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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Don't look for any help from China and Russia. Already foreign influence in your country has created alot of trouble.

Its time for introspection for the Pakistani people and its establishment. They should shun the use of violence to gain strategic depth in Afghanistan and fuel insurgencies in India.

Terrorism is a double edged sword. Same people who were considered assets by the Pakistani Army are creating havoc in your own country.

Violence begets violence, revenge begets revenge.

The world is moving on, India is moving on, and you are left behind to fight a war for someone else.

Please think about it. Think about the Pakistan you want to leave for your future generations.
this is the biggest question for pakistan intelligence how they entered what is the sequrity of an important navel base
The Faisal Base of the Pakistan Air Force located about 10 kilometres from the Karachi international airport is what the PAF calls a joint user airfield. It is used by the PAF and the air arms of the Pakistan army and navy as well as by the VVIP squadron. All air surveillance movements over the sea -- whether by the PAF or by the army or by the PN -- are controlled from this base.

Since 1975, the operating base of the Naval Air Arm, called PNS Mehran, is located inside this airfield. All senior officers of the Naval Air Arm operate from PNS Mehran.

The Naval Air Arm at PNS Mehran is headed by Commander Naval Aviation (COMNAV). Under him there are four Heads of Department designated as Commander Air (Cdr Air), Commander Air Engineering Department (Cdr AED), Commanding Officer MEHRAN (CO MEH) and Officer Commanding Naval Aviation Training School (OC NATS).

The squadrons of the Naval Air Arm are stationed in PNS Mehran. These are the P3C Orion Squadron (28 Sqn), the Atlantic Squadron (29 Sqn), the Fokker Squadron (27 Sqn), the Seaking Squadron (111 Sqn) and the Alouette Squadron (333 Sqn).

While the Naval Air Arm was raised primarily to provide maritime surveillance capability against India, it has been playing, in addition, a counter-terrorism role since the US started its Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan in October, 2001.

This counter-terrorism role consists of air surveillance to prevent any sea-borne intrusions of Al Qaeda and to detect any terrorist plans for attacks on ships bringing supplies for the NATO forces in Afghanistan. The supplies are landed in the Karachi port and then moved by trucks to Afghanistan.

While the Pakistani army and air force have no operational role to play in the US-led military operations in the Afghan territory against Al Qaeda and the Neo Taliban, the Pakistani navy is a member of the US-led international naval force which patrols the seas to the west of Pakistan to prevent any hostile activity which could hamper the operations in Afghan territory.

The Combined Task Force 150, established at the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001, comprises naval forces from France, Germany, Italy, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The task force conducts maritime security operations in the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean. The leadership of the Task Force is rotated amongst the participating navies. A Pakistani naval officer has been commanding it off and on when the turn of the Pakistan navy comes.

On November 16, 2004, the US Defence Security Cooperation Agency announced that it had accepted Pakistan's request to buy seven P-3C Orion aircraft with T-56 turboprop engines, communications equipment, training devices, medical services, support and test equipment, engineering technical services, supply support, operation and maintenance training, documentation, spare/repair parts, publications, personnel training, training equipment, contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related support elements. The estimated cost would be $970 million.

The DSCA announcement added: "The command-and-control capabilities of these aircraft will improve Pakistan's ability to restrict the littoral movement of terrorists along Pakistan's southern border and ensure Pakistan's overall ability to maintain integrity of their borders."
"Pakistan intends to use the proposed purchase to develop a long needed fleet of maritime and border surveillance aircraft. The addition of these aircraft will provide Pakistan with search, surveillance, and control capability in support of maritime interdiction operations and increase their ability to support the U.S. Operation Enduring Freedom Operations; anti-ship and anti-submarine warfare capabilities; and a control capability over land against transnational terrorists and narcotics smugglers. The modernization will enhance the capabilities of the Pakistani Navy and support its regional influence and meet its legitimate self-defense needs. Pakistan is capable of absorbing and maintaining these additional aircraft in its inventory."

The first two of these aircraft were delivered in April 2010 and officially inducted into the Naval Air Arm at a function held at PNS Mehran on June 2, 2010. Some more of the remaining five have since been inducted, but their number is not known. These planes are generally kept in hangars belonging to the Naval Air Arm and operate from the joint user airfield.

The active role played by the Pakistani Navy in support of the NATO operations in Afghanistan has attracted the anger of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan.

On March 4, 2008, two unidentified suicide bombers, operating in tandem, attacked the prestigious Naval War College located in a high security area of Lahore. They were both on motor-cycles.

One of them rammed his motor-cycle against the security gate at the rear of the building breaking it open. The other drove through this opening into the parking area and blew himself up.

Their target was the naval institution and not any particular individual or individuals inside. They wanted to demonstrate their ability to penetrate the campus and cause damage. Six persons were killed -- one of them a naval officer, three members of the security guards at the gate and the two suicide bombers.

On December 2, 2009, an alert official of the Pakistani naval intelligence in plain clothes and a naval security guard in uniform deployed outside the building of the Pakistan Navy Headquarters in Islamabad prevented what could have been a major terrorist strike against the Naval Headquarters by an unidentified suicide bomber.

Spotting a suspicious-looking individual outside the NHQ, they stopped him and searched him. He turned out to be a suicide bomber wearing a concealed suicide vest.

However, they could not prevent him from activating the explosive device in the vest. One person was killed on the spot and another succumbed to his injuries later.

Two Pakistani naval personnel -- a commissioned officer of the rank of sub-lieutenant and a sailor -- were among four persons killed in two separate but coordinated explosions in Karachi on April 26, 2011. The explosions targeted two buses of the Pakistan Navy which were transporting naval personnel to their places of work. According to available indications, the improvised explosive devices, which struck the buses, had been planted along routes normally taken by the buses and activated through mobile telephones.

