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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

what would happen if you guys reconsider the WOT policy? lets assume that Pakistan withdraws from the WOT, the extremists would portray it as a victory over the mighty Pakistan army which would probably lead to even more people believing in their cause. Bulk of the pakistani population is illiterate and it wouldn't take much to win them over to the dark side. Free nations dont back out from challenges, they meet them head on. Its the terrorist's goal to make you think this way. If you back out today, you'd be jeopardizing your future.

Perception is reality and much of Pakistan populace is against the so called WOT. To most of Pakistanis it seems as our Army and Government is fighting the US war. TTP are the enemy but they are clearly getting both logistical as well as financial support from other countries.
Pakistan needs to distance itself from US war and only then we can achieve any victory. As far as your comment about much of the Pakistani population being illiterate, only one part is true. Most of Pakistanis have seen the true face of TTP but are still confused if OBL was a hero or a villain and we can thank the religious party retards for that.
Sir, you are too naive, if anyone needs a reason, they will create their own, such as this time, then, you see, Pakistan is unsafe. Yes, no evidence. But the theory is possible.

You see,what is this?

it would be a huge disgrace if the higher ups in the Pakistani Military don't resign after this. Failure is not an option if your going through the most sensitive phase in your history. If they cant do their job, the should step down and let someone else do it.
whats the current status, is it over, Is Pakistani commandos took control over naval base???

Apparently the operation is in it's last stages, most if not all the terrorists have been killed. Firing has decreased
Time for some recap. I think the story is unraveling and playing out very well:

the further the story, we now have constant attacks made against Pakistan. There has been attack on military training facility, naval base and talks about nuclear facilities and Obama threatening similar raids on terrorist leaders etc. Something tells me that this is a plot of some kind.
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The loopholes or in fact manholes in our security system are now completely visible to our nation. The confidence building of our nation was not achieved seriously after Osama's episode but another blow now hits us badly! how can we justify that we would be able to protect our nukes??? We have to remember that a full scale war with any of our enemy hidden or visible is yet to be started! We are already loosing trillions and suffocating to a disastrous failure. May Allah protect us because only Allah can do that but ground realities are not healthy enough for us to expect any miracle from our current security set up.
I agree, Pakistan is wasting too much money on "trying" to advance its military, if they invest that money in public and education maybe they wont be in this . The only cure for like this is education.

When we shall come out from dream world?

Education, no doubt should be improved but without proper security how you will face countries which got blind in military power?

Pakistan doesn't wast money spending on military but wast money not to spend in purchasing technology which is need of time.
the operation is still on . though what surprises me is how people are able to take the time off to post replies , that to on a Monday . don't you guys have work? i am not able to follow this forum on my laptop as i am in office i need to do it on my phone . man its a pain .
i think this attack also proves that the real threat to Pakistan is not from India but from within . guys seriously we do not want to invade you guys but we are keeping our guard up and modernizing . you guys too need to keep your guard up but stop thinking India wants to destroy you . and see the problems created by these bast**** of the taliban .
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