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Australia strikes deal to send uranium to India

Indian nuclear program is becoming more insecure with the passage of time owing to its separatists movements, as most of the Indian atomic installations are present in the eastern part of the country despite the fact that many rebellious movements are going on there; among them Naxalites Movement is currently at its peak. This sale of Uranium would be dangerous to the regional peace and security.

Well come dear.
Another victory for India ......
Indian nuclear program is becoming more insecure with the passage of time owing to its separatists movements, as most of the Indian atomic installations are present in the eastern part of the country despite the fact that many rebellious movements are going on there; among them Naxalites Movement is currently at its peak. This sale of Uranium would be dangerous to the regional peace and security.

Bhai people are not talking about pakistani nuclear plant.......... here more scure than u..... by the way' TALIBAN ka naam hua hi hoga na..:p
i dont understand india has very good amount of uranium ore reserves ..why do we need from australia is it a better grade please clear my doubt

These agreements with countries de facto accepts India as a nuclear weapon state without signing NPT .

In addition to uranium , these deals gives acceptance to India's nuclear weapons program .

So more the merrier .

+ read somewhere that Australian Uranium is one of the best quality uranium out there .
We have huge uranium purification plants about to be commissioned. They are capable of fueling indian nuclear plant+ sub fleet+ Dozen of H bomb every year. America says that.
Indian nuclear program is becoming more insecure with the passage of time owing to its separatists movements, as most of the Indian atomic installations are present in the eastern part of the country despite the fact that many rebellious movements are going on there; among them Naxalites Movement is currently at its peak. This sale of Uranium would be dangerous to the regional peace and security.
:rap: Wake up...Wake up...:cuckoo::crazy:
You are bull shitting in sleep and messing up the PDF.
Wake up...

All those who are signing up agreements are blind folded and India brought them table saying if they dont sign, India will make paksitan there neighbor...
We should not be fascinated with the fresh baked color of yellow uranium cakes. India is more in need of human food than this destructive ingredient. There is hunger, poverty and much starvation for Indian nationals which should be addressed rather than importing uranium yellow cakes. Destructive gadgets can never be fruitful in any case. And nuclear is no distinctively extreme lethal.
We should not be fascinated with the fresh baked color of yellow uranium cakes. India is more in need of human food than this destructive ingredient. There is hunger, poverty and much starvation for Indian nationals which should be addressed rather than importing uranium yellow cakes. Destructive gadgets can never be fruitful in any case. And nuclear is no distinctively extreme lethal.

Nuclear reactors in India do not work on human food ...... we have not reached that technical superiority yet .
We should not be fascinated with the fresh baked color of yellow uranium cakes. India is more in need of human food than this destructive ingredient. There is hunger, poverty and much starvation for Indian nationals which should be addressed rather than importing uranium yellow cakes. Destructive gadgets can never be fruitful in any case. And nuclear is no distinctively extreme lethal.

India have 20 nuclear plants n if u know that they uses to generate n provides electricity to people.... r this bad ?

U need to care about your country, still india is much better compare to u

If u feel you are jealous than we can't do anything :)
Indian nuclear program is becoming more insecure with the passage of time owing to its separatists movements, as most of the Indian atomic installations are present in the eastern part of the country despite the fact that many rebellious movements are going on there; among them Naxalites Movement is currently at its peak. This sale of Uranium would be dangerous to the regional peace and security.

first,you've to get your geography lesson...


its in the west and in south.and even if we had nuclear plants in eastern parts,maoists never would attack them.there is a basic difference between Maoists and Talibastards.
We should not be fascinated with the fresh baked color of yellow uranium cakes. India is more in need of human food than this destructive ingredient. There is hunger, poverty and much starvation for Indian nationals which should be addressed rather than importing uranium yellow cakes. Destructive gadgets can never be fruitful in any case. And nuclear is no distinctively extreme lethal.

Let me explain you how it works
Uranium - > Nuclear Power Plant
Nuclear Power Plant - > Electricity
Electricity -> Water Pumps
Water Pumps -> Water to Farms
Water to Farms -> Food and grains produced
Food and Grains -> Money for farmer and workers, removal of hunger and starvation.
Money for farmer and workers -> Removal of poverty.

I hope it helps in understanding how Uranium will help us to get rid of hunger, poverty and starvation.
We are not having mentality of living on aids and grants, we are working and investing to ensure nobody is dependent in long term.

If you eat all grains that you produce and dont sow few grains, then you wont have grains next year. So India is sowing some grains for better future returns.
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