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jamie how can you be so igmorant?

the prime minister goes top different countries lauding their desire for freedom, yet at the same time he gives weapons to the saudis,and bahranis to kill shia who are asking for freedom also.

You're a joke, people may think you actually represent english people.
I am glad I know otherwise.

people like you are a dying breed. you are nothing but a supporter of those dictators who kill people just because they are shia.
This is tiresome. Here is your original quote.
I never mentioned any dictators or anything which you spoke about here.
So understandably I was confused.
All of your other nonsense has been based on this.
Quite what I said to provoke this I don't know.
Care to quote my post which finally pushed you over the edge?
This is tiresome. Here is your original quote.
I never mentioned any dictators or anything which you spoke about here.
So understandably I was confused.
All of your other nonsense has been based on this.
Quite what I said to provoke this I don't know.
Care to quote my post which finally pushed you over the edge?

LMAO so you cannot use your head to figure out who I am talking about.
LOL man I feel sorry for you.
I bet you found it very difficult to learn in school.

If you went there.
Great...nice one. Very witty.
Why did you write what you did?? Please answer that.

Because you're ridiculous.
You're like a person who cannot use their head.
I did not give you the name of the dictator but I made it very easy for you to figure it out right?
Next time I will give you their names,family tree and perhaps a colouring picture of them too?
Because you're ridiculous.
You're like a person who cannot use their head.
I did not give you the name if the dictator but I made it very easy for you to figure it out right?
Next time I will give you their names,family tree and perhaps a colouring picture of them too?
You are trolling now. Read through my posts.
Why would you randomly say I support dictators?
Completely off topic.
Press TV follows the tactics of subtle disinformation and propaganda..while 99% information on a given news will be correct it will be often be presented with "adjusted" facts to present the Iranian agenda. Technical speaking there is nothing wrong but rearrangements here and there changes the entire meaning of a given article.

I used to be a fan of PressTV but after discovering their consistent patterns of manipulating facts to their own purpose, i have dropped it off.
I accept your second part of analysis. But the bottom line is whoever owns the media is hardly going to present a view of the world that is detrimental to their interest. So your assertion you made first that I cannot rebut and or respond to the thread are flawed .

I never claimed you are unable to respond, what I mean is that your responses are flawed. You can't just accuse people of racism for simply criticizing your views. As for the media, I believe there should be a degree of control over the media so that it may not spread ideas that are harmful for society. Then again if the government is corrupt then it may itself promote ideas harmful to society. There is no complete solution for ensuring that the media isn't misused however what can be done is that certain media outlets should be used to counter harmful claims made by other media outlets. Having a variety of views present within the media in my opinion can decrease the amount of danger another view represents.

Further in the first part anyone making the suggestion that I hold views along with others in the UK but because my origins are Pakistani makes me a home grown terrorist but others are entitled to hold those opinions without being labelled such is racist so that Arab was racist

I might be wrong, but I never read that you were called a home grown terrorist simply for having Pakistani origins. If you or Mosamania could clarify this, then we can resolve this issue once & for all & get back to the topic. Although I stand by what I said before, you were the one who brought race in to the discussion.
You are trolling now. Read through my posts.
Why would you randomly say I support dictators?
Completely off topic.

Just go play with your toys kiddo.

Press TV follows the tactics of subtle disinformation and propaganda..while 99% information on a given news will be correct it will be often be presented with "adjusted" facts to present the Iranian agenda. Technical speaking there is nothing wrong but rearrangements here and there changes the entire meaning of a given article.

I used to be a fan of PressTV but after discovering their consistent patterns of manipulating facts to their own purpose, i have dropped it off.

No one said it was perfect....but it shows the real face of yankees and Israel.
something BBC,CNN,FOX NEWS,france 24 does not.
I might be wrong, but I never read that you were called a home grown terrorist simply for having Pakistani origins. If you or Mosamania could clarify this, then we can resolve this issue once & for all & get back to the topic. Although I stand by what I said before, you were the one who brought race in to the discussion.

He called me a terrorist by saying since Osama is a terrorist and he is Saudi and you are Saudi thus that makes me a terrorist. He called me terrorist yes.
Just go play with your toys kiddo.

No one said it was perfect....but it shows the real face of yankees and Israel.
something BBC,CNN,FOX NEWS,france 24 does not.
Whatever bro. Anyone reading this thread will realise how stupid some of the things you've said have been.
Or how you quote someone and then write a completely irrelevant answer.
Whatever bro. Anyone reading this thread will realise how stupid some of the things you've said have been.
Or how you quote someone and then write a completely irrelevant answer.

I don't have time for people like you.
if you need someone to talk to go talk to psychiatrist.
He called me a terrorist by saying since Osama is a terrorist and he is Saudi and you are Saudi thus that makes me a terrorist. He called me terrorist yes.

Just let it go man, I guess the score is even. We should just return back to the topic.
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