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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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I don't mean to detract from the discussion here but we are a nation of 180 million and probably a hundred thousand are terrorists and yet we are still hated like anything, that's how life goes, a very annoying vocal minority dominates the silent majority.
Rightly said.
Also there is a general acceptance and a romantic attachment of our so called naive silent majority with right wing bigots. And this silent majority has made me sick to the stomach now.

As for this attack ....
Cause as much damage as possible. Take as many lives as you can. Hold the objective as long as possible.
Cause embarrassment for the security agencies and government.

Reports are not yet crystal clear, and would not be for some time in my opinion
Now we know it conducting these sorts of attacks in practice is not that difficult. As the primary objective is just to break into the outer parameter.

Now agencies will not bother with sending the culprits to the courts as the top man there is just there to settle scores with his Army.
LAL Masjid terrorists and their ring leader was released just to piss off the security agencies. with courts attention on more pressing matters Samosa Prises and taking --what’s that disgusting term -- Suo motu on a couple of bottle of alcohol caught in a airport – who cares if terrorists are let go from courts.
Enough of blaming law of evidence and its shortcomings in courts. LAL MASJID morons killed and kidnapped people in front of this Naive innocent Silent Majority... there was no lack of evidence...
The Romanticism with these right wing bigots must end.




[:::~Spartacus~:::];3315903 said:
what do you mean why CIA will do something like this?

Your military is using that base to attack the terrorists, right ?

Why will CIA attack that very base?

Are you in your mind?
we were hoping to caught 1,2 live. so that would have been helpful ......
and the damage done by them ?

they killed one base personnel
injured 3 personal taking part in the response

and managed to fire RGP at one AWACs plane.. it exploded nearby causing "some" damage.

the details will remain unclear about the extent of the damage to the AWACs .. only time will tell.. in short I have no option but to state that the terrorists succeeded in damaging the AWACs which was their mission
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3315870 said:
both mehran base and minhas base looks handiwork of the CIA covert op

Looks like the handiwork of the Taliban willing to die to kill.
we were hoping to caught 1,2 live. so that would have been helpful ......

they blow themselves up

if we start using tasers or gas attacks then this might be possible. or a crippling shots that doesnt allow them to kill themselves

one thing is for sure, these terrorists dont come to surrender. their lies are written off already. they either die fighting or they escape.
they killed one base personnel
injured 3 personal taking part in the response

and managed to fire RGP at one AWACs plane.. it exploded nearby causing "some" damage.

the details will remain unclear about the extent of the damage to the AWACs .. only time will tell.. in short I have no option but to state that the terrorists succeeded in damaging the AWACs which was their mission

So Irfan Bhai is PAF chief or Minister of defense going to resign this is a second attack on our bases not to mention others infiltrations on Pakistani soil and both of them been sleep behind the wheel.If no one is punished this will happen again and again
WTF.. AWACS and refulers were doing in a stone throw distance from civilian area?
Civilian areas around defence industries shall be evacuated without delay.
Its cheaper to build replacement villages than the cost of officer and AWACS.
Looks like the handiwork of the Taliban willing to die to kill.

TTP made in Afghanistan in 2006.

Sheltered in Afghanistan. Weapons and boarding lodging organised by Rehman Malik and Asif Ali Zardari.

Legally protected by scum bad Ifitkhar choor.

Today, army need to decide how they want to proceed with traitor regime.
So Irfan Bhai is PAF chief or Minister of defense going to resign this is a second attack on our bases not to mention others infiltrations on Pakistani soil and both of them been sleep behind the wheel.If no one is punished this will happen again and again

ever its happened ? and in this case i am not in favor because attack was failed unlike mehran .
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