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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Watched navy chief's press conference on geo. i could not believe we have such people as navy chief! first to last he was praising the four attackers and no talk how it was done and who is responsible for the security breach.

lanat hai

Pakistan to ask US for two more Orion planes
Pakistan to ask US for two more Orion planes

this is shameful

slides, you don't know the depth of sindh card, and sects card. Yes we respect mr. yassir for what he has done but there were thousand of other soldiers who've done the same and more. And mr. yassir is from the shia sect, I did not complain why he is shia i simply said there is politics being played here as well. And mind your language.
The ones who were killed are nationals from Central Asia, most likely Uzbeks and one of them is reported to be an Afghani too.

However the ones that got away were Pakistani's.

The terrorists who were killed did not harm the aircraft's, their responsibility was just to keep the commandos away while the terrorists inside can cause their damage.

Similarly their was internal support for the terrorists as they knew all the blind spots and how to enter the base.

All in all a well planned attack with support from amongst the ranks.

Its definitely some Al Qaeda linked Jihadi group.

We don't even know who they were. Our brilliant Interior Minister Rehman Bawa did told us they were dressed as characters from StarWars, apparently he was referring them as "Darth Vaders". He did informed us they had fair skin with sharp features, which was really helpful and once again Rehman Bawa resolved a very huge mystery. :hitwall:

The FIR lodged by the police actually talks about more then dozen attackers, which is being denied by the Navy sources. I find it impossible that just one team of 6 men was able to cause so much havoc. There were other groups as well and it does seem that the ones killed actually stayed back so that the rest of teams can escape. If this is found to be true then this is a very serious issue, it have exposed the incompetency of Pakistani Security forces.
So far the Navy's cooperation with Police not only on PNS attack but previous ones is non existent. Navy is just not ready to acknowledge its short comings which is quite evident from the almost arrogant and shameless attitude of Navy Chief since the attack.
Very odd argument, you call me a secularist and then say that I don't even understand secularism.

Similarly, I have never stated that Zardari and Musharraf are Islamists, I said that they are not secularists as you claim them to be. They keep religion and state together when a secular leader would strive to separate it.


They have killed 35,000 Pakistani's, should we sing love songs to them?

Do you think they will stop bombing and killing Pakistani's if we back away.

The only humiliation is that we cannot defeat these terrorists, the whole world is laughing at us for our incompetency, our complicity and our double game.

You are not thinking logically, there is no secularist involved in this, its Islamists all the way.

Nahi Bhai meray... Zardari and Musharaf are secularists... they never implemented anything from Islam in Pakistan... anyway... I edited my previous post there... the first post was written in a hurry...

If they have killed 35 000 people, we have also killed many innocent people by allowing drone strikes against our own people... we do not have the moral high ground here...
Very odd argument, you call me a secularist and then say that I don't even understand secularism.

Similarly, I have never stated that Zardari and Musharraf are Islamists, I said that they are not secularists as you claim them to be. They keep religion and state together when a secular leader would strive to separate it.


They have killed 35,000 Pakistani's, should we sing love songs to them?

Do you think they will stop bombing and killing Pakistani's if we back away.

The only humiliation is that we cannot defeat these terrorists, the whole world is laughing at us for our incompetency, our complicity and our double game.

You are not thinking logically, there is no secularist involved in this, its Islamists all the way.

actually i agree with him this time, you are muslim but you dont understand islam, you declare 'muslim' terrorists, but the religion islam doesnt make one terrorist, it denounce terrorism

secularism is a believe which doesnt always allow to restrict the religion, just the politics and religion is not involved, secularism allows freedom of practicing religion, if some communities are conservative, secularism doesnt allow govts to impose their liberal believes on those societies

secularism doesnt allow to exterminate the ideology of some people

secondly the statistics of 35,000 pakistanis being killed also involves drone attacks, more pakistanis have been killed through drone attacks then the internal attacks, but you seem to demand the drone attacks, you logic has been very flawed, and this muhmmad dude is right this time

lastly musharraf was a staunch secularist, as is the current PPP govt, and both sold the country to their western masters, so next time one would insure those secularists dont even come to power because all secularists are western sell out
You Afghans are the main reason of all issues in Karachi and entire Pakistan.
Oh ye shameless us, for creating tensions like MQM-ANP, Shia-Sunni, Mohajer-Pashtun, Baloch-Punjabi, TTP-Pak government, etcetera etcetera. Even bigger shame is that we never realised we are capable of so much.....

We got a beautiful saying in Pashtu for ignorants, me kawa pe cha tse dar ba shi pe tah.
what an eventful year for pakistan..action packed to say the least...the raymond davis case, drone attack fiasco,the Osama killing, the suicide bombing at the para mil centre and now this.
But then this was expected.... you never keep a snake as a pet...

The next 6 months would be both interesting and decisive for pakistan
Don't know much about the terrorists who briefly took over the navy base, or the details of how they managed it. As for them destroying the Pakistani surveillance aircraft - why wouldn't they? Why would they even need a reason? It was there.

As for what foreign power might be behind such acts -look at who would benefit. Certainly not the US. What's one more or less P-3?

Maybe the terrorists if the P-3 was being used to hunt them down / provide for Pakistani security.

Maybe the Chinese, who will do what they can to promote their agenda of increasing their influence while diminishing that of the U.S.

If China can fan the flames of Pakistani nationalism, point to an internal terrorist threat and lay blame somehow on the U.S., while offering "friendship" and financial incentives -- why not?

