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Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo

You need a education Racist,not racist education they teach but real education.

and this come from an Indian who doesn't know the difference between Religion Extremism and Racism? even after i clearly put the right definition about it?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Looks like i paved way for some enlightenment so you could use some of your brains.
Btw, why JB's album banned in Indonesia? why so touchy about Hindutwa?
Height of trolling : Thread of issue with Aussie in India and Indonesian smart@ss giving his expert opinion on "tattoo" which resulted a total ban on an album in his own country.

ROFL touchy of what? i'm using the Indian retards in this thread to increase my post count LOL. think the amounts of Lols i get from you fools? :rofl:
why don't we chill out and hang out in Holy Cow steak restaurant? :welcome:

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Please try and do that, no harm for us, our ideology is spreading by leaps and bounds every day in Social media and person to person contact like never before. Your Secular appeasement mindset will only bring more Hindus into Hindutva fold.The more you Hate us,the more we grow :lol:
Do us a favor spread the word please.:enjoy:
You dont even know what Hindutvavadi means and you go around shouting hoarse about religion!! Really laughable. Pity such fools.
The ground work had already begun. You only meet those who you want to meet. You only see what you want to see on the social media and are hence delusional about your 'popularity'. Tch..tch.
You along with others have already labelled me as a secular. So be it. Once along with Dal, rice prices too start reaching 200-300 Rs then lets see the reaction of your hardcore Hindu votebank!!
I'd like to believe we're more than capable of that, and worse, but I still pray for the masses to have better judgement of when to unsheathe the blade and when to cock the hammer. I mean, where are we, saudi arabia ?
No. India. :D

No my friend. It was the development platform which propelled Modi to such a victory! Now if with whatever development that's actually happening, in truth the legacy of long implemented policies bearing fruit now, came with the baggage of religious dadagiri, then no, we dont need such a government. And trust me, that will piss off people who will NOT vote for BJP. The progress or results that Modi govt is taking credit for, was actually put into place y previous governments. You, like the rest of hardcore fanbois are being taken for a ride.
Hahahahaha :D

Australian couple were not harassed, facts twisted to create a negative image, say eyewitnesses-INews - IBNLive Mobile

and this come from an Indian who doesn't know the difference between Religion Extremism and Racism? even after i clearly put the right definition about it?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

ROFL touchy of what? i'm using the Indian retards in this thread to increase my post count LOL. think the amounts of Lols i get from from you fools? :rofl:
why don't we chill out and hang out in Holy Cow steak restaurant? :welcome:

that does look good, let's go.. I'm buying, extra side of crispy bacon for you too :cheers:
LOL so you want a 2015 list? check it out! :omghaha:

go eat some Holy Cow. it'll make you smarter :rofl::rofl::rofl:

explain why we should trust Black Man with curry? :rofl:
:rofl: i am a brahmin 6.3" with pale skin and Brown eyes and brown hair. unlike you.... even my dick is bigger than your Height :partay:, Just sayin....

@waz @Slav Defence @Horus Racial attack on south asians in south asian forum ? you know only religion divides us...:angel:
ROFL touchy of what? i'm using the Indian retards in this thread to increase my post count LOL. think the amounts of Lols i get from from you fools? :rofl:
why don't we chill out and hang out in Holy Cow steak restaurant? :welcome:

By looking at the quality of your posts, didnt expect anything else too :lol:
ever been to one of those hippy digs ? much sex, drugs and rock n roll, all in the presence of hindu/buddhist gods in incense (and pot) filled rooms littered with natraja and ganesh figurines.

none of it is offensive per say, but probably not a place for the morally upstanding faithful either.
Hippy folks are fine. As long as they come too close for comfort. The smell... :D
The crowd had already formed, the BJP guy was incidental to the matter. All they did was ask the guy to cover up. So I do not see where the BJP guy was in the wrong.

The crowd would have formed only after they see a fight between a desi and a foreigner.

It depends on HOW you ask a 21 year old to act........ most times teenagers tend to do the exact opposite. You challenge him in front of his girl, you can bet your bottom rupee that he will act Macho.

The BJP guy baited him, bullied him and then humiliated him. All of which was uncalled for. This was a foreign kid who appreciated Indian culture, where was the need to teach him to hate it ?

He did the right thing the wrong way. The Path is just as important as the destination.
wah, story mein twist, what if pata laga it was John, Matthew's local contact who wanted to blow it out of proportion. ? :partay:
'If you don't have negative news, you make them.'

One of the idiotic comments I have read. Fine, believe what you want to. Shows how much you know.
Oh, and I aint voting for any party which supports or condones such idiocy. Will influence friends and relatives too not to vote for them and will tell/ask them to spread it around. Lets see how long your dadagiri survives.
From the US. Like a boss. :omghaha:
:rofl: i am a brahmin 6.3" with pale skin and Brown eyes and brown hair. unlike you indos who are mixed of Africans and mogoloids still retained your Black DNA. even my dick is bigger than your Height :partay:, Just sayin....

@waz @Slav Defence @Horus Racial attack on south asians in south asian forum ? you know only religion divides us...:angel:

and you call White Man isn't Racist? mind looking back your own post?:rofl:

now they will creat one blog can start badmouthing us for their mistakes. we should never trust White man. you know why....

LOL africa? you can't see where in the world is africa? Damn! you're so smart! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

or do you mean Brahmin like this? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


@waz we've got false flagger over here

By looking at the quality of your posts, didnt expect anything else too :lol:

no shxt, sherlock. do you expect me to reply seriously to an Indian trolls? :rofl:
You dont even know what Hindutvavadi means and you go around shouting hoarse about religion!! Really laughable. Pity such fools.
The ground work had already begun. You only meet those who you want to meet. You only see what you want to see on the social media and are hence delusional about your 'popularity'. Tch..tch.
You along with others have already labelled me as a secular. So be it. Once along with Dal, rice prices too start reaching 200-300 Rs then lets see the reaction of your hardcore Hindu votebank!!
I know exactly what Hindutva means don't need to take Hindutva lessons from you.Yes we are shouting for our religion,do you have a problem with it?

When Hindutva-wadis tweets it becomes a worldwide trend in just a matter of Minutes, you dont have that kind of Secular support do you nor can you fool Hindus anymore with your Secular Appeasement.
The govt. knows how to control the price rise.So please spare us your tripe that i dont know or we dont about Hindutva or Hindu religion.
Utter ret@rds. India is meant to be a land of tolerance not some backwards state forcing you to cover up like some kingdom in the ME.

The police, luckily, stepped in and cooled down the situation but this is not going to help India's image on the global stage.

Rubbish. The BJP leader called the police to put an end to the matter. That is pretty much the responsible thing to do.

If taking the law into your own hands will create negative image and also asking the law to take matters into its own hand will cause negative image, its time to start questioning the medium through which the messages goes out and the intentions of those forming the image :coffee:
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