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Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

For @Mr Second and @xdrive @Maxtini

Hey-hey what we are talking about here is not whatever fucking the noble reasons they had, it is the fact if Australia Navy has breached my country sovereignty by crossing our Maritime boundaries by their Warships, not just one time, but SIX TIMES. **** man, this is ridiculous and it is just like Australia has considered us as nothing. If it is America or Sovyet, they must sent those warships into the bottom of ocean, it is really a serious matter, it is an act of aggression from those strange neighbor of Asia. Now, whatever the reasons they had, they have giving us a clear message if they are not a friendly and respectful neighbor. We still had a bitter resentment against them because of Timor Leste cases. The Fucking idiot Australian White Trash who get the leadership in Canberra right now will know, in the near future they will get a nightmare as Jakarta will get a closer relationship with the Chinese.... militarily

Rear Admiral James Goldrick explains what led to Australian ships entering Indonesian waters

Writing for ABC News Online, Rear Admiral James Goldrick, who retired in 2012, says the controversy resulted from officers on board the Australian ships making what is by Navy standards, a basic mistake.

"What is apparent is that units simply misinterpreted the maritime boundaries around Indonesia", he said, by relying on the standard 12 nautical mile limit of territorial waters and failing to account for a complex formula that is applied when calculating the limit of archipelago nations such as Indonesia, which comprises thousands of islands.

"Drawing what is effectively a ring around all the islands also results in everything inside the archipelago being territorial waters, regardless of ... distance from the coast," he said.

"At the edge of the boundaries, a ship can be up to 50 nautical miles (in special circumstances over 60 nautical miles) from the nearest land and still be within the territorial sea.

"It is clear from the public statements that at no time did any Australian ship approach within 12 nautical miles of Indonesian land. For whatever reason, this 12 mile limit interpretation of international law seems to have been the one that dominated - incorrectly - the planning and execution of the operation at sea."

He dismisses subsequent speculation that the ships involved, Navy frigates Stuart and Parramatta and the Customs vessel Triton, may have inadvertently strayed off course.

Rear Admiral James Goldrick explains what led to Australian ships entering Indonesian waters - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

ABC oh yeah, Australian Bogus Corporation talking about News, **** off
What do you think is the cause of refugees?
We are not talking about people escaping poverty~ they're not refugees
We are talking people escaping war and persecution~ they're refugees

And is it not surprising that most of it is the western countries policy that cause conflict. Iraq? Iran? Afghanistan? Mali? Syria? Pakistan?
You don't simply intervene, bomb strike a countries, and expecting no refugees flocking in front of your border.
You are 100% right! But you and those refugees, please go and find USA. We are a peaceful land and it was not US who caused the Iraq, Afghanistan, Mali, Syria or
What do you think is the cause of refugees?
We are not talking about people escaping poverty~ they're not refugees
We are talking people escaping war and persecution~ they're refugees

And is it not surprising that most of it is the western countries policy that cause conflict. Iraq? Iran? Afghanistan? Mali? Syria? Pakistan?
You don't simply intervene, bomb strike a countries, and expecting no refugees flocking in front of your border.
You are 100% right! But go and find USA ok! We are a peaceful land! It was not WE who caused the Iraq, Iran, Afghanstan, Mali, Syria or Pakistan! If their refugees got some problem or need some help, go to ask USA(maybe also France), dont involve us into such stupid and complicated thing! And dont act you like God here! Because it is not you who pay the tax and pension to help them!
chasing illegal refugees

There is no such thing as an "illegal refugee" in this context.

Any person is allowed to try and enter a country -- with or without documents -- and request refugee status. At that point, if the country is signatory to UN conventions, that person must be accorded due process and his case heard. Border control and navy personnel are not qualified to determine their case on the spot.

It is the Australian navy's actions which are likely to be illegal, not those of the asylum seekers.
There is no such thing as an "illegal refugee" in this context.

Any person is allowed to try and enter a country -- with or without documents -- and request refugee status. At that point, if the country is signatory to UN conventions, that person must be accorded due process and his case heard. Border control and navy personnel are not qualified to determine their case on the spot.

