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Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times


May 5, 2010
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Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

Wednesday, February 19, 2014,

Sydney: The Australian navy violated Indonesian territorial waters six times between December and January as part of border security operations, an official report revealed Wednesday.

Canberra has previously only said its ships "inadvertently" violated Indonesian waters, without saying how often. It has formally apologised to Jakarta, which demanded Australia suspend its operations to deter asylum-seekers.

"On each occasion the incursion was inadvertent, in that each arose from incorrect calculation of the boundaries of Indonesian waters rather than as a deliberate action or navigational error," the review said.

Conducted by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service and the Australian Defence Force, it examined all navy and customs patrols as part of the military-led Operation Sovereign Borders between December 1 and January 20

It said the clear instruction to commanders was to stay 12 nautical miles outside the Indonesian archipelago baseline.

"Despite clear guidance to operational headquarters and assigned units, the imperative to remain outside Indonesian waters did not receive adequate attention during mission execution or oversight," it said.

Only an executive summary of the report was released and it did not say why the ships entered Indonesian waters although the speculation is that they were towing back asylum-seekers boats.

Asylum-seekers arriving on unauthorised boats in Australia, often via Indonesia, are a sensitive issue for both sides, with Canberra's vital relationship with Jakarta already strained over spying allegations.

Under the government's hardline policies, not only are asylum-seekers arriving by boat sent to Pacific island camps for processing with no chance of settlement in Australia, but boats intercepted at sea can be turned back to Indonesia.

It appears to be working with no boat arrivals in two months although the policy has angered Jakarta which has suggested it could infringe the country's sovereignty.

The review made five recommendations to ensure the incursions do not happen again.


Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

Unfortunately, mistakes like this are made when you are trying desperately to stop thousands of illegal immigrants from swamping your country via Indonesia.
Unfortunately, mistakes like this are made when you are trying desperately to stop thousands of illegal immigrants from swamping your country via Indonesia.

yo bogan, your government made unthinkable mistake to violate Indonesian sovereignty borders. That's alone will decide the future of Indonesia-Australia into the new Low after right wing movement get a hold in new Government after election party
Australia now has a competent government that won't allow our border to be controlled by criminal people smugglers.

Also good news for Indonesia, Australias border security policy is now stopping illegal immigrants from entering Indonesia aswell.

"AUSTRALIA’S crackdown on boatpeople has slashed the number of asylum-seekers arriving in Indonesia, new UN refugee agency data shows."

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If I am a recent Indonesian leader, I will ask our navy to enter Aussie territory six times as well, and wait to see Aussie respond....If Aussie responses it by hard move....so then we will respond similarly each time Aussie ship enters our territory..

Actually we treat them better, many of the refugees has lived in our land and maybe they want to stay forever in Indonesia. Not like Australia treatment....putting them into Papua Nugini where there are reported so many abuse there.....If I am not mistaken I heard rape case as well....
Unfortunately, mistakes like this are made when you are trying desperately to stop thousands of illegal immigrants from swamping your country via Indonesia.

Strike 3 and you are out.
If I am a recent Indonesian leader,

Lucky for us, over simplistic amateurs aren't in the Indonesian government ;)

Actually we treat them better, many of the refugees has lived in our land and maybe they want to stay forever in Indonesia.

Not true at all. Illegal immigrants use Indonesia as a launching pad to gain entry into Australia. Since Australia has stopped them from entering Australia, they are now fleeing Indonesia back to their own lands. Great news.

Not like Australia treatment....putting them into Papua Nugini where there are reported so many abuse there.....If I am not mistaken I heard rape case as well....

You heard correct. There has been rape, assaults murders and rioting in the detention centre, all comitted by the asylum seekers themselves who are meant to be "poor" and "innocent" people. Just last week they rioted and burnt down the detention centre and these "asylum seekers" want to live in Australia. LOL.

Thank god we have a new government that is stopping these criminals out of our country.
You heard correct. There has been rape, assaults murders and rioting in the detention centre, all comitted by the asylum seekers themselves who are meant to be "poor" and "innocent" people. Just last week they rioted and burnt down the detention centre and these "asylum seekers" want to live in Australia. LOL.

Thank god we have a new government that is stopping these criminals out of our country.

You love spreading your racist propaganda, don't you?

The crimes in Papua were committed by Papuan guards and locals against the asylum seekers. The Australian government workers verified this to SBS even though they were told not to talk to the media.

