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Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo

so far it's still all word of mouth and legend, across the board and for all segments but I do suspect we're losing quite a bit of revenue from those who do get swayed by this kind of reportage, mostly the high end ones I'm guessing.
Exactly right. The kind of fair weather travellers who would be dissuaded from traveling to India on the back of these portrayals are the very ones India needs to try to attract. The ones that come to India having done a lot of research and in the face of any negative perceptions are more likely to be experienced travellers/back packers whose economic utility and purchasing power is far lower.
Because your point of view is guided by religion and you hoped to hide this on this thread. I merely exposed your faith since I saw no reason for you to HIDE it.

This thread was on Hindu religious icons and it should be pretty clear what the debaters religious identity is. Since you chose to hide it, I chose to expose it.

As evidenced, your religious bias blinded you to the truth even when it was posted in this thread.

Haha.. I was questioning sarthak for justifying these kind of acts and explain how you exposed by religious bias??
@Soulspeek u were saying ur faith wont diminish bcoz other people abuse ur religion and other hand u r abusing other religions too..its just bad mate.be cool.. As u said one's faith cant be diminished by some people abusing it..you are hurting sentiments of many who support minorities in this country... Bigots wants u to abuse their religion.. You are falling into their trap..

Touching advice to fellow christian, but he fell into the hole he dug for others. A trap of his own making so to speak. Same goes for you.
True and if it was not for SANCTIONS by the west for half a century we would have been richer still.

The west has a vested interested in keeping us poor, and that will continue till we are not poor and the scales change in our favour. Do not go around expecting "fair play".

A valid point BUT India is actively (whether complicity or not) helping these scoundrels by giving them the very soundbites they desire.
This is the wrong analysis, India's tourism figures are strong in spite of this malicious campaign but they could be many times higher if such an image was not portrayed of India day in and day out. There is no doubt this portrayal has cost India billions.

The West will never portray India positively. They have never done that in the last couple of hundred years and they are not going to begin any time sooner. It is something India has to learn to live with unless India wants to lose its sovereignty and live like their poodle for the sake of a few billions.

What tourists come to India will come so on our terms and we are not about to let them tell us how to live.
Where was the disrespect in that video? Nomads/Banjaras are called gypsies and the very people in the video you talk about call themselves gypsies. That is the English term they use for themselves and not at all as a slur. Who claims they are not native Indians? As I said the intention of the video was not to show poverty and neither disrespect. It was a very honest documentary just documenting their lives in a very very sympathetic manner, not even a bit prejudiced. Check out the video before going on a rant.

I do know who are lambadas and have been with them. They are fair in color .

This term gypsies is english term and it has been used by english for Irish and even the Russians used for Europeans and European use for Russians.

But some European nations have started using this term for Indians, Egyptians and even Emiraties which makes me to laugh on these people. :):):)
Haha.. I was questioning sarthak for justifying these kind of acts and explain how you exposed by religious bias??

LOL....How can you question sarthak's justification for his religious sentiment ? If you were a hindu there would have been some right, but as a christian what moral authority do you have ?

The very fact that your had the arrogance to question his faith exposes your religious bias and feeling of self-righteousness.
Touching advice to fellow christian, but he fell into the hole he dug for others. A trap of his own making so to speak. Same goes for you.

Lolz.. Bigots like u wont understand what respecting other humans means.. All you can see is religion rather than human being.. Its not my fault.. Its a cancer.. Hope u recover from it..
A valid point BUT India is actively (whether complicity or not) helping these scoundrels by giving them the very soundbites they desire.

There will always be sound bites from a nation of 1.2 billion people.

There will always be scoundrels who will twist it around to make propaganda and fuel their own agenda. The solution is not to buckle to their pressure, but to grow a thicker skin and hold them to a higher moral standard and shame them for their bigotry.
Because your point of view is guided by religion and you hoped to hide this on this thread. I merely exposed your faith since I saw no reason for you to HIDE it.
This thread was on Hindu religious icons and it should be pretty clear what the debaters religious identity is. Since you chose to hide it, I chose to expose it.
As evidenced, your religious bias blinded you to the truth even when it was posted in this thread.
Well your point of view is also guided by religion. And every religion needs to be respected especially in a multi religious and a conservative country like ours. There was need to drag Christianity into this make it a Hinduism Vs Christianity flame war. And i don't really get it , what kind of religious bias did Iggy show.
The West will never portray India positively. They have never done that in the last couple of hundred years and they are not going to begin any time sooner. It is something India has to learn to live with unless India wants to lose its sovereignty and live like their poodle for the sake of a few billions.

What tourists come to India will come so on our terms and we are not about to let them tell us how to live.

India is developing and military wise, Western countries do understand the importance of India.

India will never lose its soveriginity because India is united and all those who will try to break India, Indian armed forces will crush them.
LOL....How can you question sarthak's justification for his religious sentiment ? If you were a hindu there would have been some right, but as a christian what moral authority do you have ?

The very fact that your had the arrogance to question his faith exposes your religious bias and feeling of self-righteousness.

WTF.. So just bcoz of ma religion I should keep silent for all the ill happening in my country? Do you realise how moronic it sounds?
The West will never portray India positively. They have never done that in the last couple of hundred years and they are not going to begin any time sooner. It is something India has to learn to live with unless India wants to lose its sovereignty and live like their poodle for the sake of a few billions.

What tourists come to India will come so on our terms and we are not about to let them tell us how to live.
It's not about "their terms" or "losing sovereignty" but playing the game. The US, UK and all other tourist hotspots have their own array of issues but none of the of image issue India has abroad (primarily in the West).

It is a case of perception management- letting the positives trump any negative/detracting local stories and this is why "Incredible India" was such a success and a good idea.

In the end India will have the last laugh BUT it will take a hell of a long time to get to that point and it will have lost BILLIONS in the process from lost revenue.
If you have comprehension issues then its not my problem. We eat bread and wine in his remembrance. Its not like we would have eaten him if he were alive. Only a moron bhakt would think like that!

Grass eating donkeys like you should not preach us on what we should eat. Going by your logic.. if by eating animals we become like animals... then by eating plants you become like donkeys!

With Aghoris, bali rituals and animal worshipping etc, we know too well who are actually cannibals and primitive people.

Heck, you RSS people have converted the real meaning of Swastika now. Your current definition of Swastika is equal to what Hitler believed. For decades you were against Hitler using Swastika. Now you adore Hitler. You guys are the real Nazis of 21st century in making.

Regarding rape of choir boys.... let me tell you.. such incidents of Christian priest come to about max dozen in a year. Hindu dhongi sadhus are real land mafias and thugs. Their number of rape incidents comes to about 1000 in a year!!

Depends upon your belief. It was said by Jesus himself to do it in his remembrance.
I don't like this religious war but obviously when some people insult others faith then there is going to be a clear mud slinging contest. I hope this ends as this is why discussions on religion are not welcome on this site.
Lolz.. Bigots like u wont understand what respecting other humans means.. All you can see is religion rather than human being.. Its not my fault.. Its a cancer.. Hope u recover from it..

You want me to see human beings in a Religious debate ? :lol:

Then why have the debate itself ? :lol:

This debate was a debate on a Christian boy having a Hindu goddess tattoo in his leg, objected to by a Hindutva leader posted in a islamic supremacist forum. You a Christian challenged a hindu to justify his stance.

I fail to see how my bigotry comes into play here :cheesy: ...... but yours does. By denying your own religious bias and by questions others religious sentiment.
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