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Australia eyes defence business in India

Because US, Russia, France and Canada are obviously not serious about getting rid of nuclear weapons, my country is.

what was ur beloved country doing all these years when Nukes were all over the place capable of destroying earth many times ? either u are sidelined or nobody listens to you..:azn:
You obviously don't understand what the NPT, go read up about it.

Because US, Russia, France and Canada are obviously not serious about getting rid of nuclear weapons, my country is.

Yes i know, but you obviously don't understand what the NPT is. Everyone who signs it committes to not make any new nuclear weapons, it doesn't mean you have to get rid of your nukes.

Leave it man. Both of us are not going to change our policies.
Neither Australia will change its policy in this regards nor is India going to sign NPT.:cheers:
what was ur beloved country doing all these years when Nukes were all over the place capable of destroying earth many times ? either u are sidelined or nobody listens to you..:azn:

It's not as easy as saying "get rid of them" signing the NPT is the first step and we saw the second step a couple of months back "U.S and russia gettign rid of some of their nukes"
I have read it, digested it and trashed it. It is a useless obsolete treaty, a cold war relic, not relevant anymore

What you just said proves you haven't read it. You claim a treaty to stop new nukes being made is obsolete and not relevant.

What a silly thing to say.
What you just said proves you haven't read it. You claim a treaty to stop new nukes being made is obsolete and not relevant.

What a silly thing to say.

No you are mistaken again.

My objection to NPT is with the fact that 5 countries are allowed to have Nuclear weapons whereas other nations are not allowed.

Most other countries have accepted that lying low, India didn't.

That was the reason we rejected NPT since beginning.

Hence I used the word Nuclear apartheid.

Can you explain why only certain nations can have N weapons and not the rest? That may be acceptable to Australia, not to India.
You obviously don't understand what the NPT, go read up about it.

Because US, Russia, France and Canada are obviously not serious about getting rid of nuclear weapons, my country is.

Yes i know, but you obviously don't understand what the NPT is. Everyone who signs it committes to not make any new nuclear weapons, it doesn't mean you have to get rid of your nukes.

Elimination of nukes from this earth is impossible. Period.

Also i would like to point out the hypocrisy in u stand.

On one leg u policies are dictated to a large extent by the sole power who actually used the atomic weapon on mankind. U hail America and want its protection, on the other hand u speak about elimination of nukes as if it is drinking coffee at a joint.

U don't speak elimination with USA or UK or Russia or France but u speak of it to Asian Countries. U export uranium to these countries, can u realistically tell if this uranium is not going to be weaponised?? Why these double standards ?? If one has a policy it should be universally applicable.

Inspite of this u act as a angel. Great work man and great NPT.
No you are mistaken again.

My objection to NPT is with the fact that 5 countries are allowed to have Nuclear weapons whereas other nations are not allowed.

Most other countries have accepted that lying low, India didn't.

That was the reason we rejected NPT since beginning.

Hence I used the word Nuclear apartheid.

Can you explain why only certain nations can have N weapons and not the rest? That may be acceptable to Australia, not to India.

Further proves you have not read the NPT. The NPT stops the creation of new nukes, IT DOES NOT ban countries from having nukes as you claim with your statement "My objection to NPT is with the fact that 5 countries are allowed to have Nuclear weapons whereas other nations are not allowed."

As i said, please go read the NPT, so you fully understand it.

The U.S has signed the NPT, so the U.S cannot make anymore nukes, the same with every other nuclearn ation except the 3 i pointed out above who have not signed.
Elimination of nukes from this earth is impossible. Period.

No it's not, we have the NPT so no more nukes are being created, plus the U.S and russia just got rid of 1,000s of nukes from their stockpile. It's a slow process but we will get there.

On one leg u policies are dictated to a large extent by the sole power who actually used the atomic weapon on mankind. U hail America and want its protection, on the other hand u speak about elimination of nukes as if it is drinking coffee at a joint.

What? I never said any of this.

U don't speak elimination with USA or UK or Russia or France but u speak of it to Asian Countries.
What? I never said anything about eliminating nukes in just Asian countries, please don't make things up.

U export uranium to these countries, can u realistically tell if this uranium is not going to be weaponised??
Yes because every single country we export uranium to has signed the NPT. You obviously don't know this, but it's been about 15 years since the last nuclear weapon was made.

The NPT makes creating new nukes illegal to all countries who sign it.

Why these double standards ?? If one has a policy it should be universally applicable

There is no double standards, as i showed above. You have misinformation.
The U.S has signed the NPT, so the U.S cannot make anymore nukes, the same with every other nuclearn ation except the 3 i pointed out above who have not signed.

