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Average Indian male consumes 33 litres of alcohol /year: WHO

I have limited experience as I have worked for and been around, only one Indian family but it was a large family running a large business and I don't think any of them drank alcohol. I know Hinduism does not necessarily prohibit it but the OP surprises me as I have never thought of Indians, no matter what their religion, as being big drinkers.

The Indian immigrants that you get over there are usually of a certain type. Generally studious or nerdy kinds. Obsessed with jobs, business and money.

There is a huge population of the other kind in India.

Beer all the way for me. Have to drink at least 2 litres a week. Budweiser is my favourite :enjoy:
I have a huge wine collection . buy them all from nasik . then drive them down :)
There are some new wines shops which are quite modern unlike those theka wines, you can go around and select the bottle you want in the displays they nowadays are selling wines like Sula wines etc.
Try Punjab , Haryana and Delhi

You'll find people in the queue taking swings at each other to get there first :lol:
Yes but you cant beat the mallus ,their daily scehdule ,brush teeth in morning down a 90 ml (called madras punch) bottle neat in one go ,rip open an water packet drink it ,take some achar or some hot stuff with hand and they are away to work.In Evening its the same thing but the drinking is a bit slow.
I drink whisky and whisky and whisky .... :enjoy:

wine only with pretty :girl_wacko: :man_in_love:

Beer only in summers :cheers:
everyday i drink 2 quarters... past 2.5 years...can some one calculate for me ? :D
Get your LFT(liver function test) (Kidney function test)KFT tested first, if you drink what you say everyday for past 2.5 yrs you must have got enlarged liver with SGOT AND SGPT levels high perhaps cirrhosis of liver.
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thanks for ur concern bud, i sweat it out in the morning for 2 hours (running, jogging and then walking back home) liver still doing fine, i drink 5 days a week saturday and sunday off. U know where i work?
workout and all is fine, still thats a lot of alcohol considering you drink 5 days a week continously for 2.5 yrs. What kind of work are you intO? Don't tell me its Wine tasting:p:
There are some new wines shops which are quite modern unlike those theka wines, you can go around and select the bottle you want in the displays they nowadays are selling wines like Sula wines etc.
I know i go to a place called "liquor vault" opp green park , or alternatively you can go to inorbit mall .

You should visit a Indian wedding in UK. They drink like there is no tomorrow.:D
I had an ex , she was a Punjabi . ... Now i am Goan by ancestry and we are know for our drinking capabilities. but when she made me a patiala peg i was ..... lets say mildly surprised :lol:
I know i go to a place called "liquor vault" opp green park , or alternatively you can go to inorbit mall .
We normally go to those dhabas in medchal and pick our liquor near old bowenpally, nice shops there.Will try those stores you said.
I have limited experience as I have worked for and been around, only one Indian family but it was a large family running a large business and I don't think any of them drank alcohol. I know Hinduism does not necessarily prohibit it but the OP surprises me as I have never thought of Indians, no matter what their religion, as being big drinkers.

Most don't but some people drink like tankers. Also it depends on person's state.People from Punjab, Haryana and Kerala are heavy drinkers while a conservative Gujarati has a higher chance of being a teetotaler.

Unrelated rant:

Anyway most of WHOs or for that matter UN studies ( i am taking about you UNRWA ) studies suffer from serious methodological deficiencies, either inadvertent or deliberate in order to benefit allied NGO's. Once they tried to fudge data about AIDS prevalence in India and was called out by Indian government after which they were forced to retract their studies.
Get your LFT(liver function test) (Kidney function test)KFT tested first, if you drink what you say everyday for past 2.5 yrs you must have got enlarged liver with SGOT AND SGPT levels high perhaps cirrhosis of liver.
Atually it should be GGT and SGOT. SGPT is not so specific for alcholism.Btw about kidney , not that much harmed in alcoholism.
Atually it should be GGT and SGOT. SGPT is not so specific for alcholism.Btw about kidney , not that much harmed in alcoholism.
Are you sure it's not the other way round? IIRC, SGOT is contributed by other organs, while SGPT is contributed exclusively by the liver. Hence, high SGPT is indicative of liver cirhossis, one of the most common adverse effects of alcoholism. SGOT can be elevated even due to strenuous exercise.

(I'm not sure about any of this, I could be wrong.)

And what else do we drink here.....??
I suppose Indians also drink water, once in a while.:rolleyes:
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