It is the Australian navy's actions which are likely to be illegal, not those of the asylum seekers.
What? So people can smuggle in Australia whatever they are found or not. If being found, what they need to do is only declare "I request for refugee's status"? And then, nothing happened.......ok, what an international law.
What? So people can smuggle in Australia whatever they are found or not. If being found, what they need to do is only declare "I request for refugee's status"? And then, nothing happened.......ok, what an international law.

That is the law. If their refugee claim is rejected by the appropriate authorities, then they can be deported.

PS. In unusual cases, if there is a war going on next door or something, a country can close its borders to everyone, but that's not applicable in this situation.
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Keep on your bad manner and rude talking Indonesian ok, I've never said Australian navy's coming in Indonesian water is right, but meanwhile can you give eerybody some positive links which can prove Indonesian police has done some positive things to prevent smuggling? What I know is private property should be respected and cannot be offended! Australian people, as I know, has paid quite a lot to take care those who smuggling people with their private tax and pension. As a good neighbour you mean, has Indonesian really stopped those smuggling? I really dont know.

For the words which i bold, that's their problems, because we are here too have the very same problems, our government using our tax payer to giving accommodation for all illegal immigrants who get caught in Indonesian soil and water even tough their destination is Australia, and that's quite big for us. Every year we must taking care about 30.000 to 60.000 illegal immigrants in our custody, and that's number keep increasing every year last year alone we must taking care about 42000 more illegal immigrants mostly came from Middle East Country and Myanmar (the Rohingyas). And most all of them wanna go to Australia because of their own ridiculous law to accept anybody who get's in their shore. Even with our limited budget we must taking care the shits they had created and now they blame us and accuse us of doing nothing to stopping those boat peoples? ****.

Australian people has offend us, five times in a row, first they got caught with spying acts against Indonesian top leaders, second, they are refusing to offer a honest apologize to us, three they are trying to solving their boat peoples problems without consulting with us (who already taking a strong measures against people smuggling you can googling it yourself or asking other Indonesian members @nufix @Maxtini @MarveL @julia rachman, because i will not nice enough to do this for you), four they shipped back all of boats people they caught in Australian or Indonesian water back to Indonesian islands in life boats just like throwing garbage at sea, Five their Warships breaching our border and boosting to media they are doing that to keep the promise of their Prime Minister to his voters back home (WTF, an arrogant bunch he is).
So is it wrong to go to Australia to seek refuge?
I cannot fathom how seeking a better refuge like Australia is not allow?

Australia has a large refugee intake program that resettles refugees from UNHCR camps right around the world. People who come here illegally by boat are trying to bypass that intake program and jump the queue. A lot are bogus economic migrants or are asylum shoppers who want to be picky about where they are settled.

It is clear, their countries are in a state (civil) war, seeking refuge from war is already a compelling reason for them to be admitted a refugee status regardless of whether they are rich and poor.

If they were escaping civil war or war, they would go to the nearest safe country like Syrian refugees do. Not fly half way around the world and then pay criminals to smuggle them into a rich western country.

Are you implying that Albert Einstein is a cheat? Why did he not go to Britain, Switzerland. or France? Why would he want to fly to US?

If Albert Einstein decided that he would pay criminals to smuggle him into a country for economic reasons while ignoring said countries immigration and refugee intake programs, then yes.

I don't know about Norway but, in Australia, the media hysteria is fueled by people who openly admit their reason for opposing asylum seekers is their race and religion. Predictably enough, many of these hate mongers work for Rupert Murdoch's News Corp..

Remember, this is the same Australian media which turned a convicted drug smuggler like Schapelle Corby into a sympathetic national hero, and had a very racist portrayal of Indonesia in the matter.

The Australian media was furious that a bunch of brown/yellow Asian men should dare to punish a white Western woman for drug smuggling.

Rubbish. You continually spout these untrue lines like "ITS ALL RUPERT MURDOCHS DOING" nonsense because you have some vendetta against the media. You do it in EVERY.SINGLE.THREAD, regardless of what the topic is about. If someone trips over in Australia, you'll post that it's because of racism and Rupert Murdoch and the media. :disagree: Get a grip.

You are just in a deep state of denial that people who come here illegally by boat are cheats and are wanting to cheat the system so you parrot conspiracy theories about rupert murdoch and pretend that it's all about racism.

Classic left-wing Greens type fanatic.

