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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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again i sincerely concur that trade and economic relations will open the doors for better relations. but Pakistan administration has been quite skeptical of opening trade ties with India. India even went to the extent of giving Pakistan MFN (most favored nation) status for trade but the establishment (PA and ISI) has forced GOP to hold trade relations hostage to political issues.

Reasonable, on the one hand, security, too much pressure in India, but India is also playing the game in some aspects. At the same time Pakistan has suffered a great loss in a the United States war, regardless of the economic environment destruction, or domestic social conflicts Rapid intensification, coupled with some foreign players in the game. The situation is complicated, as I said, blame is simple, but if you want to really solve the problem, really need to care about ideas and interests in Pakistan.
again i sincerely concur that trade and economic relations will open the doors for better relations. but Pakistan administration has been quite skeptical of opening trade ties with India. India even went to the extent of giving Pakistan MFN (most favored nation) status for trade but the establishment (PA and ISI) has forced GOP to hold trade relations hostage to political issues.

India is the only reason that PA continues to exist... without India, they cant see maintaining such a huge defence budget... PA under corrupt leadership has been made a totally india centric institution... this is why countless innocent people are being killed by Americans inside our country and thats all too fine for them... but India is challenged with a tit for tat reaction when any talk of a surgical strike is done... Its all your fault Indian guys that you have made our Generals so fat, ugly and stupid... shame on you... ;)
we realize their fear. we also realize the fear is self-induced.

How so? Is 80% of Indian military being present on Pakistani borders a self-induced fact? In fact if anything, Indians have way more paranoia regarding Pakistan-China relations.
empirical evidence ?lol

Just accept it that your bias never let you read about hindu history of south east asia . you have just proved it.

Nothing you guys have shown negates my claim that the predominant cultural export from India was Buddhism, not Hinduism. It is typical behavior for people to resort to absolutes when cornered. Did I ever say it was 100% Buddhism and 0% Hinduism? I specifically used the words 'predominant', and 'most'.

That fact remains true to this day, despite periods of Hindu rule in pockets of south East Asia -- mostly along the maritime trade routes. Can you show me significant direct Hindu influence in Japan, China, Korea? This is where the majority of Asia's populations have resided and they are influenced by Buddhism not Hinduism directly. The various Hindu kingdoms in south East Asia (Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia) had limited reach into the rest of Asia.

As for Buddhism, aside from Ashoka's proselytizing period, the main Buddhist expansion in Asia occurred from 1st to 10th century CE. This is precisely the period during which Buddhism was persecuted and in decline within India./

About 1971 and kashmir , are you the only one who is allowed to deviate from the topic on this forum ? and when returned in kind why do you then whine ?

Who brought Buddhism into this discussion? Islamic conquest of India? 1971? Kashmir?
It was Indians who keep going off on tangents when they fail to address the issue at hand.

There are Indians in this thread -- names obvious -- who are pathologically bigoted against Muslims. For them, every discussion always comes down to Muslim conquest of India and how that is an "open wound" for them that will not heal until there is an official apology. It's not clear who is expected to deliver this apology but, until then, all Muslims are to be hated. Anyone who challenges their hate-filled obsession is an Islamist.

As for 26/11, it is entirely relevant because it relates to military attacks on Pakistan, which is the topic of discussion.

About the freudian slip part , I am still trying to find out what slip you are talking about but before that try looking downwards you have been caught with your pants down trolling on this thread and continuing and then having the audacity to whine when someone returns it to you .don't start what you are incapable to continue .

The Freudian slip is your subconscious slip to equate 'Hindu' with 'Indian' as interchangeable concepts. Not very secular of you...

No! Unless you consider "all options open before a final decision is taken" as a threat.

Spare me the dance. I showed you a statement by your foreign secretary threatening military strikes within Pakistan. Now you guys are fumbling around to save face by claiming India never intended to "occupy" Pakistan like US is doing in Afghanistan.

Really now!

There was nothing dark about the history of Pakistanis' ancestors in the pre Jahiliyah period. At least compared to post jahiliyah.

Have to agree with you. This is a pathetic attitude to have, to abuse one's own ancestors and make heroes out of the worst bigots.

Ah, the Islamic conquest of India...
I am surprised it took you this long to drag that topic in here.

It was not persecuted. People didn't convert to Buddhism in the sense of conversion to Islam or Christianity. It was always fuzzy.

People just glided back to their old belief system as the state support moved towards the old system.

Yeah, sure.
Unlike you, I am not interested in the sordid details on past evils. What's done is done.
I only mentioned it since Indian indoctrination seems to leave out the unpleasant parts of Indian history.

Its a lot of hallucination. There was never any decision taken about military strikes, not in the public domain at least.

You have been hallucinating in claiming this based on nothing but indirect heresy.

I am hallucinating.
Zeenews quoting your own foreign minister is hallucinating.
US officials telling India not to compare 26/11 to 9/11 are hallucinating.
Everyone's hallucinating except you guys...

In simple lingo, that is not 'doing one better'. An apt description of what's been done here: 'Running away from a challenge'! :-)

I provided an Indian news source quoting your own foreign minister. That's pretty direct.

Didn't you agree that Buddhism derived from Hinduism?

So a variation of a variation still remains a variation of the original?

The whole discussion was that it was the variant, not the precursor, which was responsible for most of the cultural influence.


Is it that difficult to get half-a-decent history book and read through it with an uncluttered mind? While your statements are without any doubt got nothing to do with history, the reasoning behind it is absolutely moronic!

Not difficult at all. You guys should try it some time.
Here's something I posted on anther thread.

And believe me. It was total BS of the highest order.

---------- Post added at 09:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 AM ----------

Position strike forces at the border and theatre missile forces (300-400km) within distance of New Delhi.

You don't really think you can strike Delhi and hope to have Beijing and Shanghai intact.
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CS is, apparently, safely ensconced in Canada. He wouldn't "sweat" an Indian nuclear strike on Shanghai, he says. "Chest thumping" is his specialty. He loves it.
CS is, apparently, safely ensconced in Canada. He wouldn't "sweat" an Indian nuclear strike on Shanghai, he says. "Chest thumping" is his specialty. He loves it.

He lives in Canada, what is your issue with that?

I'm guessing he has plenty of family back here in China. And having a nuclear strike on your motherland is never an acceptable situation.
He lives in Canada, what is your issue with that?

I'm guessing he has plenty of family back here in China. And having a nuclear strike on your motherland is never an acceptable situation.

Personal grudge kind of petty when you think about it.
I'm guessing he has plenty of family back here in China.

Yeah you're guessing, I'm guessing, we are all guessing.... that's the trouble with posters like CS. Tough to really know who he is and whether he is one of those CCP paid internet warriors, or not. I guess he hates Canada but is there, anyway, because some Canadian university offers a superior education to what he could receive in his "motherland". Hypocrisy, how do I spell thy name ......
Yeah you're guessing, I'm guessing, we are all guessing.... that's the trouble with posters like CS. Tough to really know who he is and whether he is one of those CCP paid internet warriors, or not. I guess he hates Canada but is there, anyway, because some Canadian university offers a superior education to what he could receive in his "motherland". Hypocrisy, how do I spell thy name ......

grow up already.
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