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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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The Indian complicity is known and proofs of this have been shown to India's American and other friends. However, if a certain threshold is crossed, which I don't know, may have been crossed, India has a huge soft underbelly which can be exploited, no matter how much the Indians feel that they are ready.

Moral and diplomatic support can then be provided with such a vigor, the likes of which may not have been witnessed before. Though Joe Shearer says it is "Slippery, Very" - indeed India is treading on a slippery and indeed very slippery ground here.

Considering the bind Pak now is in, do you seriously feel that the ' soft underbelly' is not being exploited to the max extent possible ?

The fact is that ISI too knows who the perpetrators - they are their ' assets' who have turned rogue.

This is not the time to point fingers but to introspect so that worse does not follow. While the PA may feel good on having contained the attack, seen from the attackers POV - he crossed three lines and ( as I read from some posts here) did manage to inflict damage to some aircraft.

I still feel after what Zia did , the next mistake was to strike a deal on Swat and go back on it.
There is one confirmed Saab-2000 which has splinters sprayed over the body but the level of damage is minimal.
Mani says, two other Saab-2000 faced damage with one total loss; is hard to believe. If I am not wrong, PAF Base Minhas doesn't have 3 Saab-2000s.

(Let's hope for minimal damage). The only smoke that was seen rising from outside was the burning of fuel depot. And any damage to aircrafts would have been openly accepted by PAF (they say one aircraft got slight damage). The P-3Cs destroyed made the headlines as soon as RPGs hit them.

Although its highly improbable that 3 Awacs were based on one airbase?
Thats like keeping all eggs in one basket.
he crossed three lines and ( as I read from some posts here) did manage to inflict damage to some aircraft.

Let's clear this three lines hoax. There was no three line thing or anything. They didn't go through a checkpost, they went through a broken wall, and were spotted immediately by the DSG.

Although its highly improbable that 3 Awacs were based on one airbase?
Thats like keeping all eggs in one basket.

Same as 3 Il-78s being in one base at a time yesterday?
How many SAABs in all does PAF have? 3?

Slightly off topic, but the Orions destroyed at Mehran were replaced by America right? Free of cost too if am not wrong?
Although its highly improbable that 3 Awacs were based on one airbase?
Thats like keeping all eggs in one basket.

PAF Base Chaklala usually has 3 Saab-2000s, 3-4 C-130s and 2 IL-78s.
How many SAABs in all does PAF have? 3?

Slightly off topic, but the Orions destroyed at Mehran were replaced by America right? Free of cost too if am not wrong?

Four ordered, one was without radar.
Well Sir, I personally feel these attacks were most beneficial for India. Especially the Mehran was.

The accusations should be properly backed by proofs .

and we got none

below what I say is entirely my personal Point of view and assumption. so read it while you have a pot of salt handy to take a pinch whenever needed

many of us like myself have two theories re Mehran base

1-a mix of Indian commandos + TTP attack, planning, control and tactical command by Indians who led the attack and escaped while the disposable part of the group continued to keep the response force occupied and then blew itself before capture.

2-a mix of Pakistani rouge soldiers + TTP who executed the attack, some escaped and rest blew themselves up.

but in both cases, a textbook attack, brilliantly executed, smartly planned and played out, the Mehran base danced to the tunes of the attackers. by the time the response team arrived it was too late and it was forced to play at the tunes and pace of the attackers. we are not even sure about the exact number of attackers, how many were they how many died and how many escaped.
thats the beauty of the commando attack, keep the target guessing even after the time has past. it might be surprising for you but I actually (regrettingly) admired the attackers who totally outclassed the base security and its response unit. in case it was a blackops operation by Indians then it might remain classified forever due to its sensitivity. I refuse to hate or criticize Indians if they were involved. they used the chaos and disturbance in the country to their advantage and used the anti-Pakistan locals for this purpose for successful completion.

If the second possibility is true then its more frightening or disturbing. if it was entirely a home grown and executed attack, involving ex- soldiers sympathetic to Taliban & other sectarian terrorists. because they knew their military comrades and new the base etc. and thats not a ridiculous thinking, there are many instances where people with military background have been captured. This is why you hear cases of serving and retired people of all ranks and positions being apprehended that have sympathy to global Jihad or local TTP terrorism.

Now I am going to go through 4 major attacks and draw a parallel

I would class the attackers as team A and Team B

Team A
Attacked the Sri Lankan team,
executed the mission, killed the security personal with stunning ease and proficiency and then walked off like seasoned Sicilian hired killers and didn’t stay at the scene. And it had no intention to die by blowing itself or get killed eventually by the time authorities recovered from the sock and sent in the cavalry. The attack was a textbook finish.
Result: complete success, no two arguments about it

Team B
Attack on the GHQ,
Not as good as the team A but still good enough to launch this ambitious attack. They took hostages , they penetrated few security layers , some of them managed to kill enough officers and then engaged the response team and managed to kill few of them as well until they were taken out. Here the intention might not have been to escape but stay and fight. I must point out at the success of the SSG to capture so called master mind alive and take out a would be suicide bomber by dlowing his head off before he could detonate his bomb.
Result: Successful, with some damage control by the GHQ defenders.

Team A
Mehran Base attack
Not necessarily the same team as the Lahore attackers, but the aces nonetheless . They had extra goons as well to keep the response team occupied while the main party destroyed the threats to Indian Navy. I only have grudging praise for the attackers and I cant find worse words to describe for the PN leadership and its security. I do give my respect to the firefighters and the response team members who died fighting a war that was already lost before it started.

Result: stunning success.

Team B
PAF Minhas base attack
More or less at par with GHQ attack team, intention to die while fighting and blow itself up but take out the primary threats to the IAF. the team was confronted right away and it failed to penetrate the deeper security layers. It couldn’t get close enough to the target and was forced to alter its plan according to the response of the defenders and its maximum members took the headshots from the Airforce and SSG response team, only 2 or 3 terrorists managed to blow themselves killing only themselves & bringing no harm to PAF assets or personal. Defenders did suffer 2 fatalities and few injured but attack was repulsed.
Result: failed, primary target survived, the base defenders responded and foiled the attack.

So in all future attacks we will see the tactics of two kinds of teams. One that knows that it is after, doesn’t want to die and go to heaven but its escape is as important and crucial as is its mission. And then there is a second team which is trained at par with the first team but is more interested in dying till the last bullet and blow itself with maximum damage to target
If true than thats a major goof by PAF....
3 awacs sitting in the middle of population

Sorry my bad, 2 Saab-2000. One of them is permanently stationed at Chaklala and you usually see another unit.
Look like SSW from the uniform patch area in the right of his chest.

May Allah grant him a place in Jannah.

he was transferred to CMH Peshawar i think.
Am i the only one who sees a third angle here.??

A final push or a cause to execute the NWA operation!
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