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Aussies fear threat of war with China

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Aug 20, 2009
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Aussies fear threat of war with China | Herald Sun

ALMOST half of Australians think their country will face China's military might within 20 years, a poll has found.

On the eve of Prime Minister Julia Gillard's first trip to China, a Lowy Institute poll found 44 per cent of people think the Asian powerhouse will pose a military threat to Australia.

Of those people, 82 per cent thought Australia's land and resources could be a reason for an attack or invasion.

Most people worried about China's military rise think a war between China and the US, in which Australia would take part, is a more likely cause of strife.

The institute polled 1002 nationally representative Australians between March 30 and April 14.

The poll results highlight some of the diplomatic challenges Ms Gillard faces when she travels to Beijing.

Trade, human rights abuses and imprisoned Australians are other sticky issues experts say make any leader's visit to China a difficult balancing act.

Professor of Asian languages and studies at Monash University, Bruce Jacobs, said the poll results were not surprising because China had issued threatening statements in the region and was building arms.

"I think (concerns) are likely to increase," Prof Jacobs said.

But he rejected the theory Australia's resources or land would be reason for attack.

Australian concerns about human rights abuses and foreign investment are also high, the Lowy poll shows.

And as Ms Gillard today marks Anzac Day in South Korea, the poll shows the majority of people would support a war against North Korea if it attacked its southern neighbour.

Lowy Institute executive director Dr Michael Wesley said Ms Gillard must tread a fine line this week.

"The results show just how difficult it will be for Prime Minister Gillard to balance the economic demands of the relationship with the Australian public's concerns about human rights abuses in China, its military expansion, and negative perceptions about Chinese investment in Australia," Dr Wesley said.
Australians are some of the weirdest people on the planet. China doesn't have to do anything to freighten them, they do it themselves. They should look up a map sometimes and see how many countries China must get through in order to reach them. Do they even have those over there?

Australia's fears are misplaced. Who controls which islands in the south china sea has nothing to do with Australia. I challenge anyone to produce a a threatening statement that China has issued to Australia.

What seems to be behind Australia's insecurity is that they are uncertain who to leader in Asia is, and so they are uncertain as to who to bandwagon with or who to balance against. And even if China became the leading power of Asia, that means nothing to Australia's security, unless Australia hostilely balances against China's rise.
China doesn't have to do anything to freighten them, they do it themselves. They should look up a map sometimes and see how many countries China must get through in order to reach them. Do they even have those over there?

Thats sort of true, except for the bigotry. I do think that the general population understands the importance of China, but they are also used to being the dominant [and white] country in the Asia-Pacific region. They don't have a problem with India, but fear China. China is shown in the media as secretive, harsh and not afraid to use force, and thats what scares people. India is shown as colourful and happy.

And in terms of "how many countries China must get through in order to reach them".. thats a weird thing to say. How many countries did the US go through to get to Iraq? Its not the 17th century; you can invade over-night and have full control in a week. Besides, there are only like 4 proper cities in Australia and a huge land mass. Everyone knows its hard to defend a huge, empty island.

edit: sort of agree with Tigershark, but this is just the media stirring things up. People are more worried about the fact that its raining on a public holiday than the threat of China :P
I simply don't believe that Aussie have this kind of fear against China. Tabliods tend to play on people fear in order to sell more.
Yes there are some rascist and their history on the Aborigies as well as having only white imigration policy back in the 70's does make you think.
However, thing have change there are a lot of Aussie that love chinese people.
Australia has a long history with Sinophobia. The root causes were economic. The Chinese immigrant gold miners were just more productive with smaller claims. What else is new?? I don't think the Kiwis have as much the same problem.
Yet another thread full of China bashing . :rolleyes:

Theres no China bashing........ yet :P Just wait for some of the trolls to arrive. No doubt there will be Australian bashing too.

Ridiculous polls like this get posted all the time. The survey conductors basically survey 1000 people and then base their results off of what they say.

It's pretty inaccurate.
Not bashing. I just want to show that average Australians are not really friendly to China.

Well first of all the poll doesn't represent the average Australian. Only 1000 people were surveyed.

Secondly, being concerned about a countries military doesn't mean you are not "friendly"

I don't think the 974,707 thousand Chinese-Australians fear or dislike China.
Well, the imperial japanese armed forces did get very close to australia during WWII, and darwin was even bombed and their submarine did scoutings of the sydney harbour, so can't be blamed if some of them have long memories.

But yeah, tabloid sells on controversies.

It's the same with movies and intertainment industried in general - You don't make it as good as you can, just good enough to sell to the greatest share of consumers.
Thats sort of true, except for the bigotry. I do think that the general population understands the importance of China, but they are also used to being the dominant [and white] country in the Asia-Pacific region. They don't have a problem with India, but fear China. China is shown in the media as secretive, harsh and not afraid to use force, and thats what scares people. India is shown as colourful and happy.

And in terms of "how many countries China must get through in order to reach them".. thats a weird thing to say. How many countries did the US go through to get to Iraq? Its not the 17th century; you can invade over-night and have full control in a week. Besides, there are only like 4 proper cities in Australia and a huge land mass. Everyone knows its hard to defend a huge, empty island.

edit: sort of agree with Tigershark, but this is just the media stirring things up. People are more worried about the fact that its raining on a public holiday than the threat of China :P
To launch a successful invation of Australia, China would need to demonstrate strong naval capability. As of now, the PLAN is not yet a true blue water navy and cannot project power beyond its regional waters. Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines are not exactly friendly sea neighbors. They would inhibit any attempts by China to land on Australia. Of course, that is not counting possible intervention by United States.

If you use Iraq as a comparison, Americans have several bases in Middle East they could use as staging point, and a bunch of minion states at its side to assist. You are comparing apples to oranges. China is not United States, not even close in terms of military oversea bases and power projection. The line of supply on the seas would be a nightmare to maintain.

In short, the idea of China conquering Austrlia is nothing more than an imaginary boogeyman.
If you use Iraq as a comparison, Americans have several bases in Middle East they could use as staging point, and a bunch of minion states at its side to assist. You are comparing apples to oranges. China is not United States, not even close in terms of military oversea bases and power projection. The line of supply on the seas would be a nightmare to maintain.

In short, the idea of China conquering Austrlia is nothing more than an imaginary boogeyman.

Exactly right. In practical terms, it is pretty much impossible.

Even after more than 10 years, this will still be true. It will take a very long time indeed, to build up that kind of power projection.
Australian is the weird people.
Why do they have to worry about China? The distance between China and Australia so far.
Oh dear the Aussies are scared. China must give them a pair of pandas to assure them that we are friendly towards them. :agree:
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