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PressTV is one of the best sources of news out there. Those who do not agree are free to get their dose from Fox and CNN but the truth is that not one major TV in west has some one on the caliber of George Galloway working for them. PressTV is the only major TV which employs high quality people not trash.

Just went through the first page. And two members have come up with two childish reasons based on two small time news articles which PressTV clearly is quoting some one else entirely. Any one can come up with tens of thousands of news coming out of west which are all fabrications and lies. But about these two PressTV news, I have to clear up some things. First about poverty in Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabia is one of the few countries in the world that does not publish any poverty figures. They do not officially put down a number even not even Zero Percent. Not only that, but even IMF, World Bank and CIA do not publish any poverty figures for that country. It is very strange. If there is no poverty then they should just say poverty stands at Zero. But we all know that it is not true. The corrupt family has something to hide here. There are three kinds of poverty lines. One is called absolute poverty at those living on less than 1.25 PPP dollars per day and the other for those living under 2 PPP dollars per day. Both are UN indicators. The third poverty line is the national poverty line which each country sets by its own according to their own prevailing out look on standards of life.

Saudi Arabia does not have a national poverty line and does not issue any figure for UN indicators either, nor any international organization is allowed to get those figures. The truth is poverty is being brushed under the carpet to lengthen the rule of the corrupt family. A simple internet search on Saudi poverty would get you tonnes of data. One way to see the poverty is to depend on other indicators for example the percentage of people living in slums. In this respect some 18% of Saudi urban population lives in slums. So there you go. The princess was right. The poverty is there. But ofcourse the princess was shut up eventually. That is too common in dictatorships.

Now lets go to the other post about 12,000 troops used by US in Libya. Again PressTV is quoting some one else clearly. But in retrospect one has to say PressTV was not very off about its reporting. Tens of thousands of air sorties were flown into Libya, US special forces were on the ground there as well a myriad of naval vessels and drones and cruise missiles were employed all as per western sources. All these operations need huge supporting personnel. Even one drone flying means dozens of people supporting it whether in near territory ships or faraway lands. Putting all those together, one must assume such a large operation had actually more than 12,000 people involved in it. Way more actually. So PressTV is as authentic as you can get in media business.
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. You can't just accuse people of racism for simply criticizing your views. .

I didn't and I explained the reasoning in post 92. The insinuation and inference to be drawn from that racist Arab was that I am a homegrown terrorist. This leads people in the west to denigrate those of us in the west that are for example simply anti Iraq war in the west. The majority of all colours and origins in the UK were against the Iraq war. However if I assert as a UK citizen of Pakistani origin that I am anti Iraq war I am labelled with terrorists something that I find detestable.
imo that statement is flawed in itself. I refute your suggestion

Well you were indirectly accusing people of racism weren't you? Isn't that a flawed response?

I didn't and I explained the reasoning in post 92. The insinuation and inference to be drawn from that racist Arab was that I am a homegrown terrorist. This leads people in the west to denigrate those of us in the west that are for example simply anti Iraq war in the west. The majority of all colours and origins in the UK were against the Iraq war. However if I assert as a UK citizen of Pakistani origin that I am anti Iraq war I am labelled with terrorists something that I find detestable.

Like I said before, I might be wrong, but I never read that you were called a home grown terrorist simply for having Pakistani origins.

Anyway man, just let it go & return to the topic.
All TV channels make mistakes but ones that make mistake to cause bloody wars have a nefarious agenda. That is the difference between PressTV and others. All those who are criticizing PressTV should come up with factual evidence, not their imagination, racism and prejudice. Otherwise your views are not worth the calories you are spending to generate them. And at any rate I can assure you can not come up with anything since simple internet search on the subjects you raise will refute you. Now go back and watch Fox, CNN and Saudi regime TV.
Just let it go man, I guess the score is even. We should just return back to the topic.

I agree and appologise for going off topic but it is common for that Arab to come into a topic he does not want us to discuss and derail the topic by being provocative.

back on topic I accept that the Press is by no means angelic. However I simply assert that whoever owns an organ of media has influence on what is being propagated.

The only difference between western press and various developing world based media is that I find third world media not to be polished and not as subtle as western press.

