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Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo

Touching advice to fellow christian, but he fell into the hole he dug for others. A trap of his own making so to speak. Same goes for you.
haha..Is this coming from the same ''lord manvan''???..What morality you have to call others bigots and fanatics??..just saying..
You want me to see human beings in a Religious debate ? :lol:

Then why have the debate itself ? :lol:

This debate was a debate on a Christian boy having a Hindu goddess tattoo in his leg, objected to by a Hindutva leader posted in a islamic supremacist forum. You a Christian challenged a hindu to justify his stance.

I fail to see how my bigotry comes into play here :cheesy: ...... but yours does. By denying your own religious bias and by questions others religious sentiment.
If this was an Islamic supremacist forum we wouldn't even see your face here rather than seeing the dhoti.
@Soulspeek u were saying ur faith wont diminish bcoz other people abuse ur religion and other hand u r abusing other religions too..its just bad mate.be cool.. As u said one's faith cant be diminished by some people abusing it..you are hurting sentiments of many who support minorities in this country... Bigots wants u to abuse their religion.. You are falling into their trap..

Yes yaar... You are right. Why should I abuse the faith of people whom I love? These people with divisive agenda wants us to do so. I was falling into their trap. They want all hindus to stop supporting us.
Well your point of view is also guided by religion. And every religion needs to be respected especially in a multi religious and a conservative country like ours. There was need to drag Christianity into this make it a Hinduism Vs Christianity flame war. And i don't really get it , what kind of religious bias did Iggy show.

Yes it is and I do not hide it like other bigots.

The need to drag christianity was necessitated by the desperate attempt of soulspeak to mock hinduism a.k.a his goumata piss comment.

You were free to counter him, but you did not. So you don't get to take a moral stand here either. About iggy, explained earlier.

WTF.. So just bcoz of ma religion I should keep silent for all the ill happening in my country? Do you realise how moronic it sounds?

No, but you are expected to have the decency to declare your religion when posting about another religion.

The only moronic part is your inability to grasp simple ethics.

If this was an Islamic supremacist forum we wouldn't even see your face here rather than seeing the dhoti.

Maybe monitory considerations overwrites religious ones :coffee:

haha..Is this coming from the same ''lord manvan''???..What morality you have to call others bigots and fanatics??..just saying..

My morality and soul is intact. You need to prove I have violated it.
Exactly right. The kind of fair weather travellers who would be dissuaded from traveling to India on the back of these portrayals are the very ones India needs to try to attract. The ones that come to India having done a lot of research and in the face of any negative perceptions are more likely to be experienced travellers/back packers whose economic utility and purchasing power is far lower.
but business travel is huge and kind of crosses over into the luxury/leisure segment too owing to how western work culture is, always a bit of fun thrown in the mix.

and honestly, we don't have the required infrastructure in place to handle the kind of volumes China gets. Peak summer/winter seasons, even the younger lot "hippies/kids" can barely fit in to their smoky low dives.

sadly, our current opposition and their crony media will do anything to tarnish this "government", even if it means taking an axe to everyone's feet.
It's not about "their terms" or "losing sovereignty" but playing the game. The US, UK and all other tourist hotspots have their own array of issues but none of the of image issue India has abroad (primarily in the West).

It is a case of perception management- letting the positives trump any negative/detracting local stories and this is why "Incredible India" was such a success and a good idea.

In the end India will have the last laugh BUT it will take a hell of a long time to get to that point and it will have lost BILLIONS in the process from lost revenue.

As already pointed out by @raktaka there will always be soundbytes from a population as humongous as ours. There is no playing the game when all the rules are set by them and they are the judge and jury and the outcome is predicted. We only lose by playing their game. The US, UK, and all do not have an image issue because they are the ones controlling the world media and they are not going to let us win no matter what we do.

Bordering Pakistan . Thar desert :lol::lol:

They flowed along a channel, presently identified as that of the Ghaggar river, also called Hakra River in Rajasthan and Nara in Sindh.

I think Western Foriegners are not aware of Indian civilization and if they use such terms for native Indians who are dwelling in thier native lands then they are spreading propaganda.
My morality and soul is intact. You need to prove I have violated it.
no need to prove that..its a history..just remind names like makaramarma,mokshavimukthi,manvantruti,prajapathi,sanjeevanibutti,uparyupari,utkarash etc and your female versions like madhu greenleaf,indrani,dragon ball etc..all these names are very familiar to PDF posters..
Dont lie. You were the one who started bad mouthing me by saying "I don't break bread with Christian fanatics and Supremacist like you. Now piss of little turd."

