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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Operation all-most over Forces just clearing the area hope not much equipment is damaged other than two orion planes
muse, some things are not so simple, Mumbai is recognized as a terrorist action, but it has a character as all terrorist actions, his actions against civilians. It seems very different this time.

I do aghree that the character of this operation is very different but in one sense it's very similar -- it's the strategic quality of the thinking behind it -- in Mumbai, the opportunity for a peaceful normal relations was subverted -- in this case, the point is not the aircraft destroyed, though, this attack has effective destroyed the Navy's recon and anti-sub capability - but really what it has highlighted is that Pakistan's nuclear weapons are very very unsafe - you know that Pakistani nuclear weapons are dispersed in various military facilities - if a major facility can be so effectively attacked, well this time the world dodged a bullet , does the world really want to take another chance?

Now coming to the training, yes, I very much agree about the quality of the training and I point you to the training offered by the so called 333 brigade or Laskar e Zil , the commander of this unit was associated with that other organization I highlighted in the previous post.

But I remain open to persuasive arguments.

I will also make the point that this operation required a great deal of inside help, with multiple igress and prepositioning of weapons
I rarely say anything good about India, but India has done a good job protecting its strategic interests. The same can not be said about Pakistan.

I have lost all hope for Pakistani military after this event. I always thought that the Pakistani military was strong, but its not and we need help. The only country that can be trusted is China to help the Pakistani military.

We have the same interests as China in the region, so even if China dictates to Pakistan then it'll benefit Pakistan in the long run. Russia and China have no conficts. Maybe U.S./India and China do, but honestly what strategic interests does Pakistan share with the U.S. and India. Pakistan would much rather have China as the winner. China would never want the breakup and turmoil of Pakistan because Pakistan would serve as an energy corridor for China, and all the oil from Middle East would travel from Gwadar to China (so China needs a stable strong Pakistan). The breakup and turmoil of Pakistan would suit both the U.S. and India because it would stop China from getting the oil from the Middle East through Gwadar into China.

Pakistani navy needs to be very strong considering the very important geo-strategic location Pakistan is located in. The Pakistani navy doesn't stand a chance against any navy if it cant even defeat 15 terrorists. The Chinese naval base in Balochistan and Sindh would be more beneficial to Pakistan than China.

Common bro, now you are talking with a master slave mentality. Why do you always think India wants to break up pakistan. In your opinion out of 1.21 billion people how many think about breaking pakistan?? We may have fought 4 wars, but thats nothing compared to what other countries have done.

All we keep requesting to pak is to stop supporting terrorism...is that a bad thing to do ?. It can benefit all surrounding regions .

We are not in a position to strike pakistan and even our PM clarified. We just want to expand our income and for that we need peace from our western side.
TTP can give any reason for their attacks but once they attack Pakistanis via terrorism, they are terrorists and should be dealt accordingly.
Honestly think deep and ponder over the likes of TTP.
Can they ever give you respite?
Will they ever lay down their arms?
They are young men who are paid in lots of cash thanks to their outlaw lifestyle, will they ever welcome the rule of law?

I say let us part ways with USA but not to please TTP...only because we do not see eye to eye with USA.
If you want to be sovereign then declare that no more US Aid and dictation.
However if you are doing this just to please the rabid dog called TTP, then you are so wrong on so many levels.
We should understand that TTP is not here to fight USA.
TTP is mostly sitting within the boundaries of Pakistan and murdering Pakistanis at leisure because we are such bad Muslims when compared to the narcotic smuggling, kidnapping, butchering, suicide bombing and gang raping TTP.

Today it is our support of USA which irks the noble TTP and you suggest that we stop being allies with USA to counter TTP which shall lay down arms when we grow balls and say no to USA.
Please think about it.
What prompted TTP to capture, bomb, maim, kill and rape their way through Swat?
It was their Islam which enabled them to do it and not USA.
They cried Shariat and Islam and fools that we are, we thought ... it is about Shariat and what the locals want...certainly all the locals were happy?
When media interviewed them, they said...Shariat rocks!
Shariat is so good that we are all feeling safe and secure.
Hell, it is so good that in the biggest ladies market in Swat...the entrance of women was prohibited and the shopkeepers were singing praises of Talibaniat!
We were such morons that we did not ask ourselves, why the hell would a shopkeeper see his business drown in the acid pool of some twisted terrorist Shariat and yet sing praises of the system and the enforcers.
Now was the Swat episode for USA... i do not think so!
It was their cry for Islam...Not our Islam but their Islam which to them is the true Islam...since it makes wonderful business sense!
for them, that is.
This here is the problem, you cannot half accept the scums called TTP.
When we make the mistake of giving them any legitimacy in their Islamic demands...it bites us hard.
They are 100% terrorists and need to be killed on sight and when captured need to be tried in terrorist courts.
Those clerics who support them need to be tried in courts as well.

