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Aussie Couple Crossing from India Found Pakistani Roads Better

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WEF Index is not solely about quality of roads, extensiveness of road network plays big part in rating. As 95% of Pakistan's population live in 55% area of Pakistan - so Pakistan's score is less because of length of roads.
I'm not talking about why? Yes, Pakistan is not as densely populated as India now, has some 7 times the road density than India. Hence people find it easier to get to places by road. That's why those aussies who took the road trip said, Pakistan has good roads. They are not talking about the build quality of roads. Rather easiness in getting to places.
Too bad for Indian perverts...the girl was accompanied by her boyfriend, Indians missed the chance to grope and sexually harass her.
The only country where tourists are given commando protection must be safest place on earth.:rolleyes:
The only country where tourists are given commando protection must be safest place on earth.

Buddy, my wife and I were in the Zona Hoteleria in Cancun few years ago. A highly touristy place--almost exclusively touristy. And yet heavily armed soldiers were patrolling the beach. Mexico is not even at war with anyone.

On the other hand--a couple of Pakistan's neighbors ensure that tourists in Pakistan are easy picking for their paid agents. A very low and shameful act of waging a war!!! And hence the protection given. Otherwise, you KNOW it that Pakistanis are far more hospitable and generous than most people in this world.
No offence but swaach bharat is a failure.
It was a good effort by your pm but most indians were too lazy to adapt to it.

Some random nobody on this forum telling me different to UNICEF :rofl: Ouch...who to believe.

Oops!! The same dude Carl Rock here talking about how the Roads/Motorways in Pakistan is so much better than neighboring India and Mc.Donald Beef Burger too, tasted terrible in India...he said.

Good, there is lot that Pakistan is better than India on. I never denied it. But saying "Exponential" better on basic living conditions (for 90% population) is a real stretch. Just look at the basic metrics regarding those.
Buddy, my wife and I were in the Zona Hoteleria in Cancun few years ago. A highly touristy place--almost exclusively touristy. And yet heavily armed soldiers were patrolling the beach. Mexico is not even at war with anyone.
Did you get a security officer following you around when visiting Mexico? That'll explain it all.
Having a place under surveillance and security is different from having a cop following you wherever you go. Or having to register in a police station in every city visits made.
On the other hand--a couple of Pakistan's neighbors ensure that tourists in Pakistan are easy picking for their paid agents. A very low and shameful act of waging a war!!! And hence the protection given. Otherwise, you KNOW it that Pakistanis are far more hospitable and generous than most people in this world.
Bruv, I got nothing against you or people of Pakistan, I was addressing the member who made a low blow remark on people of my country. I could ask the same question, what happens when that cop leaves, will it be the same hospitable people? That'll be the question the tourists will have too.

Some random nobody on this forum telling me different to UNICEF :rofl: Ouch...who to believe.
That's a PDF thinking tank. :coffee:
Having better roads than India is not an achievement in my opinion. We should compare ourselves from other countries in the region who are actually progressing in real sense. No offence but Indias poverty and population is a great problem so comparing ourselves from country battling these massive problems, is nothing to be proud of.

The only thing i think people do comparisons and boost about them is because India likes to put Pakistan down at every given opportunity.

We have a long way to go. South east asian countries should be our model to follow if we really want to be proud of our achievements.
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