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Authorities Seal Several Murree Hotels For Jacking Up Room Rent !

I remain optimistic about Pakistan. The nation hit rock bottom years ago so it can only get better. Humanity is not abandoned by its creator, just yet.
Me too. The young are good but it's the older people especially the molvi class that have hijacked Islam. Humanity and all of Pakistan.

The sooner they die the better
I can demand 100,000 per room and it's up to the customer to agree or not. Notiing wrong in that.
We tend to forget that we don't live in socialist era/Bhutto era anymore. This is capitalism. It's all about demand and supply.
Due to judiciary/police/bureaucracy inefficient we face shortage of schools, hospital, hotel, tourism spots etc.
The solution is to have more of everything due to our population expanding more then ever, and make the process of acheiving it easy.
This is all fine until someone's life and health is at stake, we are not socialist but at the same time we are not blood thirsty capitalists either.
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Me too. The young are good but it's the older people especially the molvi class that have hijacked Islam. Humanity and all of Pakistan.

The sooner they die the better
Why bring religion everywhere? The society can only take so much abuse and not everyone can become a collateral.
they will transfer this mess in young generation before dying
regardless your biggest challenge remains your own flesh n blood. good luck with that. the previous dragged you lot out of cultural sensitivities, the new lot will leave you to the elements and move forward.
Why bring religion everywhere? The society can only take so much abuse and not everyone can become a collateral.

regardless your biggest challenge remains your own flesh n blood. good luck with that. the previous dragged you lot out of cultural sensitivities, the new lot will leave you to the elements and move forward.
You are saying to me why bring religion into it.

Woooow. Now you are a rogue molvi. ????
This is all fine until something life and health is at stake, we are not socialist by at the same time we are not blood thirsty capitalists either.
Your right, but then why ask for a reasonable amount, it was an emergency as lives were at stake, room & food should be for free.
Well these Animals will be let out by bigger animals sitting in courtrooms !! It is the Law of Jungle country after all. :disagree:

To all those morally bankrupt people who say price gouging is ok,
then they DO NOT know the FIRST THing about their religion and what it actually says about Price Gouging. These are disgusting, vile creatures who have Muslim names but in reality are worst than animals. Even animals abide by some rules.

By the way, price gouging is a CRIME in Australia. THANK YOU.
Well these Animals will be let out by bigger animals sitting in courtrooms !! It is the Law of Jungle country after all. :disagree:

To all those morally bankrupt people who say price gouging is ok,
then they DO NOT know the FIRST THing about their religion and what it actually says about Price Gouging. These are disgusting, vile creatures who have Muslim names but in reality are worst than animals. Even animals abide by some rules.

By the way, price gouging is a CRIME in Australia. THANK YOU.

No one gives a hoot about their deen as long as the notes are coming in
No one gives a hoot about their deen as long as the notes are coming in

Unfortunate but very true. I wonder if these vile creatures know that when they die, they will NOT take this paper money with them to their graves. Their wives, their kids are going to forget them in one month times as if they never existed. And it would be very interesting to see how these creatures are going to explain their vulgarity to God on the day of judgement, and see if they will try to bribe God with their paper money, Gold, and land.
they will transfer this mess in young generation before dying

Murree needs regulation, it's been going on for too long and ignored because of certain self interests and excuses. I think we can all remember when as children and college students we would go visit Murree, yes it was congested still, and yes it had a small element of "chachoora pan" but these days it looks like a farce.

The hotel room prices and overpriced eateries are just one example, regulating Murree will also have a positive impact on human trafficking, especially with a view to exploitation of young children (street begging) and women. 1989 sey suntey aa rahe hain... "Murree ko behtar karain gay"... It's not 2022...

Sadly since I can remember, in addition to couples, families (young and old), school/college/uni and tour groups - Murree attracts criminal elements of society being a tourist trap and being a tourist trap, both local legitimate businesses and the criminal element exploit the visitors for maximum profit.

