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Average Indian male consumes 33 litres of alcohol /year: WHO

Then go kill yourself Ex Indian:bunny:

Our ppl have a history that goes back thousands of years.
* Our- Indian.

Our People - I ain't one of your People ! :bad:

A geographical and linguistic India just as the Americas and Africas isn't the same as the State of India ! :crazy:

Just because Akbar had the bright idea of annexing Kashmir doesn't make me an Indian nor us the same People ! :P

Trust me Amii if it was not you I would not even indulge in such mudslinging, I hate comparing languages and food.
You and me 're definitely not experts in this field.
But since I've more practical experience than you so you've no option other than accepting my claim that Indian and Pakistani cooking styles 're similar.:-)

Oh please just because you've microwaved a few dishes and served half burnt naans to your friends and family doesn't make you an expert on food ! :p:

I guess it means when you dont understand hindi and poegham how'll understand urdu??? :coffee:

It means 'I don't understand Hindi so speak to me in Urdu' ! :)

Beraagharak kar diyaa Pashto ka ! :disagree:

consoler smiley.gif

I thought by now you would have developed enough resistance,I guess it can be attributed to your cola addiction.
So what if you dont drink alcohol and fag??
You still 're an addict.....COLA-addict.

My name is Armstrong and I'm a Cola Addict ! :(

Your name is Levina and you're a veggie addict kiyun keh aaap haaar waqat ghaaas (grass) khatiii rehteiiin hain ! :bunny:
What is the date today?? April 1st ???

If he was a mod in pdf then I was the ADMIN of pdf. :D

No... seriously..... I think he couldn't resist the temptation of trolling and requested to step down.... 2 years back i think

I think he was TTjr
Our People - I ain't one of your People ! :bad:
Deny it a 100times but thats the truth.
You ARE an Ex-Indian. :-)

Armstrong said:
A geographical and linguistic India just as the Americas and Africas isn't the same as the State of India ! :crazy:

Just because Akbar had the bright idea of annexing Kashmir doesn't make me an Indian nor us the same People ! :P
I dont know why Kashmiris like givibg themselves airs??? :coffee:
Akbar...no-Akbar.Pakistan was non existent before 1947 and till then you and your ppl were Indians.

Armstrong said:
Oh please just because you've microwaved a few dishes and served half burnt naans to your friends and family doesn't make you an expert on food ! :p:
Jealousy!! :coffee:

Armstrong said:
My name is Armstrong and I'm a Cola Addict ! :(
You're living a life worst than that of a drunkard.
Armstrong said:
Your name is Levina and you're a veggie addict kiyun keh aaap haaar waqat ghaaas (grass) khatiii rehteiiin hain ! :bunny:
I am a proud vegetarian!!
No... seriously..... I think he couldn't resist the temptation of trolling and requested to step down.... 2 years back i think

I think he was TTjr
soo he was a TINK-TONK???
But I think ppl like sparkyy and few others like you deserve title of a Think tank.There're many TTAs here who're biased and make preposterous statements,I call those TTAs TINK-TONKs. :D
Deny it a 100times but thats the truth.
You ARE an Ex-Indian. :-)

I dont know why Kashmiris like givibg themselves airs??? :coffee:
Akbar...no-Akbar.Pakistan was non existent before 1947 and till then you and your ppl were Indians.

India was non-existent before the British came here ! :sarcastic:

Just because there is an Indo-Iranian linguistic group or the idea of a geographical India much like the Americas or the Africas doesn't take anything away from the fact that India was never a Nation but a subcontinent of Nations and just because you guys had the bright idea of superimposing the idea of a linguistic and geographic India onto the State of India doesn't make the twain synonymous ! :p:

Jealousy!! :coffee:

Indeed ! :agree:

You're living a life worst than that of a drunkard.

I am a proud vegetarian!!

A Vegetarian is a Drunkard who goes 'Sabziiii.....sabziii' all the time ! :whistle:
Are you sure it's not the other way round? IIRC, SGOT is contributed by other organs, while SGPT is contributed exclusively by the liver. Hence, high SGPT is indicative of liver cirhossis, one of the most common adverse effects of alcoholism. SGOT can be elevated even due to strenuous exercise.

(I'm not sure about any of this, I could be wrong.)

I suppose Indians also drink water, once in a while.:rolleyes:
In cirrhosis AST:ALT ratio is >2.
Try Punjab , Haryana and Delhi

You'll find people in the queue taking swings at each other to get there first :lol:
aha! But you'll never find such kind of a fight for liquor in kerala,because we are atmost disciplined and shares brotherhood when it comes to liquor buddy :drag::drag::drag:
I have limited experience as I have worked for and been around, only one Indian family but it was a large family running a large business and I don't think any of them drank alcohol. I know Hinduism does not necessarily prohibit it but the OP surprises me as I have never thought of Indians, no matter what their religion, as being big drinkers.
in india people who drink, might drink a bit too much but overall vast majority of people dont drink. so you are right about it. I dont believe this stupid stats.

Congrats guys:cheers: @ SpArK,@ Seiko,@nair and all other mallus:We did it comrades!



'Queue' in front of Kerala's state owned beverages outlets
this picture depicts everything I hate about commies... same picture in west bengal except people in lungi.
Being a college student and moreover from a defence background....old monk is my call.The aroma, especially when it comes in glass bottles is like heaven
this picture depicts everything I hate about commies... same picture in west bengal except people in lungi.

Actually this is a direct fallout of Congress in all its wisdom deciding to close down around 400 bars in Kerala making the ques in front of govt run wine shops longer.
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