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Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo

thread is about Tattoo so stay on it. i know well what Hindus did to non-Hindus :coffee:

now let's stick to the topic.

so religion has anything to do with Race? smart man :coffee:
You mask your Racism,trying to show yourself as irreligious.You are Racist nonetheless.
I blame the Australians in this case. Why would they wear such a stupid tattoo in such an offensive place? They should know better than to play on people's sensitivities.

dude,the guy has no knowledge about it at all. educated people should have tell him that he is not wanted because he wears their god's tattoo. but instead they're going all Nuts over the poor guy with no reason. you think that's fair for the poor guy?

ROFL ask the dude in the middle east, man. i'm not a middle eastern let alone a muslim.
But you yourself claimed you are Omar.. I thought you have done khatna on your lil weiner.

Piss off??

Aww.... you and your love for piss.... (gomata piss i mean)

I don't break bread with Christian fanatics and Supremacist like you. Now piss of little turd.
But you yourself claimed you are Omar.. I thought you have done khatna on your lil weiner.

Piss off??

Aww.... you and your love for piss.... (gomata piss i mean)

Your love for jesus blood and flesh is far more disgusting :lol: ............... don't you do that ? imagine drinking his blood and eating his flesh ? LOL. ....... Freaks.
And why do u think its an insult .

God is every where . It means every where including that part too .
God is in Atom . Atom makes matter . Matter makes us .
So God has left his/her imprints on each and every part of Us .

God is everywhere is true but we live in a world where we have norms and rules and etiquette as to how to treat each other and how to treat matters of divine. By same argument extension, food is also organic matter and shit is also organic matter, would you be willing to eat shit in lieu of food and claim it is all the same? The day you are able to do so, please feel free to draw God in your nether regions or make a statue out of shit if you please.
dude,the guy has no knowledge about it at all. educated people should have tell him that he is not wanted because he wears their god's tattoo. but instead they're going all Nuts over the poor guy with no reason. you think that's fair for the poor guy?

BJP leader Ramesh Yadav interview on Australian harassment issue - The Hindu

Were you at the hotel when the incident happened? The Australian law student has alleged you abused him for the tattoo. Why?

Yes, I was at the Konark Hotel with three other people and saw this youth sporting a tattoo of a Hindu goddess on his leg. We went up to him and asked him what was the tattoo and he said it was Yellamma, a Hindu Goddess. So he was aware that it was a goddess and still he was insulting it. We asked him to remove the tattoo or we would protest.

But he started abusing us with foul language. He also called up his friend, a localite who turned up soon. The friend also used foul language and others at the hotel joined in to condemn this. You can check the CC TV footage at the hotel.
He was mocking? The guy had tattoos all over. Do you think he would have even wondered what this tattoo depicted, he probably just selected it because it was something exotic. You are overreaching here. The fault did not lie with that poor guy, just being somewhere at the wrong time where an bunch of idiots decided to be the asses they were.

Yes they do pick out from random designs but they still do know what their tattoo depicts , its a Hindu goddess (tattoo artists tells them that) its not some shlok that he can't remember . For us those people blew it out of proportion but some guys take their faith more seriously . Australian should have been more careful can't pin all the blame on those people.
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God is everywhere is true but we live in a world where we have norms and rules and etiquette as to how to treat each other and how to treat matters of divine. By same argument extension, food is also organic matter and shit is also organic matter, would you be willing to eat shit in lieu of food and claim it is all the same? The day you are able to do so, please feel free to draw God in your nether regions or make a statue out of shit if you please.


Norms and Rules created by whom " US":lol:
One can't force his or her or our ideas on non believer .

oh i can read. i just didn't bother to click the link. they banned his album, so what? it's not my problem. are you a butthurt justin bieber fans? :coffee:

You mask your Racism,trying to show yourself as irreligious.You are Racist nonetheless.

me? racist? :cheesy:

so if i don't like Hindu Extrimism, that makes me a Racist? in that case,let's :dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3:
Christians have just bread and wine and believe it to be the embodiment of flesh and blood of Christ. It symbolically means being one with God.

What you freaks do is standing behind the pssy of your Cow Mata and actually drinking her urine...

Jeeezzz.... how disgusting!!

Your love for jesus blood and flesh is far more disgusting :lol: ............... don't you do that ? imagine drinking his blood and eating his flesh ? LOL. ....... Freaks.

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