According to the 'Daily Times' of Lahore (April 27,2011), the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, as the Pakistani Taliban is known, claimed the responsibility for the blasts, and threatened more attacks on security forces. The claim was made in a telephone call to a foreign news agency by a person who identified himself as Ehsanullah Ehsan, a spokesman of the Taliban.

He reportedly said: "Security forces will be targeted in the future as well, because they are killing their own people in Waziristan and elsewhere at the behest of the United States."

Since the raid by the Pakistani military commandos into the Lal Masjid in Islamabad in July, 2007, there has been a number of retaliatory attacks by the TTP against the army, the air force, the Special Services Group, the Inter-Services Intelligence, the para-military forces and the police.

It is, however, believed that the attacks on the navy were connected to its role in providing maritime support to the NATO forces in Afghanistan. The navy had no role to play in the Lal Masjid raid.

The Pakistani authorities have been apprehending a surge in these attacks on the security forces, including the navy, in retaliation for the raid by US naval commandos into the residence of Osama bin Laden at Abbottabad on May 2, in which OBL was killed.
The Indian did a terrible job - their security forces were a disaster, the worst part of it was to treat the attack like a show - the terrorists disrupted an entire city, killed without fear and ultimately succeeded in their mission.

Anyway, lets keep our focus - if Pakistanis are prone to seeking succor in denial, our Indian friends seek it in empty triumphalism - both are unsatisfactory responses to a bitter reality

True but the mistake was acknowledged, some heads rolled & an attempt has been made to rectify shortcomings. Pakistan does not even acknowledge that there is a problem, instead an attempt is made to exonerate the attackers by blaming the government's policies (in this case - the WoT) and burying the head in the sand. Pakistan cannot win a war when it chooses to identify everyone else but the perpetrators of such attacks as the enemy.
the operation is still on . though what surprises me is how people are able to take the time off to post replies , that to on a Monday . don't you guys have work? i am not able to follow this forum on my laptop as i am in office i need to do it on my phone . man its a pain .
i think this attack also proves that the real threat to Pakistan is not from India but from within . guys seriously we do not want to invade you guys but we are keeping our guard up and modernizing . you guys too need to keep your guard up but stop thinking India wants to destroy you . and see the problems created by these bast**** of the taliban .
hope all Indians think like you
God bless the brave souls of Pakistan. Hopefully China and Russia can assist Pakistan and do something about the recent rise of terrorist activities.

My Pakistani brothers, I am very sorry for your loss. :tup:

To Chinese friends,

Trust us,, all what is going-on is to hurt Pakistan to "kill-many-birds-with-one-stone".

Americans in collaboration with indians & others want to damage Pakistan to secure israel, to hinder Chinese prosperity by damaging their business-route thru Pakistan... Americans have taken indians onboard by showing them wet-dreams of success against her enemy Pakistan... Americans r playing great-game & unfortunatelly quite well so far,,, Americans control ppl in our Govt. & have them make policies that result in financial collapse,,, inTurn poverty & illetracy increases & it becomes easier for them to buy goones from locals... Patsies are hired from local ppl & are used to carry such activities inside Pak, including attacks on Chisese-friends working in Pakistan...

Trust us,,, it's ONLY a matter of time when CIA would fail in her EVIL-plans against Pak & China & will leave looking for another soft-target-muslim-country to keep privately-owned weapon factories running while securing israel... india will then run for her life with her tail b/w her legs...
^^ I think so my one liner hurts you.
Even above post should go to joke section.
BTW I have freedom to move from one thread to another ... don't you know that :bunny:

Lets go back to topic...
What is current status ... ? did special groups flushed the rats out of base ?
Isn't it rather odd, that in such daring attacks, American personnel come out unscathed? Pakistani Media report that American engineers were working at the base on a newly delivered US aircraft. Could they have rigged the place with explosives in a false flag operation and provide the perfect pretext to pursue Pak's nuclear assets on the grounds that the country cannot safely guard it's strategic assets? I heard Talat hussein say on ARY that it was impossible for the Terrorists to know exactly where p3's were without Ariel reconnaissance.

I think the Govt. and Army should come open and declare that Pakistan is in a state of War and declare who the really enemy is and make the whole nation united against. Kub tak Govt aor Army hamaray saaath Aaankh Macholi kelti Rahegi...
Mumbai-Style Attack On PNS Mehran: Pakistani Military’s Multiple Enemies

Posted by Ahmed Quraishi on May 23rd, 2011

This is not the first Mumbai-style attack in Pakistan. Pakistani military is not an easy target for bandits based on the Afghan border. The sophisticated attacks inside Pakistan after 2005 reveal formal training and superior equipment for fighting and communication. Pakistani military is under attack by several powers in the region since 2002.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—
What happened at a Pakistan Navy aviation base in the past few hours is something that could normally result from an attack by one country on another. An enemy would have to come from across international borders to destroy P-3C Orion surveillance aircrafts parked at a high-security navy aviation base. And not any enemy would do. This enemy would have to possess quality military and intelligence skills to execute such a hit. Up to 15 terrorists can sneak into a maximum-security navy base but cannot simultaneously hold themselves up against commandos from the police, navy marines and the army while still finding time to attack and destroy two major assets in the arsenal of Pakistan Navy.

What is unfathomable is how a ragtag army of bandits, supposedly based in barren mountains on the Afghan border, could have pulled off such a feat against one of the top seven militaries of the world.

Mumbai-Style Attack On PNS Mehran: Pakistani Military
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