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Attacks to continue, say US officials: Pentagon terms June 10 strike ‘legitimate’

Afghanis have betrayed our trust and the 4 armed wacko head Karzai is one s---ole puppet of US! they should thank us that we saved their country and gave another life to millions of people! and now they are giving us thiss blaim???? i say hell with this afghan+pakistan muslim brother hood!
Afghanis have betrayed our trust and the 4 armed wacko head Karzai is one s---ole puppet of US! they should thank us that we saved their country and gave another life to millions of people! and now they are giving us thiss blaim???? i say hell with this afghan+pakistan muslim brother hood!

you r on the spot trust me march we should have let the soviets bomb the pomegranate's out of their heads they deserved it .
you r on the spot trust me march we should have let the soviets bomb the pomegranate's out of their heads they deserved it .

That actually would have been a good idea. Afghanistan would have been better off if Pakistan had not interfered in its affairs. Initially I favoured it, now, it's clear it was a bad idea.

I don't think one can say Pakistan or any country did the Afghans a favour by helping fight back the Soviets....or perhaps I'm just a communist....
It's interesting to see the different perspectives on this. I joined this forum to get a better idea Pakistan's point of view on the issue.

The BBC sometimes gives us in the USA a better view of world-events (or a less biased one then a Fox or a CNN). What's a major news organization in Pakistan that I can check out? Do any of them post in English or Spanish?
Personally I find the Dawn to be the most objective.

The News, part of the Jang group, tends to confuse opinion with News (which they all do to some extent). The News does nonetheless seem to have the most comprehensive coverage of events, and the wider network of journalists, and one tends to find more details in their coverage.

The editorials and opinion pages of all three are pretty good - with the Daily Times (Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan) on the liberal side.
Personally I find the Dawn to be the most objective.

The News, part of the Jang group, tends to confuse opinion with News (which they all do to some extent). The News does nonetheless seem to have the most comprehensive coverage of events, and the wider network of journalists, and one tends to find more details in their coverage.

The editorials and opinion pages of all three are pretty good - with the Daily Times (Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan) on the liberal side.

I picked The News, Jang they are the most read news papers in Pakistan. So it is popular among many social and political groups.
Thank you.

I can't post links (less then 5 posts) to site specific stories but I think the biggest differences are not in the way the stories are reported, but the facts associated with them:

The BBC describes us as killing 8 taleban and 11 Pakistan soldiers. Dropping 12 bombs in all:
"The survivors then fled into a cave, the video voiceover said, where three more bombs were dropped nearly three hours after the clash started. The voiceover said all the militants were killed and that about 12 bombs were dropped in all.

Earlier, the US state department described the deaths of Pakistani soldiers in the air attack as regrettable, and said there was a need for better communication. "

The News (thank you for the link) describes us as bombing several towns and Pakistan check points. "killing 27 persons, including 13 soldiers, and injuring over 60."

CNN mentions:
" The Taliban forces fired on the Afghan troops as they tried to set up a checkpoint in a disputed area along the Afghan-Pakistan border, Abbas said.

The Afghan troops then called for help from the U.S.-led coalition forces, which carried out an airstrike on positions where Pakistani frontier corps forces were stationed, Abbas added.
Abbas said the airstrike killed 11 Pakistani soldiers, including a high-ranking major, and wounded seven others. "

Give us some points that the Coalition Government should do to avoid future incidents like this from happening, I read the article and I felt there was spin used, so I am sure the US dont want to deteriorate relations with Pakistan, it would deteriorate situation in Afghanistan for the US.
All I know is tha these attacks were part of the PPP manifesto. I still remember when Benazir said that she would allow American troops to operate on Pakistani soil. As far as I am concerned they are fulfilling this promise. Not it would be nice if they remembered the promises they made to the people of Pakistan.
But they said they will continue to attack whenever an attack originates from Pakistan. That INCLUDES an attack of defending Afghan encroachment of our territory.