Source: Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo | Page 10

I was in a jovial mood with you till that time.

Yes it is and I do not hide it like other bigots.

The need to drag christianity was necessitated by the desperate attempt of soulspeak to mock hinduism a.k.a his goumata piss comment.

You were free to counter him, but you did not. So you don't get to take a moral stand here either. About iggy, explained earlier.

No, but you are expected to have the decency to declare your religion when posting about another religion.

The only moronic part is your inability to grasp simple ethics.

Maybe monitory considerations overwrites religious ones :coffee:

My morality and soul is intact. You need to prove I have violated it.
no need to prove that..its a history..just remind names like makaramarma,mokshavimukthi,manvantruti,prajapathi,sanjeevanibutti,uparyupari,utkarash etc and your female versions like madhu greenleaf,indrani,dragon ball etc..all these names are very familiar to PDF posters..

Are you sure you are not me too ? :cheesy: ..... how about abjktu ?
Yes it is and I do not hide it like other bigots.
The need to drag christianity was necessitated by the desperate attempt of soulspeak to mock hinduism a.k.a his goumata piss comment.
You were free to counter him, but you did not. So you don't get to take a moral stand here either. About iggy, explained earlier.
Never saw that comment. But even if some random guy on Internet said something like that what gives you the right to abuse millions of Indians belonging to a particular faith and their religion. I can understand if you were abusing something like Wahabhi cult and it's crazy followers in India and around the world.
Dont lie. You were the one who started bad mouthing me by saying "I don't break bread with Christian fanatics and Supremacist like you. Now piss of little turd."

Source: Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo | Page 10

I was in a jovial mood with you till that time.

What Christian , Christian you are using term here.

I have break bread with christians but they dont understand the word of Supreme Creator .
Dont lie. You were the one who started bad mouthing me by saying "I don't break bread with Christian fanatics and Supremacist like you. Now piss of little turd."

Source: Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo | Page 10

I was in a jovial mood with you till that time.

What lie ? You ARE a despicable Christian fanatic and supremacist and I really din't want to take up your offer of BEEF treat which you so magnanimously offered me :sick:

This offer helped me identify you as a turd and hence my suggestion to piss off to prevent further stink. You din't listen, hence the stink. Now deal with it.

First they post bull shyt they have no idea what so ever about, beyond some godforsaken hole they live in..

If any of us had done the same thing with say a picture of Jesus Christ on our body and went to Australia i can assure you that the consequences wouldn't have been pleasurable for any us!

Then they abuse and generalize a whole nation, It's people and the heritage

It's not any sign of evolution,i would rather term it as plain old stupidity!!Personally,i don't have any high regard for the Aussies considering the fact that most of their ancestors were convicted felons and murderers.So,it's quite obvious that they will also be somewhat like their ancestors when it comes to mannerisms.Plus if they are so evolved then why on earth all those racial attacks on Indians took place in Australia in the past 4-5 years!!

The entire world knows the fact that Aussies are perhaps one of the most racist people on earth barring the Americans.

Then they drag in totally irrelevant topics, Spamming the whole thread..

Bro,lets keep Lanka out of this debate for we all know what you and your Lankan compatriots did to the innocent Tamil minorities back in 2008-09 in the name of fighting a war against LTTE

Next delusions of grandeur..

"Illiterate":rofl:!!Lol,the average Bangalorian guy is far more educated when compared to his Australian counterpart:lol:!!

Then starts the personal attacks.. And the rest of the mob descends like the plague

You clearly have a deep rooted hatred for Indians; What happened mate, lost your job to one?

Plus,don't you try to act like an Aussie,we all know that you're a Lankan Burger(Ham burger perhaps) masquerading as an Aussie citizen

Then comes the racist bigoted rants

He is one of the ugly dark outcasts called burgers. ............ an ugly class of Sri Lankans who think they are white and superior while secretly hating their own mix mongrel breed for being dark and asian and detesting others for seeing through their self deception.

Burgher people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are too noisy, Anti - Indian filth

In between the total ignorant spewage, Which actually shoots themselves on the foot

LOL, now I get why he is so riled up...this guy is a joke just ignore him...out to waste our time. He must have confused Bangalore with his 'beautiful' hometown Chennai.

Some give up after getting bitch slapped..

Dont quote me again. Ignorance isnt bliss. Bye.

Others throwing hissy fits like little girls to the mods

@Slav Defence please look at this poster's racial slurs and personal attacks.

Yep.. A day in the life of a PDF Indian
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