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Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

I as an Indian member apologize for this SON OF A Bi*tch, and his disrespectful comments. I hope this will not generate more hate than alreay existing in a few members. Dogs bark but you dont really waste your time of them mofo's. I request mods to ban his i.p Address please.

Its amazing how you have still have the balls to say that after your country has been nothing but an embarassment for the past 50 years....

Man I really wish i could give u my piece of mind in real life....

Damn.....you ******* whore.... you need to get fucked more.

Perhaps this gentleman's brains got damaged during the descent from Mars.


He is all yours.
I as an Indian member apologize for this SON OF A Bi*tch, and his disrespectful comments. I hope this will not generate more hate than alreay existing in a few members. Dogs bark but you dont really waste your time of them mofo's. I request mods to ban his i.p Address please.

lol, duhashtmish...dont bother...we have seen alot of them...and we know what they acheive by doing this..:enjoy:

To my Pakistani MODS- Get the **** on your job and clean up this thread!!!!!

Do the world a favor and unplug your computer now! But not before you go online and refill your prescription of happy pills...
because of these mofo's some time i think they should give a assault rifle to all the sane people and - pay them 5$ for each such bi tch killed.
That will solve a lot of problem for pakistan and India.
How come you didnt notice that OMAR son of a ***** disrespecting your nation........ fuker.....
There is a certain boundary which has to be maintained. this will differentiate between animals and humans. If you thought omar crossed that boundry- report him and he will be ignored and post will be deleted. But Right now you just crossed that boundary. You can put your point across with in those limits and people will listen to you.
But once you cross the boundary - people will just kick like you deserve.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM GETTING BANNED FROM A SHITTY .PK WEBSITE where all the Lahore bitches come to cry about their disintegrating nation!!!!!!!!!!


This guy's the reason why Darwin was SO hell bent on proving that Humans were created because of an Amphibious toad like creature, screwing a squirrel up her you know where. :lol:
Inter-species mating.......hmm.....

is that what you guys learn at your madarasa biology class?

Nope. But your existence sure as hell makes Darwin proud. Keep it up :tup:

Requesting all the members to stop feeding the troll.
You have no fuking idea what Darwin thought..........idk about Darwin being proud of my existence....but he will sure as hell be confused about the half bred population of pakistan and the likes of u....

You porkis think you are the real muslims.....FUK NOOO!
You kill innocent children and women with assault rifles.

you wanna see some real muslims? come visit India.

Lol, dude take it easy.
This Guy fuckpakis should be banned from this Forum right now or I will kick him. That's Enough dude you already created a lot of mess here it's time for you to take a hide from this great forum.

There is no room for ediot guys like you to create mess. It's just shows what kind of upgradation Education or they call in Urdu Tarbiat you got from your Parents.
If putting the blame on others could solve problems, no-one in the world would ever have any.

It’s time for our rulers to wake up and smell the Jahadi Frankenstein.

Terror war comes to Lahore

Reality check

Friday, March 06, 2009
Shafqat Mahmood

They are destroying everything that made life normal. A game of cricket with a visiting foreign team, gave a message of well being. This made cricket an enemy. The resolve of the Sri Lankans to help Pakistan project an image of peace was heroic. This made them a target.

It is about time we understood that the real enemy is within. It may be comforting to blame outsiders; and nothing can be ruled out in the murky world of spy wars. But, this cannot be an excuse to deny that we have a problem.

This is not of American origin or Indian design. America began the rot by bankrolling a surrogate army to fight the soviets in Afghanistan. India raised the temperature by letting lose a reign of terror in Kashmir. But, we nurtured and nourished these non state actors as an adjunct to our normal security apparatus.

What we did not consider was the cost to the country or the blow back that this will create. The power of the gun is a heady brew. Those using it become accustomed to attention and to intimidation to get their way. They were not going to melt away just because a certain politician or General said that time has come for them to go back to their shops or ploughshares. Even expecting anything like this was fool hardiness.

Myths were also created to place these organizations in the mainstream of our national narrative. These are good people who will never fight the Pakistani state, we were told. Their enemy is only India and their theatre of operation the Indian occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir. Also, that they are within our control and will do as they are told.

Time has shown these beliefs to be total fabrications. They have never shied from committing acts of terror within the country. From the bombing of French engineers in Karachi to sectarian wars in Punjab and now the attack on the Sri Lankan team, the footprints of these organizations are everywhere.