These threats will be over seen, I just heard on Geo tv that Pakistan Government has taken steps to avoid future attacks from the US and coalition, the Government will now use Satellite surveillance on the western boarders, the surveillance came in retaliation from the attacks, I further more say that is a credible step forward, the threats to attack well this is highly regrettable, and is only deteriorating the situation, negotiations are the best way to resolve this, there is no other alternative, confrontation leads to confrontation, lets lead the US to the enemy and not make the enemy us.

So you will sit together with them and what will you say to them? Look straight question. They are saying they will continue to attack. What will you say to them that will make them change their minds and not attack us?

The collective decision of the Parliament will pave whatever is in the interest of Pakistan. ( do you not feel this is the right answer, that the PML(Q) will also have its say with rest of Pakistan)

What is the PPP prefered result of the WoT debate?

The preferred result are to lead the debate in Parliament, there are no quick solutions, what we placed ourselves in for the last 7 years has grown like a virus, the first thing the PPP wants is peace in the tribal areas, the PPP also wants political parties to become strong, we cannot root extremism out by killing their leaders it will cause revenge attacks, there are better means, negotiation will be the first weapon to rooting extremism, the nuasance of extremism is also due to the lack of development in the tribal areas, we should look in perspective of what these people want, they want jobs they want housing development and logistics, why did they blow up the gas pipe lines? They blew them up because they did not receive any revenue from it, Alama Iqbal said in one of his poems "What is the purpose of this crop when does not feed my hunger, burn this crop that does not feed my hunger," I see where these people have been put, do you, the new Budget has increased by 49% for Baluchistan and NWFP I believe why wasn't this done before, lets develop Baluchistan and NWFP. Your prefered results will immediatly apear.

Give me concrete steps like I said disallow Americans airspace over Pakistan. Why? Because THEN America would realize wow something bad happens when we piss of Pakistanis. It's not as drastic as attacking Americans, but its not as wimpy as condemnation either.

"Wow" might take a bad effect, like I said there is no need to escalate the situation, why didn't the previous government take this step. The coalition government has inherited this situation, and it is best that all steps are measured, thought out and then implemented.

The preferred result are to lead the debate in Parliament, there are no quick solutions, what we placed ourselves in for the last 7 years has grown like a virus, the first thing the PPP wants is peace in the tribal areas, the PPP also wants political parties to become strong, we cannot root extremism out by killing their leaders it will cause revenge attacks, there are better means, negotiation will be the first weapon to rooting extremism, the nuasance of extremism is also due to the lack of development in the tribal areas, we should look in perspective of what these people want, they want jobs they want housing development and logistics, why did they blow up the gas pipe lines? They blew them up because they did not receive any revenue from it, Alama Iqbal said in one of his poems "What is the purpose of this crop when does not feed my hunger, burn this crop that does not feed my hunger," I see where these people have been put, do you, the new Budget has increased by 49% for Baluchistan and NWFP I believe why wasn't this done before, lets develop Baluchistan and NWFP. Your prefered results will immediatly apear.

Well said.

Parliament must be the body that authorizes any policy.

We have for too long allowed ourselves to be manipulated against the wishes of our people because the people have not been represented in government through a free and fair process.

Interceptor, I have high expectations from your party. I will hold judgment on its performance till the end of its five year term, if it lasts that long, which I hope it does.

And even if it fails to deliver on what it promised, I will hold it in high regard if it carries out a free and fair electoral process.
Parliament must be the body that authorizes any policy.

That is the only thing I see that might change all perceptions on Democracy.

For too long we have seen that the Constitution is side lined in the interest of power, allegations, corruption it will all be eradicated if we respect the Parliament, and that people take courage to speak, for many years Pakistani people have been silenced by Politicians and Dictators, look what is yours form this country, the Parliament will be the voice of the people, and when it isn't they will face the music during elections.

It is this Parliament that changes with choice of the people, is it not worth fighting for something we can change or is it worth living with someting that cant be changed. In Islam the Prophet taught the people to "bait" on who you trust to be the leader (bait means to put trust into) it is the natural system of god to see change, there is morining and then there is night.
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