The west have expertise in a subliminal almost unnoticeable method of propaganda in all forms of media eg movies. For those of you that are fans of Star Trek for example you will note that there are few characters of Muslim names and or origin but the two that I can think of are both accused off being dodgy that is Khan in the wrath of Khan and the Doctor in deep space nine. Both are promoted as people who have had genetic manipulation against the future law. In the case of Khan he wants to become a Hitler like demagogue and the Doctor is a brilliant doctor but only so cos his father had an illegal improvement made in his DNA when he was younger. Very subtle that you would hardly notice but its there. Have you noticed how Arabs and Muslims are nearly always shown in a negative image in western movies
I agree and appologise for going off topic but it is common for that Arab to come into a topic he does not want us to discuss and derail the topic by being provocative.

back on topic I accept that the Press is by no means angelic. However I simply assert that whoever owns an organ of media has influence on what is being propagated.

The only difference between western press and various developing world based media is that I find third world media not to be polished and not as subtle as western press.

The west have expertise in a subliminal almost unnoticeable method of propaganda in all forms of media eg movies. For those of you that are fans of Star Trek for example you will note that there are few characters of Muslim names and or origin but the two that I can think of are both accused off being dodgy that is Khan in the wrath of Khan and the Doctor in deep space nine. Both are promoted as people who have had genetic manipulation against the future law. In the case of Khan he wants to become a Hitler like demagogue and the Doctor is a brilliant doctor but only so cos his father had an illegal improvement made in his DNA when he was younger. Very subtle that you would hardly notice but its there. Have you noticed how Arabs and Muslims are nearly always shown in a negative image in western movies

In my opinion all races including whites & blacks have been portrayed in both negative & positive lights in Western movies, it's not just Arabs or Muslims alone. The people who are to be blamed for this are those who own that particular media outlet obviously.

Then again though we should not look at each & every negative portrayal as being racist or an excuse for promoting hatred. Sometimes different ethnicities or races are made to look bad in movies just for the sake of entertainment. Though it's possible that if someone is shown in a negative manner even as a joke, people will automatically assume that that negative portrayal is true.

The best thing to do is to encourage various points of view in the media, so if one ethnicity is represented negatively in a particular article then another article may promote a positive view of that ethnicity.
The reason that I started this thread was because often when Press TV or in fact RT or CCTV is used as a source people who do not like the message or story immediately are up in arms but when a western source is used it is held as gospel which I find irritating and as I suggested in OP the best way to keep informed is listen to both or all and make your own mind up. Where I live I have access to a host of news channels and I watch Sky, RT, Fox etc. I was about to say Press TV but that is barred imo unfairly in the UK when you look at the excesses of Fox etc
I agree and appologise for going off topic but it is common for that Arab to come into a topic he does not want us to discuss and derail the topic by being provocative.

back on topic I accept that the Press is by no means angelic. However I simply assert that whoever owns an organ of media has influence on what is being propagated.

The only difference between western press and various developing world based media is that I find third world media not to be polished and not as subtle as western press.

The west have expertise in a subliminal almost unnoticeable method of propaganda in all forms of media eg movies. For those of you that are fans of Star Trek for example you will note that there are few characters of Muslim names and or origin but the two that I can think of are both accused off being dodgy that is Khan in the wrath of Khan and the Doctor in deep space nine. Both are promoted as people who have had genetic manipulation against the future law. In the case of Khan he wants to become a Hitler like demagogue and the Doctor is a brilliant doctor but only so cos his father had an illegal improvement made in his DNA when he was younger. Very subtle that you would hardly notice but its there. Have you noticed how Arabs and Muslims are nearly always shown in a negative image in western movies
Hmmmm, I don't really believe that. I bet the creators of Star Trek didn't not have some hidden agenda against Muslims.
As Phoenix said I think all races have been portrayed pretty evenly. White people included.
Hmmmm, I don't really believe that. I bet the creators of Star Trek didn't not have some hidden agenda against Muslims.
As Phoenix said I think all races have been portrayed pretty evenly. White people included.

Out of hundreds of characters the only two with Muslim names ones are shown in a poor light. Maybe its a coincidence but please remind me of Muslim and or Arabs characters in popular entertainment where they are posted in a positive light.
Oh great 9/11 conspiracy theories. So the BBC bombed the towers or blew them up? Is that what you're saying?
Just ridiculous. I can imagine it was a pretty chaotic day and clearly the tower names got mixed up.
Clutching at straws. It was just a simple mistake.

It seems you are too slow to comprehend what he was implying in his post.
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