The Australian government told its own employees in the detention center not to talk to the media. So much for freedom of information in a democracy...

Mobs of Papuans armed with pipes and machetes attacked the detention center. The Australian government told its employees to go into the woods and watch out ... not for Papuan mobs, but for the ABC and SBS (Australian media). :rofl:

P.S. Link to the SBS video Detainees 'terrified' with reports of more unrest on Manus | SBS News
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So much bigotry and lying from @xdrive he is truly a true bogan and racist propagandist working for Murdoch
Unfortunately, mistakes like this are made when you are trying desperately to stop thousands of illegal immigrants from swamping your country via Indonesia.

There's a modern GPS in most military ship & when a naval ship try to enter foreign water alarm start blaring followed by incoming transmission by the other side. No the RAN will never make "mistakes" when the system are completely idiot-proof, they intentionally & willingly intrude upon Indonesia maritime borders.
If I am a recent Indonesian leader, I will ask our navy to enter Aussie territory six times as well, and wait to see Aussie respond....If Aussie responses it by hard move....so then we will respond similarly each time Aussie ship enters our territory..

Actually we treat them better, many of the refugees has lived in our land and maybe they want to stay forever in Indonesia. Not like Australia treatment....putting them into Papua Nugini where there are reported so many abuse there.....If I am not mistaken I heard rape case as well....

they should stop coming to Australia on boats made of tyre...........and all is well.......the govt. is obliged to put benefit of its own citizens first then anyone else.........come by legal means to australia.....who is stopping them??
they should stop coming to Australia on boats made of tyre...........and all is well.......the govt. is obliged to put benefit of its own citizens first then anyone else.........come by legal means to australia.....who is stopping them??

Yeah~ it seems the word "sovereign" does not belong to Indonesia in this "Operation Sovereign Borders"~
Funny~ the last time Chinese Warship come through just next to Australian water, everyone make a fuss.
And how do you think Indonesian will react to know Australian navy has breached Indonesian territorial water six times?


There's a modern GPS in most military ship & when a naval ship try to enter foreign water alarm start blaring followed by incoming transmission by the other side. No the RAN will never make "mistakes" when the system are completely idiot-proof, they intentionally & willingly intrude upon Indonesia maritime borders.

That's your opinion.

So much bigotry and lying from @xdrive he is truly a true bogan and racist propagandist working for Murdoch

LOL. Desperately pulling out all the chestnut lables in one sentence "racist" "bigot" "liar" "murdoch"

Unfortunately, whipping all these words into 1 sentence doesnt work :(

You love spreading your racist propaganda, don't you?

I have mentioned nothing of anyones race. You love labeling things as "racist" because you disagree with it. A classic left-wing fanatic tactic.

The crimes in Papua were committed by Papuan guards and locals against the asylum seekers.

Not true. That's an accusation from the rioters themselves. There is clear footage of the detainees rioting. They try to blame everyone else to cover up their behavior.
I have mentioned nothing of anyones race. You love labeling things as "racist" because you disagree with it. A classic left-wing fanatic tactic.

Anyone who denies that the Australian media's hysteria on asylum seekers is fully tinged with racial overtones ("boatload of Middle Easterners") is being disingenuous.

Not true. That's an accusation from the rioters themselves. There is clear footage of the detainees rioting. They try to blame everyone else to cover up their behavior.

The detainee camps were breached by Papuan security forces and villagers carrying pipes and machetes. This description comes straight from Australian govt. personnel at the camps.

Of course, Abbot's govt. has a full clampdown on information and free speech, so these people are not allowed to give statements to the media or even talk to each other. That alone tells us how much the govt. is afraid to let the facts come out.

Watch the SBS video to see what they reported anonymously (since they are not allowed to talk officially).
Anyone who denies that the Australian media's hysteria on asylum seekers is fully tinged with racial overtones ("boatload of Middle Easterners") is being disingenuous.

The detainee camps were breached by Papuan security forces and villagers carrying pipes and machetes. This description comes straight from Australian govt. personnel at the camps.

Of course, Abbot's govt. has a full clampdown on information and free speech, so these people are not allowed to give statements to the media or even talk to each other. That alone tells us how much the govt. is afraid to let the facts come out.

Watch the SBS video to see what they reported anonymously (since they are not allowed to talk officially).

I don't understand why folks want to go somewhere where they are clearly not welcome. Signals from Australia couldn't be clearer.
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