Odds are, a combination of interests designed to anger people and embarass the Pakistani military.
Lt. Yassir Abbas SHAHEED was to be married in four months. He was the only brother of three sisters.

He died defending the country. Nothing --material or immaterial can ever win you this honour.




Let us HONOUR and NEVER FORGET the supreme sacrifices made by the service men. They require the nation to stand behind them and support them whole-heartedly.
Just heard on ARY that there were 10 to 12 terrorists. There were some facilitators who got this group inside the base. Target was the 2 PC-3’s. The ones who died were the section assigned to hold off the PN Commandos to give the ‘plane destroyers’ time to get away.

Also indication are 2 or 3 may have been arrested but officially denied. Apparently one of the people involved in helping these terrorist (apparently a member of Lashkar Jhangvi- splinter group of SSP) has already been arrested based on the info provided by those arrested. Pray tell me aren’t those who carried out this attack and those who helped these elements enemies of Pakistan?

Problem remains that enemies of Pakistan have found help thru followers of fundamentalist Islam in all strata of the Pakistan polity. This is evident from the fact that even some members of this august forum come out in support of these element without realizing that they are indirectly helping enemies of the State thru their misguided loyalties.

Al Qaeda, TTP, Takfiris and Salafin are not there for the propagation of true Islam. These groups including main stream parties such as JUI & JI are here to grab political power. Only difference is that JUI & JI take the election route whereas all others use the brute force and terrorism to achieve their end. Naïve Muslims think that when they support extremist groups they are helping Islam; instead in their ignorance they are supporting out and out murderers.

I was against US drones until attack on PNS Mehran. Since then I am convinced that Takfiris, Salafin and Khilafat loving section of Pakistan society will never let the cancer of extremism be eliminated by Pakistani forces. Now I am of the opinion that only way is to stop the growth of this malignant ulcer on the face of Pakistan and Islam is thru US drone attacks.

Finally it is impossible not to bring ideology in this discussion. One party want a progressive and peaceful Pakistan, the other a Saudi Arabian or Afghan style Taliban state.

I for one don’t want Pakistan to be a secular state; at the same time I wouldn’t want Pakistan to be a Sunni Wahhabi theocratic state either. I crave for the Pakistan as she was from 1947 until advent of the bigot Zia. We were Muslims then and are Muslims now. If we are misguided, we will answer to the Almighty on the day of judgement. We don’t want a Saudi origin Al Qaeda group or Sufi Mohammad to whip us to be good Muslims nor do we want a dark age Khilafat headed by an ignorant mullah as ‘Amirul Momeneen’ to choke us to death.

Well i ll only respond to your war mongering here... becoming the devil's advocate so to speak...

The only way to finish off the anti Islamic Secularist scum section of Pakistan (such as yourself... since you mention the Khilafat lovers to be legitimate targets of these drone attacks) is to keep striking them thru terrorist attacks and weaken them on all fronts...

The following part is my own...

We certainly want the light of Khilafat and we want Pakistan to come out of its current darkness... Like it or not... one way or the other it will happen... I can promise you all that... if you dont see it happening within four and a half years time from now inshaAllah, you come back and make fun of me... ;)
There is some BS information coming from certain members, refrain from posting lies..

I am extremely disappointed with Govt. It is so wrong to suggest to award Nishan-e-Haidar to one person and leave out rest. Thousands of soldiers died in Waziristan/Sawat and all over Pakistan and they're not even awarded anything while mr. yassir is possibly might get nishan-e-haidar, many generals and colonels, majors, captains have sacrificed their lives this is so wrong this is really turning into a sindh card and "shia favored" to award nishan-e-haidar to certain people of certain sect and leave out the rest.

Besides, I donot think Nishan-e-Haider should be be given for Terrorism. Sitar-e-Bisaalat is ok! no ?

This is total Bullshit my PM Gillani & PPP.
Nahi Bhai meray... Zardari and Musharaf are secularists... they never implemented anything from Islam in Pakistan... anyway... I edited my previous post there... the first post was written in a hurry...

Musharraf said this:

Pakistan was meant to be an Islamic republic and is certainly not a secular state.

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Pakistan 'not meant to be secular'

How is he secular then?

Zardari is not a secular leader either, his daddy and him were part of the Zia gov, they never voted against any Islamic legislature.

Zardari has not repealed any Islamic law.

If they have killed 35 000 people, we have also killed many innocent people by allowing drone strikes against our own people... we do not have the moral high ground here...

I am against drone strikes too but I believe the only way to stop them is to eradicate the militants.

Its not like I approved the drone strikes, its not like I am killing anyone.

It was the MMA Provincial gov under Gen. Mush which allowed this, the same Gen. Mush you call a secularist.

Why would a secular leader put hardliners in power?
Lt. Yassir Abbas SHAHEED was to be married in four months. He was the only brother of three sisters.

He died defending the country. Nothing --material or immaterial can ever win you this honour.




Let us HONOUR and NEVER FORGET the supreme sacrifices made by the service men. They require the nation to stand behind them and support them whole-heartedly.

Inalilahe wa ina ilahe rajioon
If they have killed 35 000 people, we have also killed many innocent people by allowing drone strikes against our own people... we do not have the moral high ground here...

oh god!!! Dont tell me that you value the blood of your brethen so cheaply so as to compare the figures in killings adn even try to offer justification ...god help pakistan

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