What? So people can smuggle in Australia whatever they are found or not. If being found, what they need to do is only declare "I request for refugee's status"? And then, nothing happened.......ok, what an international law.

Dev is simply twisting words to match his argument. No one is saying it's illegal to claim asylum however, it's illegal to enter Australia without a visa and to pay criminal people smugglers to smuggle you here.

This is a classic tactic straight out of the pro-illegal handbook.

Any person is allowed to try and enter a country -- with or without documents -- and request refugee status.

Wrong. It's illegal in Australia, even the UN convention acknowledges the illegality of it but stipulates they can't be prosecuted or persecuted for it, something you convieniently ignore.

But no doubt, you'll respond with "Rupert Murdoch controls the UN" :rofl:

You imbecile, there is no place for trash like you

You should wipe your white master *** in toilet, it is Indonesia and Australia matter, your opinion as an outsider is invalid, so get out of here asshole, sorry white *** licker is more appropriate for you

It's hilarious that you think responding to me with massively abusive, insulting and racist posts will in any way effect me or rebut anything im saying.

It just proves i'm right in the end. :) Enjoy your day, racist.
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Rubbish. You continually spout these untrue lines like "ITS ALL RUPERT MURDOCHS DOING" nonsense because you have some vendetta against the media. You do it in EVERY.SINGLE.THREAD, regardless of what the topic is about. If someone trips over in Australia, you'll post that it's because of racism and Rupert Murdoch and the media. :disagree: Get a grip.

Shameless exploitation of racism is the hallmark of the Murdoch media.

The issue of asylum seekers was not even remotely anywhere near anyone's top priority -- except the usual extremist loons. In poll after poll, it was nonexistent as an issue. It was the Murdoch media which turned it into a national "emergency".

Wrong. It's illegal in Australia, even the UN convention acknowledges the illegality of it but stipulates they can't be prosecuted or persecuted for it, something you convieniently ignore.

But no doubt, you'll respond with "Rupert Murdoch controls the UN" :rofl:

Even though they enter Australia illegally, once they request asylum, they are covered by the UN refugee convention.

I suggest you educate yourself instead of letting the Murdoch media brainwash you.

No lesser authority than Malcolm Fraser himself said that Australia may be in contravention of UN conventions.

The only reason the UN doesn't issue a strong statement is because the facts surrounding the boat turnbacks are deliberately suppressed by the Australian govt. and no one will issue definitive statements without all the facts present.
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Love Australian vs Indonesian problems, like 2 kids fighting for a candy. Next news will be Indonesian fishermen stealing fish from australian waters, Oz newspapers will treat it as australians were kidnapped and taken to indonesia to be eaten.lol
You are 100% right! But you and those refugees, please go and find USA. We are a peaceful land and it was not US who caused the Iraq, Afghanistan, Mali, Syria or

You are 100% right! But go and find USA ok! We are a peaceful land! It was not WE who caused the Iraq, Iran, Afghanstan, Mali, Syria or Pakistan! If their refugees got some problem or need some help, go to ask USA(maybe also France), dont involve us into such stupid and complicated thing! And dont act you like God here! Because it is not you who pay the tax and pension to help them!

Your countries are obligated to receive them because your country signed the convention~ its clear cut.

Australia has a large refugee intake program that resettles refugees from UNHCR camps right around the world. People who come here illegally by boat are trying to bypass that intake program and jump the queue. A lot are bogus economic migrants or are asylum shoppers who want to be picky about where they are settled.

UNHCR procedure is for someone who cannot reach safe refuge~ those who can reach by whatever means are the responsibility of host nation.

Have you read the UN Convention? You keep repeated the world jump the queue where in fact there are not queue. Under the convention, refugee are exempted from persecution over illegal cross border~ thats clear cut and Australia breach the convention, let alone breaching other countries sovereignty!

UNHCR - Australia: Proposed new border control measures raise serious concerns
"This is even more worrying in the absence of any clear indications as to what might be the nature of the envisaged offshore processing arrangement. If it is not one that meets the same high standards Australia sets for its own processes, this could be tantamount to penalising for illegal entry. The widely adhered to practice is for signatory states to the 1951 Refugee Convention, like Australia, to provide to asylum seekers access to a full and fair refugee status determination process to determine their protection needs, implemented by the state authority, with the real possibility of timely and appropriate solutions; exclusion of any possibility of refoulement; and that asylum seekers should be able to live in humane, decent conditions which respect family unity while waiting for their claims to be processed and a solution found.