Until you can root out the criminal element and corruption (protection rackets, prostitution, child exploitation, price hiking etc)... You cannot resolve the issues that plague Murree without doing this. Sadly there are a lot of people complicit in all of this and criminality and bureaucracy both converge at the same sordid apex when it comes to making money and protecting self interests.
Murree needs regulation, it's been going on for too long and ignored because of certain self interests and excuses. I think we can all remember when as children and college students we would go visit Murree, yes it was congested still, and yes it had a small element of "chachoora pan" but these days it looks like a farce.

The hotel room prices and overpriced eateries are just one example, regulating Murree will also have a positive impact on human trafficking, especially with a view to exploitation of young children (street begging) and women. 1989 sey suntey aa rahe hain... "Murree ko behtar karain gay"... It's not 2022...

Sadly since I can remember, in addition to couples, families (young and old), school/college/uni and tour groups - Murree attracts criminal elements of society being a tourist trap and being a tourist trap, both local legitimate businesses and the criminal element exploit the visitors for maximum profit.

Until you can root out the criminal element and corruption (protection rackets, prostitution, child exploitation, price hiking etc)... You cannot resolve the issues that plague Murree without doing this. Sadly there are a lot of people complicit in all of this and criminality and bureaucracy both converge at the same sordid apex when it comes to making money and protecting self interests.
we paksitanis think our country is beautiful so tourists will rush to our country once we open up . lollz we are stupids having natural beauty is only one of many requirement to having tourist hub
dubai have natural beauty ? no they dont Egypt have valleys like our no they dont have . Thai land have glaciers like ours no they don't have .

tourism need security
clean and access to sites
great hosteling hospitality
connectivity via air land and sea
tourism need freedom of choices
tourism need to respect all cultures let them drink dance or do whatever in law
tourist must feel safe in case of emergency host country will rush to help SOS

here what we have only natural beauty
just go any bathroom a guy will sitting asking for 2o rupees
call police there will no one came they say this not our area we don't have even unified emergency number like 911
we all know our tourism hospitality and rude people with scrap food on tourist locations .
check hotels and food they act like thugs
we have very bad roads to visit from muree to khunjrab pass
and we have 0 respect of other cultures
i see my self street guys stop and keep watching if a gori on street like they have seen khalai makhlooq
in my native village once i see Turkish tourists bus people gather are saying look oyee gory ayee hain :hitwall:
all in all we are some 200 years away from a civilized country yet .

this kind of tourism only serve paksitanis whom have no choice to to go any other country .
Unfortunate but very true. I wonder if these vile creatures know that when they die, they will NOT take this paper money with them to their graves. Their wives, their kids are going to forget them in one month times as if they never existed. And it would be very interesting to see how these creatures are going to explain their vulgarity to God on the day of judgement, and see if they will try to bribe God with their paper money, Gold, and land.
May Allah forgive us
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So far 16 Hotels in Murree have been sealed and other culprits capitalising on the calamity have been captured.

Price gouging during a crisis should be a crime if it isn’t already.
Humanity is lost.
There should be criminal charges against these mofos.
Sadly this has always been the case, we are fortunate that a family member has a small house near to Nathia Gali that we can use when on holiday, but friends told me that even before the snowfall the rates were 15,000 for 2 bed occupancy room.

During snowfall we have seen evidence of receipts for rooms (double occupancy) 25,000/30,000. For comparison, the price of a room at Marriott Islamabad is 36,000. This is completely unacceptable and just goes to show there are no checks and balances.

A dear friend opened his summer house and loaned it to RMC for their staff to sleep in whilst they were clearing the snow, there are many such houses and hotels laying empty, the locals SHOULD have opened their doors to the suffering citizens the moment they discovered there are blizzard like conditions outside.

Unbridled greed and apathy at the human condition is what drives this indignant behaviour. I hope even more hotels get sealed and a list is being complied of those who will have criminal charges brought up against them.
Allah hamaaray haal per reham karay. Extremely painful revelations are surfacing.

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