They already have 10,000 N warheads, they would be retarded to need anymore.

The day India has a N warhead stockpile that we are comfortable with, we will join the NPT too.:cheers:
No it's not, we have the NPT so no more nukes are being created, plus the U.S and russia just got rid of 1,000s of nukes from their stockpile. It's a slow process but we will get there.

What? I never said any of this.

What? I never said anything about eliminating nukes in just Asian countries, please don't make things up.

Yes because every single country we export uranium to has signed the NPT. You obviously don't know this, but it's been about 15 years since the last nuclear weapon was made.

The NPT makes creating new nukes illegal to all countries who sign it.


There is no double standards, as i showed above. You have misinformation.

Man o man, these things are not said. They are straight t anybody's face who wants to see them. And when i say u its not u personally but Australia and its policies.

Regarding no nukes being made from 15 years, its obvious with thousands of tests and super computers to do the necessary simulations the west doesn't need to do any more tests. It has terabytes of data with it, and this would suffice forever.

If one can see into history the NPT came out only when India tested nukes. Who gave the authority to these five nations only to have these weapons. Also when u have a Nuke sub sent to ur territorial waters u will understand what it means to be threatened.

Enough said by now, one thing is sure today or tomorrow Australia will change its policy towards India. You may think this as my arrogance or over confidence, but i am speaking pragmtically. When the nation which brought out NPT and i am speaking about USA (no beating around the bush) can assure nuclear supplies to us circumventing the same NPT , it has given a signal to everybody that the change in realpolitik is happening and inevitable.

The same applies to Australia.
If one can see into history the NPT came out only when India tested nukes. Who gave the authority to these five nations only to have these weapons. Also when u have a Nuke sub sent to ur territorial waters u will understand what it means to be threatened.

Again, what are you talking about? You keep saying "who said these 5 nations can only have nukes" that's not what the bloody NPT is about.

The NPT is about making sure no new nukes get made in the country who signs it, it's not about forcing other countries to get rid of nukes, it's simply to make sure no new nukes get made. Also signing it is voluntary so i don't know what your complaining about.

Enough said by now, one thing is sure today or tomorrow Australia will change its policy towards India

It won't, what do you not understand? Australia does not sell uranium to non signers of the NPT.

When the nation which brought out NPT and i am speaking about USA
The USA did not make the NPT :disagree: It was thought up the the UN and signed by every single country in the world except 3.

can assure nuclear supplies to us circumventing the same NPT
Selling urnanium to a country that hasn't signed the NPT isn't breaching the NPT. But Australia refuses to sell to a non signer of the NPT because we want a country to be legally binded that they can't make nukes with the uranium.
You obviously don't understand what the NPT, go read up about it.

Because US, Russia, France and Canada are obviously not serious about getting rid of nuclear weapons, my country is.

Yes i know, but you obviously don't understand what the NPT is. Everyone who signs it committes to not make any new nuclear weapons, it doesn't mean you have to get rid of your nukes.

What you just said proves you haven't read it. You claim a treaty to stop new nukes being made is obsolete and not relevant.

What a silly thing to say.

Further proves you have not read the NPT. The NPT stops the creation of new nukes, IT DOES NOT ban countries from having nukes as you claim with your statement "My objection to NPT is with the fact that 5 countries are allowed to have Nuclear weapons whereas other nations are not allowed."

As i said, please go read the NPT, so you fully understand it.

The U.S has signed the NPT, so the U.S cannot make anymore nukes, the same with every other nuclearn ation except the 3 i pointed out above who have not signed.

Again, what are you talking about? You keep saying "who said these 5 nations can only have nukes" that's not what the bloody NPT is about.

The NPT is about making sure no new nukes get made in the country who signs it, it's not about forcing other countries to get rid of nukes, it's simply to make sure no new nukes get made.

Wow ! so much certainty in your argument ! A pity then that it is you who does not understand the treaty.
The treaty does not stop recognised nuclear weapons powers from increasing their weapon numbers. Are you actually suggesting that no nuclear weapons have been made by those nuclear powers since the mid 70's? How exactly do you think they carried out nuclear tests till the 90's? How do you think they improved their weapons?

It would prevent India from having nuclear weapons because India is not recognised as a nuclear weapons power under the treaty. ( The cut off date for countries to have had carried out nuclear tests to be eligible to be included as a nuclear weapon state was 1968; India carried out its first test in 1974) India cannot join the NPT as it currently stands without having to give up all its nuclear weapons. That's never going to happen, no matter what Australia or any other country does.
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