The great hero Sufi Muhammad tried to negotiate between us and them and to what avail?
Despite getting every damn thing they wanted...they still did not lay down arms and said we want more!
This is the problem, they are all rascals.
Sufi Muhammad took thousands of young boys to face USA in Afghanistan but returned with only his relatives and his own worthless hide.
All the innocent boys killed because they thought they were doing Jihad while all they were doing was adding some new experience to the resume of an Islamist cleric who wanted to gain more power and legitimacy...at the cost of other lives and certainly not his own!!!
What about the cleric in Lal masjid...got so many people killed and yet walks proudly today raising slogans in favor of TTP ...this man who donned a burqa and ran while trapping his own brother, students and the army men to fight and kill each other...this scum is a revered Islamic cleric who has still quite a following.
Our weakness in tolerating such people is clogging our windpipe.

Mullah Omar is not in charge of TTP and i think has lost any influence he had in controlling any group.
TTP has usurped his authority and has shown even other former allies of the "Good Taliban" that it is more beneficial and makes more business sense to rule over the poor people of Pakistan and collect "Zakat Money" from them...rather than engage the superpower of the world in a fight which is nothing short of a meat grinder.
TTP is behind kidnappings for ransom and the great Islamic thing is that they ask the prisoner to pray and read the Holy Quran while he is in their illegal captivity...to collect money which they shall ofcourse use for Jihad and furthering the most noble goal of enforcing the Shariat on the lucky people of Pakistan, who have no say in the matter i guess.

Mullah Omar's hold over the TTP is non existent.
The Taliban loyal to Omar warned TTP over Col Imam's capture so what does TTP do?
Hakimullah Mehsud calmly shows his face to the camera in the video of Col Imam's cold blooded butchery!!!
This is the respect TTP have for the Mullah Omar...and despite this absolutely extreme insult to Omar....what have any of the other Taliban or Islamic groups done to TTP?
Nothing at all!

All they are after is power over people and money...to think for even one moment that these people can be won over is folly.
To think that they have anything to do with locals and are representing their sentiments is criminal.
To this day many in Swat are surprised that the rest of Pakistan ignored their plight for so long...the reason this happened was not USA.
It was because the terrorists are clever enough to use the bogey of Islam...and we the Pakistanis are dumb enough to buy it again and again.

Whether you are of any sect and whether you want a true Islamic system or democracy or communism or whatever other system...
Know one thing for a fact.
The TTP will never ever allow any other system nor accept it.

A) If we implement anything other than an Islamic system...it shall be an Un-Islamic system and they shall declare Jihad against it.

B) If on the other hand we do implement an Islamic system based on Islamic law and interpretation...that shall be called a Fitna and conspiracy against the true Islam which only the TTP is qualified to be the judge of.

Either way, TTP will not compromise on their glorious and most noble principles...be sure of that my friends!

Their system is not Islamic (but quite the opposite) but they call it Islamic and the many clerics would rather support their Islam rather than ours...this can be gauged by the way the clerics supported Swat occupancy!
In Swat, you were beaten for keeping a clean shave or a short beard.
You were beaten for having a radio in your car.
You were killed for arguing with Taliban over religious interpretation.
Many Imam's of Mosque were killed over trivial arguments on religion.
A school teacher and his father were killed because he did not bare his ankles and argued that it was as per his interpretation of Islam and Taliban be damned...BTW this was a respected former Mujahid and yet he was killed like an animal.
Any logical mind can see that it was never about Shariat or Islam...it was about gaining power by terrorizing the locals into becoming as submissive as sheep...to gain absolute power over others and rule.

If some fool today thinks that if today we implement truly Islamic system, the TTP shall accept it...he cannot be more wrong.
While the TTP is anti west in its propaganda, an Islamic system based on true values of Islam is not less of a poison for them since it is not the Islam but the illegal and absolute powers they enjoy that is their goal.
Under any system there is no tolerance for outlaws...therefore rest assured TTP will not submit to even the most ideal system (Islamic or not) because they are certainly not going to welcome any law...other than their own ofcourse.

