rape and just sneak into Indian soil. These Indians bring narcotics like wine, ganja, opium, phensedyl, etc. from India while they smuggle ornaments, diesel, edible oil to India.

Most of these Indians are Hindus. Many of them married local girls belonging to poor families and live in Bangladesh. Some of them left their wives along with three to four children. These children deserted by their Indian fathers live subhuman lives and involve them in anti-social activities to earn their livelihood.

Choddogram is not the only Upazila, where illegal Indians reside permanently. They are available in almost all the villages of Bangladesh if there is at least one Hindu family. There prevails strong public opinion in Bangladesh in favour of arresting all the Indians who illegally enter Bangladesh and live here.

No Indian was ever killed by Bangladesh Rifles when they intruded into Bangladesh. But a survey confirms that 337 Bangladeshis were killed, 466 wounded, 491 kidnapped and 68 women raped during the last five years. BSF detained 467 Bangladeshis while they were either working in their fields or bathing or fishing in the common rivers during the same period.

Bangladeshis cannot go to plough their lands near the border with India. They even cannot fish or bathe in the common rivers. Indians plunder their houses, cattle, paddy fields, and other valuable belongings. India pushes her Bengali speaking Muslims branding them as Bangladeshis.

Under the situation, the government should immediately detect and nab the illegal Indians to avert disruptive activities in the country. It is apprehended that most these Indians will be enrolled in the voter痴 list of the coming elections and they may play a vital role to elect the party of Indian choice. So these Indians should immediately be detected and deported to India. Otherwise it will be difficult to expel them in future.*
# We r very generous and liberal nation. But everyone know that India is not that much liberal and generous. India is not generous at all and the example is our water and land disputes.

What exactly is generousity? Let me tell you why you cannot expect India to be generous. THe strength of Indian federation or any federation for that matter depends on how well the interests of states are protected by government. India cannot alienate its own people by beign 'generous' for Bangladesh overlooking one of it's state's economy.
Lets the facts about water usage come out after joint surveys. We still dont know what equitable distribution of water(in this case) is and whether it is in being or not.
brotherbangladesh is a "Yes Sir" personality. He agrees to everything to everybody. :smitten::smitten:

# I like India for two or three reasons and hate India for some reasons.

# I hate USA for some reasons and also like for some reasons

# I like Pakistan for many reasons like their culture and literature but dislike them for their stupid politicians in past. I strongly believe that they lost us just for their fault in politics and discrimination to us in past. Can u imagine that they used to force us to use Urdu instead of Bangla where they had no right to do that? How silly they were cos they were not aware of other's sentiments. But now both have understood their fault and I like them.

# Can u guys say why many people in BD who were support the war 71 but now say that it was a wrong? I think the cos is that they are frustrated and now feel small power or weak like me. Also Pakistan is now failure in many cases but I have bit weakness to them.

# I like China for many reasons but dislike them also. Cos they r so cool in international politics. China is bigger than India in power and size then why India shows dominating attitude and China is so cool? China should take the control of Asia and I will support them cos they are our friend.

# I like Japan cos they are friend of us and may be of all. But I dislike Japan very much also cos they have no hot blood. Can u imagine that USA nuke Japan just for test their nuke's efficiency but they said nothing to USA and even do not hate USA? But they have capability to stand against USA with the help of China. Why they are so peaceful and do not want to do International politics where India is always busy to become a superpower. Germany is also cool.

So, U could see that I say sometimes against someone and sometime on behalf someone.
# I like India for two or three reasons and hate India for some reasons.

# I hate USA for some reasons and also like for some reasons

# I like Pakistan for many reasons like their culture and literature but dislike them for their stupid politicians in past. I strongly believe that they lost us just for their fault in politics and discrimination to us in past. Can u imagine that they used to force us to use Urdu instead of Bangla where they had no right to do that? How silly they were cos they were not aware of other's sentiments. But now both have understood their fault and I like them.

# Can u guys say why many people in BD who were support the war 71 but now say that it was a wrong? I think the cos is that they are frustrated and now feel small power or weak like me. Also Pakistan is now failure in many cases but I have bit weakness to them.

# I like China for many reasons but dislike them also. Cos they r so cool in international politics. China is bigger than India in power and size then why India shows dominating attitude and China is so cool? China should take the control of Asia and I will support them cos they are our friend.

# I like Japan cos they are friend of us and may be of all. But I dislike Japan very much also cos they have no hot blood. Can u imagine that USA nuke Japan just for test their nuke's efficiency but they said nothing to USA and even do not hate USA? But they have capability to stand against USA with the help of China. Why they are so peaceful and do not want to do International politics where India is always busy to become a superpower. Germany is also cool.

So, U could see that I say sometimes against someone and sometime on behalf someone.

Clear headed indeed !
What exactly is generousity? Let me tell you why you cannot expect India to be generous. THe strength of Indian federation or any federation for that matter depends on how well the interests of states are protected by government. India cannot alienate its own people by beign 'generous' for Bangladesh overlooking one of it's state's economy.
Lets the facts about water usage come out after joint surveys. We still dont know what equitable distribution of water(in this case) is and whether it is in being or not.

