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Attn Neo : The Matrix as Metaphysics


Mar 18, 2006
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Me was looking around for some material on The Absolute Reality and finally landed up in this page.

It's an interesting read. Especially for those fans of The Matrix. :cool:

Go Here >> http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_cmp/new_phil_fr_chalmers.html

And If you're interested in what I was trying to find go here >> http://www.kheper.net/integral/Philosophical_Thesis_1.html

You'd understand the heights of philosophical truths Eastern scholars have reached about two thousand years ago if you read the second link. Compare that to Western faiths propagated and you'd understand why people like me go crazy at organized religion!

I have'nt read much to know if these are wonderful material but I do want to recommend them. They'll atleast serve as a nice introduction I hope.


(Finally, some positive contribution to Theology section)
:rofl: Dud, you can't even write English, how do you expect us to believe you can understand that second link?! Even your own link is denying solipsism and the thoughts of Advaita Vedanta, whilst promoting Tantric philosophies (Tantric philosophy incidentally originated from Ancient Pakistan, particularly Swat). Tell us all what you find so amazing about this "metaphysical interpretation" :sniper: .
how do you expect us to believe you can understand that second link?!

When did I tell you I was expecting you to believe anything I wrote or provided ?

Even your own link is denying solipsism

So What ? Who's trying to prove something here ?

Tantric philosophy incidentally originated from Ancient Pakistan, particularly Swat

Big deal.

From what you've written in the above post I can easily gather you've never fully tried to read what I've posted.

My link does not deny Advaitic thoughts. It denies Solipsism. :lol:

While to say there is only one Pure Awareness/Consciousness - in Vedantic philosophy the identity of Atman and Brahman - certainly seems like solipsism (as it asserts there is only one Self), this is not the same as solipsism. That is, solipsism says that only the relative center of consciousness is the only thing that exists. In otehr words, there is only one ego. Compare this with the Advaita Vedanta of the classic monist, Shankara. Here, the identity of Atman and Brahman is quite distinct from phenomenal existence. Unlike some Buddhists mentalists (the Yogachara school), and westren solipsists like *****, Shankara specifically affirmed the existence and reality of the empirical worrld, and hence completely denied the solispist position.

Why on earth can't you read what I've posted before making some hurried comments ? It makes you look so childish.

I made this thread to show Neo some of metaphysical concepts used in Matrix. Neo happens to be a great fan of Matrix. And you come running in with your allegations about my English and a rather half-baked understanding of what I wrote! Gosh!
My link does not deny Advaitic thoughts. It denies Solipsism. :lol:

Dud, Advantia Vedanta is belief in the self only that leaves the factual remainder of what everyone else knows to be true, false. In effect, you deny I exist, which sounds pretty illogical to me (forget about solopism and other broadly defined words which isnt the main point of that article or my post).
Dud, Advantia Vedanta is belief in the self only that leaves the factual remainder of what everyone else knows to be true, false

Sorry. Your understanding of Advaita (which you dont even know to spell properly) is quite rudimentary to say the least.

Advaita does'nt propose anything to be false. It calls them an illusion. Illusion - from the viewpoint of absolutely real. What falls under illusion is most certainly not in the category of absolutely unreal.

You have no clue about the three tiers of reality proposed by Shankara and you speak of understanding Advaita!

And this is wikipedia level of understanding!:lol:

In effect, you deny I exist

Another gem! If the Atman and Brahman are equal, non-dual how on earth can 'you' not exist ?

Sorry mate, looks like we've got a lot more to learn before we begin to brag in forums.

First you made up something to say my links deny Advaita, then after I pointed out your very obvious mistake of not reading something before commenting you come all guns blazing on Advaita - the very essence of which you have not even made an attempt to understand.

There are many more unpicked leaves in the forest.
I had to write a report on what is the Matrix, it is indeed a very deep movie that can be viewed form a great many angles. However I do not think Eastern metaphysics with its emphasis on social stasis is in any way superior to monotheism and the central idea that man should serve God and not himself.
I felt betrayed at the end when I found out the even Neo was a programme. I would have loved an alternate ending.

I'd like to believe that the Matrix concept is a possibility....
Advaita does'nt propose anything to be false. It calls them an illusion. Illusion - from the viewpoint of absolutely real. What falls under illusion is most certainly not in the category of absolutely unreal

Then your link which you quote is wrong or you are wrong, and mithya/maya are "ilusionary" concepts.

(it is a popular misinterpretation that Advaita teaches the world is "illusion" - Advaita does no such thing), but at the absolute level neither real nor unreal, but simply "false" (mithya), and only appearing real through the activity of maya

Regardless, accoridng to Advainta Vedanta, you still deny I exist because I'm an illusion - great logic..save it - this thread is getting into the absurd.
However I do not think Eastern metaphysics with its emphasis on social stasis is in any way superior to monotheism and the central idea that man should serve God and not himself.

I do not think so either. I believe all beliefs can be respected so long as they respect all other beliefs that are not against progress. Hence my respect for Akbar, the Sufi saints and people like Abdul Kalam.

the central idea that man should serve God and not himself

Hey, where did you get that from ? I really dont know, but as far as I know I don't think Eastern religion propound the idea of serving God as a central thing. It is one of the many ideas.

But I really am not sure. Elaborate on what you said, please.

Regardless, accoridng to Advainta Vedanta, you still deny I exist because I'm an illusion - great logic..save it - this thread is getting into the absurd.

Oh my friend, Advaita does not deny you exist. What then is atman ? You have no idea of what Advaita is. Spare us, please.
I felt betrayed at the end when I found out the even Neo was a programme. I would have loved an alternate ending.

I'd like to believe that the Matrix concept is a possibility....

As long as it makes me 18 till I die.
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