For any Pakistani wishing his country a most transparent and fair system...TTP is enemy number one.
Think deep and please analyze all that i have said.
Say bye bye to USA if they do not respect your sovereignty but never ever associate the TTP with anything other than terrorism and do not delude yourselves that they can be talked to.
Clean up these psychos and let us make Pakistan tolerant, fair, stable and peaceful as envisioned by our forefathers...
No matter what system/future you or any Pakistani desires out of good intentions for this country...there is no place for TTP in it and it shall jeopardize all efforts to implement any system unless ofcourse it is eliminated first.

Man when Mullah Omar will be with you than nobody in TTP will listen to what Hakeemullah has to say because only they will listen to MULLAH OMAR so TTP will have no reason left other wise you will keep getting hit
Operation all-most over Forces just clearing the area hope not much equipment is damaged other than two orion planes
2 PC3 orions is a huge loss they worth 800 million dollar and US will not deliver such equipment again to Pakistan.
I disagree strongly - perhaps you will point to progress, which of course the continued attacks will counter -- may I suggest that your talents in the practice of denial are best exercised elsewhere, perhaps where reality is in conflict with experience -

Perhaps sir you forgot that most of the AQ leader ship was taken out or arrested by Pakistan and its armed forces. As for me being in denial no sir i can assure you I am not. I am not somebody who would close his eyes and believe everything is ok and whatever happens bad, happens because of the US and India. We are equally to be blamed. My question was very specific to which you simply did not reply. I am not the one making accusations here. Its easy for us to sit comfortable at our homes and criticize, while some of it is genuine, Yours may i add is misplaced.
This is technically not possible. Terrorist are not capable to do such event. It's pure Special operation style squad. It's pure Inside job (101% authentic information providers) who help them. Providing massive Ammo.. military hardware, Guns and gadgets, Latest Tech etc. It's pure operation. The performance of Pakistan agencies are big big Question Mark. All Chief's ARMY, AIRFORCE, NAVY and ISI resign immediately. All forces are damn failed to stop such attacks.

We immediately RE-CONSIDER WOT policy.

what would happen if you guys reconsider the WOT policy? lets assume that Pakistan withdraws from the WOT, the extremists would portray it as a victory over the mighty Pakistan army which would probably lead to even more people believing in their cause. Bulk of the pakistani population is illiterate and it wouldn't take much to win them over to the dark side. Free nations dont back out from challenges, they meet them head on. Its the terrorist's goal to make you think this way. If you back out today, you'd be jeopardizing your future.
People Of Pakistan... TV journalist.... and Media ASKED GOVT and COURT ... that ALL THESE TERRORIST AND OSAMA BIN LADIN SON who is under Pakistan Army and those who arrested should come on Media and our TV journalist (Talat Hussain, Kashif etc) take some serious interview of all these terrorist LIVE ON TV so that people of this Nation knows what is reality!

No one care and even trust on any statement come from Govt or Military side. FC issue recently already big evidence of Wrong information!
These guys were Good. They took out the fire fighting station in the airbase prior to purging the fuel bladders and storage tanks and attacking the aircraft, it is impossible to fathom that they did not have inside help on this one. Sorry but this is hard to swallow. So many innocent jawan's dead, HEADS should ROLL!
I do aghree that the character of this operation is very different but in one sense it's very similar -- it's the strategic quality of the thinking behind it -- in Mumbai, the opportunity for a peaceful normal relations was subverted -- in this case, the point is not the aircraft destroyed, though, this attack has effective destroyed the Navy's recon and anti-sub capability - but really what it has highlighted is that Pakistan's nuclear weapons are very very unsafe - you know that Pakistani nuclear weapons are dispersed in various military facilities - if a major facility can be so effectively attacked, well this time the world dodged a bullet , does the world really want to take another chance?

Now coming to the training, yes, I very much agree about the quality of the training and I point you to the training offered by the so called 333 brigade or Laskar e Zil , the commander of this unit was associated with that other organization I highlighted in the previous post.

But I remain open to persuasive arguments.

I will also make the point that this operation required a great deal of inside help, with multiple igress and prepositioning of weapons

Think about it, if anyone needs an excuse, as you said, they will create an excuse for their own actions?
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