They have reached a level of strength where they have become completely autonomous. There has been serious speculation for some time that the attack on the Indian parliament was carried out by Jaish-e-Mohammad. Pakistani intelligence operatives had no clue about it.

The Mumbai attack is now recognised to be a Lashkar-e-Taiba event. The government has half accepted this and more is to come. Again, despite some reckless accusations by Indian politicians, Pakistan intelligence agencies had no advance information of it. Even later, it was only the investigation and reportedly confessional statements by some of the accused that lay bare the details of the plan. The legendary Pakistani agencies were clueless.

Not being aware of operations by organizations that traditionally worked closely with them is not good for the intelligence agencies. While it creates plausible deniability, it also shows how autonomous these jihadi outfits have become. Spy games are not about mounting operations. Those are rare.

Good intelligence is all about information. When available, it can help prevent the bad and encourage the good. No information means being completely out of the loop and having little ability to influence events. This is paralysis and a nightmare for the agency concerned. Ultimately, it reflects a weakness of the state. That seems to be happening in this case.

There are reports on Wednesday evening, as I write this, that about five of the accused involved in Sri Lankan firing have been arrested. If these are the real people, it is possible that we may find out their true motive. But, without knowing much, I can predict that these attacks on the bus of the Sri Lankan cricket team had a fair amount to do with the arrest of LeT members and their expected trial in the near future.

Horrendous as this tragic attack is in which so many policemen have lost their lives and some Sri Lankan players injured, this should be seen as test of our resolve. If we buckle under and start making appeasing noises, the terrorists would have succeeded. This is a time to keep the pressure on and show that acts of terror will not deter us from trying criminals who use our territory to wage war outside.

We should also stop legitimising them by placing their acts in a context of anti-Americanism. This is what some people are doing when analysing events in FATA and Swat. The assumption is that if somehow the Americans would disappear from Afghanistan, all would be well.

This is balderdash. American presence in Afghanistan has indeed created a sanctuary for some Afghan Taliban and Al Qaeda in the tribal areas but extremist elements in other parts of the country have an agenda of their own. Pamphlets have begun to appear in Lahore markets and other places essentially targeting women. They should be modestly dressed and not shop alone etc. More is likely to come.

The seeds of extremism have been sown in all parts of the country. It is now almost a cliché to blame the madressah system for the spread of extremism but like most clichés it has a great deal of truth in it. Particularly in southern Punjab, the impact of the madressahs largely funded by Saudi money is huge.

These alternatives of education and nourishment are sucking in thousands among the poor. They otherwise would have no option but to depend on the state school system, which is in an abysmal state. It also does not provide meals. Mundane as this may sound it is not something to be scoffed at. Unless the state is able to compete with these alternatives, the battle for the hearts and minds of the poor is lost.

To create the possibility of winning, the state will first have to acknowledge internal terrorism as a serious problem. Despite much mouthing of right words, there is no evidence that a comprehensive holistic plan has been made to fight extremism. This involves, besides better policing, a combination of better services and a much better access to health and education for the poor.

In other words, investing serious money into the fight against extremism is essential. It would involve modernising the police force, creating greater capacity among prosecutors and court systems, and, investing in services for the poor. It is this three-pronged strategy that will possibly turn the situation around. This hand wringing and mouthing of pious slogans by the leadership would not get us anywhere.

While hopefully someone will pay attention to this, let us pause and say a silent prayer for Pakistani cricket. For many of us, it was not a sport but a passion. A cricket match would be more than a sporting contest. It was a gladiatorial fight and a social event rolled into one. Now for years to come, no one will come here. Another element of our way of life has come to an end.

This is not the passing of a torch from one generation to the other. This is a paradigm shift. We are not leaving a better world behind.
This guy may or may not be Indian. Anybody can pose as anybody and post anything.

It seems that you are trying to safeguard him from others. Is it your friend or relative it seems that way. Whoever it is if it is Paksitani then this guy needs some intense and serious education about manners and how to talk in front of others.

So my advice to you also dont try to guard him.:angry:
I as an Indian member apologize for this SON OF A Bi*tch, and his disrespectful comments. I hope this will not generate more hate than alreay existing in a few members. Dogs bark but you dont really waste your time of them mofo's. I request mods to ban his i.p Address please.
No worries, dude, we get some suicide bombers like these from all the countries from time to time. I can only sympathize with these guys, god knows what trauma they have endured in their lives that has left them with such a mental condition.

Let's move on, his other ID's have been taken care of as well.

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