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Australian Uranium for Indian Nuclear weapons?

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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Australian Uranium for Indian Nuclear weapons?

By Global Security Newswire Staff

February 18, 2014

Australia is optimistic it can quickly conclude uranium-export talks with nuclear-armed India, the Times of India reported on Monday.

"We see it as a priority and want to move as quickly as possible," Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said to journalists as negotiators from the two nations met for a fourth time to discuss the potential nuclear trade agreement. "The political will certainly exists within this government."

Australia holds the planet's largest known uranium reserves, which energy-hungry India wants access to so it can expand its nuclear-power industry.

Canberra in recent years reversed course on its longstanding position against selling uranium to nations that have not signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. India developed nuclear weapons outside the international accord.

Eager to support the uranium-mining industry and deepen strategic ties with Asia's largest democracy, the Liberal-National government in Canberra since coming to power last fall has worked to speed up the pace of uranium trade talks with New Delhi.

"We have a very strong commitment to making this deal happen," Australian Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb said. "We want to be seen as a trusted partner of India." :smokin::smokin:

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's administration has signaled it could be open to easing some of Canberra's past demands for assurances that Australian-origin uranium not be diverted to nuclear-arms efforts, :woot: :yahoo::yahoo: according to the Times.

"The points of difference are narrowing, we have a couple of things to work through," Bishop said.

Australia Anticipates Uranium-Export Deal Soon with India - NationalJournal.com
Australia's economic father, People's Republic of China is going to be deeply pissed off by this. Australia has a clean record on nuclear proliferation, if they decide to change that it will affect their business with China.
Good luck for both.

Now let's see if the world can leave us alone too :lol:
Australia's economic father, People's Republic of China is going to be deeply pissed off by this. Australia has a clean record on nuclear proliferation, if they decide to change that it will affect their business with China.
2 things.
1. Title has nothing to do with its content(Its twisted). And Australian uranium will be used for civilian purpose though It will give India freedom to use own uranium to produce WGP and thus weapons.
2. Chinese are not some Idiot. They will do business to anyone no matter what eg- USA, Japan, South Korea, India etc.
2 things.
1. Title has nothing to do with its content(Its twisted). And Australian uranium will be used for civilian purpose though It will give India freedom to use own uranium to produce WGP and thus weapons.
2. Chinese are not some Idiot. They will do business to anyone no matter what eg- USA, Japan, South Korea, India etc.

Australia has zero guarantees that their Uranium business won't be used to make bombs.

Useful narratives.

Uranium sales to India fuel nuclear arms fears | SBS News

Australia's retreat on nuclear non-proliferation

Uranium Trade Off: What are Australia’s obligations? | Human Rights in Australia | Right Now
Australia's economic father, People's Republic of China is going to be deeply pissed off by this. Australia has a clean record on nuclear proliferation, if they decide to change that it will affect their business with China.

India and Australia are trading partners, how does it even concern China which is suspected to be one of the biggest nuclear and missile proliferator around?.

Dude critics are always there. Even when 123 aggrement was going on then many parties and NGOs in India were against it.
I will give more importance to Austalian Foreign minister and Trade minister's words than any critic.
PS: Here both of countries are interested and not only India.
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Australia has a clean record on nuclear proliferation

We are no longer legally forbidden to indulge in nuclear trade so even if Australia sells us uranium it will no way damage their clean record on nuclear proliferation

Australia's economic father, People's Republic of China is going to be deeply pissed off by this. If they decide to change that it will affect their business with China

Nah China has much bigger disputes/hostility with Japan, South Korea, US etc but it has in no way effected its business with any of them.
Didnt get your sarcasm??

Since we've been accused of possessing WMDs, the MAM never left us alone. Now will they turn toward someone else? I hardly think so as we always are the pimple on everybody's nose. :lol:
We are no longer legally forbidden to indulge in nuclear trade so even if Australia sells us uranium it will no way damage their clean record on nuclear proliferation

Australia has no credible mechanism of guaranteeing that this Uranium won't be used for weapons. If it does, this will be counted as proliferation.

Nah China has much bigger disputes/hostility with Japan, South Korea, US etc but it has in no way effected its business with any of them.

It will have an economic fallout between China and Australia. China being one of the biggest investors in Australian economy. They almost own the damn thing!
It will have an economic fallout between China and Australia. China being one of the biggest investors in Australian economy. They almost own the damn thing!

There will be no impact.

Australia has pissed off China recently on matters such as Japan, ADIZ, Hauwei, etc, and there have been no repercussions. Tony Abbot has publicly stated that "China trades with Australia because it benefits China".
Australia has no credible mechanism of guaranteeing that this Uranium won't be used for weapons. If it does, this will be counted as proliferation.

It will have an economic fallout between China and Australia. China being one of the biggest investors in Australian economy. They almost own the damn thing!
Your concerns are welcome as a neighbour but since Australian Foreign minister and Trade minister have made positive statements regarding deal then they must have thought about it too. Isn't it?
And regarding China's reaction, why would they care? India signed Uranium import deal with Mangolia, Uzbekistan(Uzbeks will supply 2000 tons uranium till 2014 and more in future), Khazakastan, Canada, Venezuela, Namibia and with few more countries and China never showed it concerns at all then why would they do in case of Australia?
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