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Is India Building Thermonuclear Weapons?

So you are indirectly trying to tell me not to mess with China eh ? :D

Not really lol, 4 megatons is overkill anyway.

Whereas a huge nuke will wipe out a city, a smaller nuke actually causes more problems for a country.

It sounds terrible to say it, but large amounts of wounded and dying will clog up an enemy's infrastructure, and cause them far more problems and loss of morale compared to a much larger city-buster warhead.

The same reason why militia will often shoot enemy targets non-fatally, so as to weaken the rest of the squad, their morale, and act as a trap for anyone who comes to save them. It's a cruel world.
Not really lol, 4 megatons is overkill anyway.

Whereas a huge nuke will wipe out a city, a smaller nuke actually causes more problems for a country.

It sounds terrible to say it, but large amounts of wounded and dying will clog up an enemy's infrastructure, and cause them far more problems and loss of morale compared to a much larger city-buster warhead.

The same reason why militia will often shoot enemy targets non-fatally, so as to weaken the rest of the squad, their morale, and act as a trap for anyone who comes to save them. It's a cruel world.

nuclear bombs are just deterance. Nobody (Except Mad and lunatic) Will have an interest in killing more people. Even Russia uses 750 KT bomb in its SS18 missile.

Now it's time for nuclear strikes against India!

Your post and Avatar has lots of Contradiction.

@WebMaster , @Aeronaut Pl look into the psot of this troll.
What is a cold fusion?

It is Ignition of Fission device without using Nuclear bomb as primary device. High energy leser etc is used to triger fusion. You can build any yield of fusion bomb using this technique.
Ah well, it seems to be a secret to the OP. :P
How I wish MBI Munshi is at ground zero when we test the next thermonuclear bomb!! :D :lol:

Ok, seriously, the world should know that India already possesses the TNB for which sub critical or 'cold' tests have already been conducted and validated using sophisticated computers.
Very large yield nuclear weapons are out of fashion now. As precision increased yield decreased. Thermonuclear device is mainly a device where most of the energy comes from Hydrogen Fusion. If India is going for Hydrogen bomb..where is their facility for producing Tritium or Lithium?
Time to develop sub kiloton neutron bombs.


Thermobaric bombs ( Fuel-Air Bombs ) have same effect as 0.5 Kt Nuke while being more politically uncontroversial.

And Probably sub-kiloton Neutron bomb does not exist. A neutron bomb is essentially a Fusion ( H-bomb) with it's outer casing ( III stage ) of U-238 being replaced by Boron. In Order to ignite secondary charge of Lithium deutride, a fission bomb has to go off. It would be very difficult to keep yield below less than a kiloton.

Not really lol, 4 megatons is overkill anyway.

Whereas a huge nuke will wipe out a city, a smaller nuke actually causes more problems for a country.

It sounds terrible to say it, but large amounts of wounded and dying will clog up an enemy's infrastructure, and cause them far more problems and loss of morale compared to a much larger city-buster warhead.

The same reason why militia will often shoot enemy targets non-fatally, so as to weaken the rest of the squad, their morale, and act as a trap for anyone who comes to save them. It's a cruel world.

No, A multi megaton Nuke would not have much graver effect than a 20-40 Kt nuke. Nukes are highly inefficient and their destructive power wrt yield exponentially decreases.

So while it would require 5, 40 KT nukes to destroy a city, it would require 2, 2 MT nukes. That would be the probable efficience gain.

But a Multi-Megaton nuke increases secondary fallout which could be more harmful in longer time period.
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So you are indirectly trying to tell me not to mess with China eh ? :D
even india develope mega thermonuclear weapon.
in a nuclear war against china you lose.
you need icbm to reach major cities in china.
our short rang missile can reach new dehli.
and inida countries size is smaller. :):D we have more chance to survive
you need icbm to reach major cities in china.

Wake up!!

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