U could understand that what is generosity if u could be a Bangladeshi or think from our point of view. I meant that India have lack of generosity on their attitude toward us, for example like what BSF doing with us but BRD dose not do that with Indians and many others examples there are like trade issue.
What exactly is generousity? Let me tell you why you cannot expect India to be generous. THe strength of Indian federation or any federation for that matter depends on how well the interests of states are protected by government. India cannot alienate its own people by beign 'generous' for Bangladesh overlooking one of it's state's economy.
Lets the facts about water usage come out after joint surveys. We still dont know what equitable distribution of water(in this case) is and whether it is in being or not.
In our eyes the west Bengal people are very miser and nasty. We are opposite, we try to be generous as much as possible in our daily life among friends and relatives. There are many jokes about these miser GHOTIS of west bengal. These jokes are said by our Hindus who go to Kolkata time to time. Our Hindus do not like the chatracters of these ghotis.

We do not think other Indians are any different from the Kolkattawalas. So, when these people go into politics or into govt bureaucracy, they cannot come out of the mindset their culture has helped to build. Therefore, when it is negotiations on the BD-India bi-lateral relationship, this cultural trait of the Indians comes out very sharply, because the Indians do not know any better.
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# I like India for two or three reasons and hate India for some reasons.

# I hate USA for some reasons and also like for some reasons

# I like Pakistan for many reasons like their culture and literature but dislike them for their stupid politicians in past. I strongly believe that they lost us just for their fault in politics and discrimination to us in past. Can u imagine that they used to force us to use Urdu instead of Bangla where they had no right to do that? How silly they were cos they were not aware of other's sentiments. But now both have understood their fault and I like them.

# Can u guys say why many people in BD who were support the war 71 but now say that it was a wrong? I think the cos is that they are frustrated and now feel small power or weak like me. Also Pakistan is now failure in many cases but I have bit weakness to them.

# I like China for many reasons but dislike them also. Cos they r so cool in international politics. China is bigger than India in power and size then why India shows dominating attitude and China is so cool? China should take the control of Asia and I will support them cos they are our friend.

# I like Japan cos they are friend of us and may be of all. But I dislike Japan very much also cos they have no hot blood. Can u imagine that USA nuke Japan just for test their nuke's efficiency but they said nothing to USA and even do not hate USA? But they have capability to stand against USA with the help of China. Why they are so peaceful and do not want to do International politics where India is always busy to become a superpower. Germany is also cool.

So, U could see that I say sometimes against someone and sometime on behalf someone.

And I like you. BTW, how old are you, brother? you seem like a very clean hearted person, who happens to be novice in understanding the international politics. Just to let you know that MBI Munshi is a very enlightened man in IND's role at BD's creation along with Idune to me. I guess they are reaching in a consensus by now even if W Pakistani politicians hadn't made those so-called mistakes, PAK still couldn't stay united. Infect it was given birth in a way in 1947 that it had to break up. Vasha Andolan, Six Points were just means to toward that ends, thanks.
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With letting RAW and indian intel operating inside Bangladesh, Awami govt not only violated law and sovereignty but also lined up Bangladesh, its people against potential revenge. ULFA military wing chief indicated that much yesterday. In Assam there are still broad support for ULFA and aspiration of independence. By being indian stooge Awami govt made Bangladesh party to indian internal conflict and pushing Bangladesh fighting indian war. Bangladeshi people should hold Awami league and Hasina responsible for any future blow up.

Rajkhowa did not surrender, he was trapped in a sting operation

Under constant monitoring since then, Indian intelligence agencies gathered that the plan was to get Rajkhowa along with aides Raju Barua, Raja Bora and their families and the wife and daughter of Shashadhar Chowdhury to cross over into Myanmar. From there, ends had been tied up for the group to be taken to Bangkok where they would reassess matters.

The escape effort included a long bus ride from Cox’s Bazaar to the Bangladesh-Myanmar border. It is here where agencies involved in the operation decided to intervene and have someone impersonate as a representative of Rajkhowa’s local contact.

This worked out and a person contacted Rajkhowa’s group just before they were to board a public transport bus as instructed by their local contacts.

Pretending to be someone who had been sent by the contact, the impersonator told them that there has been a change in plan for the better and the group did not have to undertake the arduous journey by bus because “Toyota vehicles” had been arranged.

It’s learnt that Rajkhowa and his aides did initially suspect foul play but were convinced by the impersonator who then brought them to the vehicles. But before boarding the vehicles, Rajkhowa had doubts and seemed to backtrack after consultations with his aides. At this point, sources said, other members of the operation joined in and overpowered Rajkhowa and others, put them in the vehicles and drove away.

Thereafter, sources said, a decision was made not to hold the group any longer in Bangladesh and they were taken on a long drive to the Indo-Bangladesh border post in Meghalaya where they were handed over to BSF authorities. From here, they were taken to Guwahati. Rajkhowa and others have been in custody since December 2.

Rajkhowa did not surrender, he was trapped in a sting operation - Express India

Are you at least ashamed to say that RAW is controlling your country. Then as a citizen of BD and if you cannot do anything about it you should be ashamed of yourself.

If RAW is in control of your country, then your countless post against RAW and India in this forum won't gave any better for your country than your own personal satisfaction.

Are you at least ashamed to say that RAW is controlling your country. Then as a citizen of BD and if you cannot do anything about it you should be ashamed of yourself.

If RAW is in control of your country, then your countless post against RAW and India in this forum won't gave any better for your country than your own personal satisfaction.

Nice try to put reverse spin, but people are not naive. Bangladesh more or less successfully defended against RAW and indian design for last 38 years, until this Awami stooge govt is installed. Everything RAW is doing because they are provided safe passage by these Awami stooges. So RAW is not in control its Awami stooges and awami stooges are largely controlled and influenced by dhotis in in india. That's the root of the problem.

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