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Austria Retiring 15 New Eurofighter Typhoon Should Paf buys them for airsuperiority

not again please...... you dont even bother reading what i wrote.
I dont bother to read some who mention China military product just based on a manpack experience. I can even bet whatever you source to get the manpack is not even thru proper China state military channel.
Today i saw i news that Austrian government is decided to phase ourt EF 2000 due to cost factor and they don't have Enemy at their borders and eminent need of jets

Pakistan Airforce lacks in airsuperiority role and deep strike capability these 15 EF 2000 Can fullfil our needs until we get new fith generations jet and these jets will come at lesser price as second hand jets top of it they can fire any New air to air missile like IRIST MATADEOR etc which F 16 cannot yet

Top of it until we get new twin engine 5th generation jet our pilots can gain experience in twin engine jet of EF 2000 calliber and somewhat we can counter Rafale if India with this aqusation

KSA should buy them
Another Euro fighter thread ? PAF will not induct anything till J31 so forgive us from 30 + pages of brain drain

Neither of which is warranted unless comes with genuine honest intent, not too common for Indians on PDF these days.

As for the Su-35, no one in the PAF ever really considered it seriously; the only one talking about is a semi-literate defence minister who is more a polical drama generatic buffon than a useful member of the defense procurement system.
And as i am sure you know this thread is nothing but a joke , the PAF wont chose the euro fighter due to its costs . :)
So the Su35 is dropped then?

Su35 is expensive. Russians are not going to provide any subsidy the way Americans and Chinese do

Neither of which is warranted unless comes with genuine honest intent, not too common for Indians on PDF these days.

As for the Su-35, no one in the PAF ever really considered it seriously; the only one talking about is a semi-literate defence minister who is more a polical drama generatic buffon than a useful member of the defense procurement system.

The Su-35 is powerful combat aircraft. I never thought it made financial sense for the PAF to acquire it. Financial situation changes all the time. I am assuming Russia and Pakistan have good relations to pull the deal off.
Today i saw i news that Austrian government is decided to phase ourt EF 2000 due to cost factor and they don't have Enemy at their borders and eminent need of jets

Pakistan Airforce lacks in airsuperiority role and deep strike capability these 15 EF 2000 Can fullfil our needs until we get new fith generations jet and these jets will come at lesser price as second hand jets top of it they can fire any New air to air missile like IRIST MATADEOR etc which F 16 cannot yet

Top of it until we get new twin engine 5th generation jet our pilots can gain experience in twin engine jet of EF 2000 calliber and somewhat we can counter Rafale if India with this aqusation
there have been second hand typhoon on market from quiet some time, issue again is cost, setting up a couple of used squardons~ 36 will still cost 4 billion dollars(vs brand new 6-7B $) than the issue of availability of used typhoons is also there would they allow you to get used typhoons
lastly india would do all it can to block such sale with more incentives to European countries
not really sure if PAF has the budget for such acquisition. With development of JF-17 block 3, setting up an Aviation city and work on 5th gen. fighter, I doubt there is anything left in the PAF kitty to go for these jets.
In July 2017, the Austria Defense Ministry announced that it would be replacing all of its Typhoon aircraft by 2020. The ministry said that continued use of its Typhoons over their 30–year life–span would cost about €5 billion with the bulk being for maintenance. It estimated that buying a new fleet of 15 single–seat and 3 twin–seat fighters would save €2 billion over that period. Austria plans to explore a government-to-government sale or lease agreement to avoid a lengthy and costly tender process with a manufacturer. Possible replacements include the Saab Gripen and the F-16.

Will 15 Euro Fighters will do the Job??? these are Tranche 1 Aircraft can these be upgraded to Tranche 3A?? and buy new ones from UK to make the numbers to 36??
old are available with other countries including italy that have been used less than 10% of their frame
issue is still cost we dont have 4billion dollars for typhoons
If the Europeans can't afford it then how could we do, Austrians are selling old ones to save 2 billion dollars of maintenance by buying new one. PAF would be mad of even looking at them.
If the Europeans can't afford it then how could we do, Austrians are selling old ones to save 2 billion dollars of maintenance by buying new one. PAF would be mad of even looking at them.

5 Billion Euro of Maintenance in 30 Years i think PAF can Afford that

old are available with other countries including italy that have been used less than 10% of their frame
issue is still cost we dont have 4billion dollars for typhoons

But is Italy Selling them??
other than rest of hurdles spare parts are also the biggest issue..because buying is the one thing and very expensive maintenance is the other thing... therefore lets be practical and forget about it
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