UNHCR would not normally substitute for a well-established national procedure such as Australia's."

If they were escaping civil war or war, they would go to the nearest safe country like Syrian refugees do. Not fly half way around the world and then pay criminals to smuggle them into a rich western country.

If Albert Einstein decided that he would pay criminals to smuggle him into a country for economic reasons while ignoring said countries immigration and refugee intake programs, then yes.
Yes they will~ what do you think a lot of those prominent refugees do? Do you read their stories? I bet no~ You just keep spreading myth!
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Shameless exploitation of racism is the hallmark of the Murdoch media.

Yes yes, everything is a murdoch media conspiracy and racist.

You sound like a neo-nazi ranting about how the "jews" control the world, but instead its "rupert murdoch" and his "media" zzzzzz :blah:

Even though they enter Australia illegally, once they request asylum, they are covered by the UN refugee convention.

Thanks for repeating what i just wrote. I'm glad we agree and im glad you finally acknowledge that they ARE entering australia illegally.
I suggest you educate yourself instead of letting the Murdoch media brainwash you

I deal in facts. I don't parrot lines like "THE MURDOCH MEDIA IS BEHIND EVERYTHING!" conspiracy theories straight out of the left wing illegal immigrant supporters handbook, unlike yourself.
Yes yes, everything is a murdoch media conspiracy and racist.

You sound like a neo-nazi ranting about how the "jews" control the world, but instead its "rupert murdoch" and his "media" zzzzzz :blah:

Thanks for repeating what i just wrote. I'm glad we agree and im glad you finally acknowledge that they ARE entering australia illegally.

I deal in facts. I don't parrot lines like "THE MURDOCH MEDIA IS BEHIND EVERYTHING!" conspiracy theories straight out of the left wing illegal immigrant supporters handbook, unlike yourself.

I hope your media is not as bad as Fox News ......:rofl: Some of your TV always say "Indonesia military get trained by Aussie military" while in the reality it is just an exercise in Australia....and we do it both in Indonesia and Australia... :lol:
Yes yes, everything is a murdoch media conspiracy and racist..

Murdoch's News Corp. controls 63% of newspapers in major Australian cities. Between him and Fairfax -- just two companies -- they control 90% of newspapers in major cities.

Australia has one of the LEAST competitive media in the developed world.

Thanks for repeating what i just wrote. I'm glad we agree and im glad you finally acknowledge that they ARE entering australia illegally..

You seem to have trouble reading full sentences -- a hallmark of the sheep who are used to being spoon-fed.
As soon as any person -- legal or illegal -- requests asylum, a whole new set of rules kick into action.

I deal in facts.

You deal in half-truths.

I hope your media is not as bad as Fox News

Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.

In any country, Murdoch media is guaranteed to be among the most racist and tabloid media.
Murdoch's News Corp. controls 63% of newspapers in major Australian cities. Between him and Fairfax -- just two companies -- they control 90% of newspapers in major cities.

Australia has one of the LEAST competitive media in the developed world.
Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.

In any country, Murdoch media is guaranteed to be among the most racist and tabloid media.

Yes, I have seen Fox News...One sided journalism ....:cheesy:. Indonesia has much better TV News...like Metro TV and TV One...thanks to ALLAH all of them are in the hands of Indonesian Muslim. Thanks for your info.
Murdoch's News Corp. controls 63% of newspapers in major Australian cities. Between him and Fairfax -- just two companies -- they control 90% of newspapers in major cities.

So what? Newspapers are a dieing medium. Newspapers are not some magical brainwashing device that will instantly brainwash people the second they gaze upon the front page.

Save your hysterical frothing posts, you write this crap in every thread. Take it else where.

As soon as any person -- legal or illegal -- requests asylum, a whole new set of rules kick into action.

I know, i acknowledged that. You then said i was wrong and then proceeded to repeat exactly what i wrote, confirming what i said was right.

Maybe you should read more carefully instead of hysterically frothing with "OMG MURDOCH MEDIA OMG" I guess it's a convenient parrot line to use when you are in a deep state of denial about something.

If you don't agree with something, just scream "ITS RUPERT MURDOCHS FAULT" lol.

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