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Australians view on China

Anyway this thread is very stupid, and was obviously made to stir up trouble. A simple fictional movie was made and then Hafizzz takes it and makes a thread saying "THIS IS WHAT ALL OF AUSTRALIANS THINK ABOUT CHINA"

That's bloody absurd. It's a film made written by 1 person, not 22 million people. Also China isn't even mentioned in the movie, it's not about China.

Quite frankly I think everyone is too caught up in the new "Red Dawn" and they automatically made the connection.
Anyway this thread is very stupid, and was obviously made to stir up trouble. A simple fictional movie was made and then Hafizzz takes it and makes a thread saying "THIS IS WHAT ALL OF AUSTRALIANS THINK ABOUT CHINA"

That's bloody absurd. It's a film made written by 1 person, not 22 million people. Also China isn't even mentioned in the movie, it's not about China.

Chill buddy, none of us here have taken it seriously.
Yes, and if you watch the video... the author of the books specifically refused to give the "nationality" of the invaders BECAUSE he didn't want it to fuel racism.

So it's not racism at all, in fact it's probably the other way round.

Kudos to the author for being sensitive. Unfortunately the invaders were still portrayed as Asian.

I think I'm a bit tired of the China/Russia attacking the U.S./their European allies genre. Why can't they make a movie about the U.S., which became ultraconservative under the successive reigns of the Teapartiers, invading an ultra-liberal Europe? I am aware that Canadian Bacon sorta had this premise but I want a darker, grittier version :azn:
Kudos to the author for being sensitive. Unfortunately the invaders were still portrayed as Asian.

I think I'm a bit tired of the China/Russia attacking the U.S./their European allies genre. Why can't they make a movie about the U.S., which became ultraconservative under the successive reigns of the Teapartiers, invading an ultra-liberal Europe? I am aware that Canadian Bacon sorta had this premise but I want a darker, grittier version :azn:

The invaders were asian because we are surrounded by Asian countries, did you expect Africans?
I don't see how China comes into it? They don't put a country to the force in the movie on purpose. Most people picture the invaders to be Indonesians as the guy suggested above, as they are closest and most aggressive threat to Australia.

Here is the review of the film :

The film, and John Marsden’s original novels, are coy on the matter of who the invading force happens to be – but all indications are that they are most likely the communist Chinese, potentially with the aid of other southeast Asian forces. Tellingly, Marsden apparently dedicated the most recent book in the Tomorrow series to “the people of Tibet, East Timor and West Papua” … all of whom have been invaded either by China, or Indonesia. For an in-depth look at the controversy over this project in Australia, I strongly advise watching the interview below with Marsden – who talks about the novels and the film, and discusses the political implications of both. Expect this exact same controversy to play out once this film is released in the U.S. – assuming that’s allowed to happen.

It’s fascinating to me that films like this are suddenly getting made right now (e.g., Salt) – although certainly a great many more of them are getting made outside Hollywood (and America, generally) than from within. [In American films right now, fears of foreign invasion are currently being sublimated into the science fiction alien invasion genre. See my exchange with the LA Times' Patrick Goldstein here.]

Most recently, for example, it was an Australian production team that made Mao’s Last Dancer, which is in theaters right now (see the LFM review). Mao’s Last Dancer deals with a ballet dancer’s defection to the United States, in a much-celebrated case that even involved the intervention of (then) Vice President George H.W. Bush, and yet it was apparently impossible for that film to be made here in this country by American filmmakers.

So we now apparently have a case where a kind of ersatz remake of Red Dawn, made by Australians, may actually hit theaters before MGM’s ‘official’ Red Dawn remake (due to MGM’s complex financial situation). Personally, by the way, I’m still waiting for Chris Morris’ incredible new film Four Lions to get its U.S. release (see the LFM review); that release seems very much up in the air, sadly, due to frightened domestic distributors.

So what’s going on here? I think it’s this: that the climate for freedom-oriented filmmaking is actually better these days outside the United States than within. What a shift that represents. And what a tragedy.

Let’s hope Tomorrow When the War Began gets a U.S. release. We’ll be keeping an eye on this story as it develops.

And here is how Australia views China :

ALOR - China Threat Yellow Peril Revisited

China could well be a problem for Australia
China could well be a problem for Australia - On Line Opinion - 4/8/2008

Australia perceives a possible future threat from China and is now poised to dedicate significant resources to ensure that the Australian Defence Forces are prepared to face that challenge.
Australia Understands the China Threat. Does the U.S.? — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

etc etc....
I agreed with XDrive, no knowledgeable Aussie would take a China threat seriously.

For a Chineses invasion fleet to moved from Hainan island to North Australia, the journey would probably take 10 days or more. And you can't hide a large fleet comprising of many escorting destroyers and possibly one or two aircraft carriers travelling with many large troop transport ships (possible at leat half a dozen of transport ships).

What chance would the invasion fleet survive through its journey, and subsequently in battle for the beachheads? It will be a disaster. It is simply logistically and tactically a bad move for China to invade Australia. So no way China will invade Australia.

On the other hand, Indonesians are just few hours away sailing into North Australia, and they can drop airborne troops on Aussie land within an hour from taking off from Marauke, and in large number as well.

But as XDrive said, the two nations are having peaceful relationship. No way anyone is going to invade Australia, not in our life time, I am pretty sure of that.
Really? So all 22 million Australians wrote this article? China could well be a problem for Australia - On Line Opinion - 4/8/2008

I don't remember writing it. :rofl:

See how stupid your statements are, you are claiming that the opinion of 1 random person on the internet is the opinion of 22 million people. That's what you are saying when you say "This is how Australia views China"

Why do you keep DENYING that Australia is PARANOID about China ?

ALMOST half of Australians believe that China will become a military threat to Australia within 20 years, prompting record support for the US alliance.

Australians fear war with China, says Lowy Institute survey | Perth Now
The invaders were asian because we are surrounded by Asian countries, did you expect Africans?

Can't we have New Zealanders? :rofl:

On a serious note I do believe that there is friendly contention between New Zealand and Australia, much like the relations between the U.S. and Canada. Is that true?
Can't we have New Zealanders? :rofl:

On a serious note I do believe that there is friendly contention between New Zealand and Australia, much like the relations between the U.S. and Canada. Is that true?

Of course, but both countries are friends, infact New Zealand was once a state of Australia.
Can't we have New Zealanders? :rofl:

On a serious note I do believe that there is friendly contention between New Zealand and Australia, much like the relations between the U.S. and Canada. Is that true?

But New Zealand is filled with white people and white people pose no threat to Australia.
But New Zealand is filled with white people and white people pose no threat to Australia.

:rofl: I think a few of these guys might be offended if you call them pakeha


Besides NZ already invaded Australia, the score was All Blacks 49 wallabies 22 :woot:
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