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Attack on Hamid Mir: Geo TV declares war on ISI

You started a good topic, how the media in the U.S talk about CIA or FBI. We all know or agree with this, the media don't start any sort of demeaning and humiliating war against those organizations. The intelligence agencies are given the very high level in the society. Any sort of news or story runs in the media after their approval. There is one such case in which a newspaper leak out CIA informant in the White House and that journalist has to be imprisoned by the court of law. Is there any court of law in Pakistan who can prosecute Geo News?

You cannot pick and choose where to emulate USA and where not to. To get the sort of respect agencies get here will also need an effective democratic government, strict rule of law, an open and engaged society and a vibrant and independent media. Create those first and respect for the agencies will follow too.

They humiliated and demeaned a higher functionary of the state. If Geo would be in the U.S it was banned by this time and all its owners would be imprisoned.

Reporting on one of the biggest functionary of the state like this is a crime.

Humiliated? How? A story being run has relevant photos and graphic shown on screen as standard practice. Showing a photo of the DG-ISI was entirely appropriate while the allegations made by the victim were being broadcast. How is that a crime?
Geo did not blame anyone. The victim did. Geo reported it. There is a difference.

The victim's family is also blaming MQM then why the didn't report it? :undecided: There isn't any difference.
The victim's family is also blaming MQM then why the didn't report it? :undecided: There isn't any difference.

That came later. Geo also made clarifying statements too.
You cannot pick and choose where to emulate USA and where not to. To get the sort of respect agencies get here will also need an effective democratic government, strict rule of law, an open and engaged society and a vibrant and independent media. Create those first and respect for the agencies will follow too.

Humiliated? How? A story being run has relevant photos and graphic shown on screen as standard practice. Showing a photo of the DG-ISI was entirely appropriate while the allegations made by the victim were being broadcast. How is that a crime?

The protection and status given to CIA or FBI is not a respect, it is a role given to them to protect and save the country from internal and external enemies. These agencies are protected constitutionally in the U.S.Media is not allowed to humiliate and demean them unless and until prior permission from the agencies.
They are on most sensitive position why they made mistake so they've to make clarifications?

Please read those clarifications. They explain their position rather than admit any mistakes.

The protection and status given to CIA or FBI is not a respect, it is a role given to them to protect and save the country from internal and external enemies. These agencies are protected constitutionally in the U.S.Media is not allowed to humiliate and demean them unless and until prior permission from the agencies.

First, the agencies operate within define frameworks and laws, with oversight. Second, the media rakes them over coals just like anybody else for their failures and lapses.
You cannot pick and choose where to emulate USA and where not to. To get the sort of respect agencies get here will also need an effective democratic government, strict rule of law, an open and engaged society and a vibrant and independent media. Create those first and respect for the agencies will follow too.

Humiliated? How? A story being run has relevant photos and graphic shown on screen as standard practice. Showing a photo of the DG-ISI was entirely appropriate while the allegations made by the victim were being broadcast. How is that a crime?

Were those photos and graphic shows that it is done by the ISI? This comes under lots of laws e.g. defamation, treason, etc
Were those photos and graphic shows that it is done by the ISI? This comes under lots of laws e.g. defamation, treason, etc

No. Those graphics showed the content running at that time, as is standard practice.
Please read those clarifications. They explain their position rather than admit any mistakes.

First, the agencies operate within define frameworks and laws, with oversight. Second, the media rakes them over coals just like anybody else for their failures and lapses.

Media definitely talk about their lapses, but never humiliate them.
Media definitely talk about their lapses, but never humiliate them.

The media report openly. Feeling "humiliated" is a sensation on part of those being reported on and therefore not a problem of the media. Their job is to report. Nobody here feeling humiliated due to open reporting would go crying to the FCC and ask for a ban because their underwear pinched them in the wrong place.
No. Those graphics showed the content running at that time, as is standard practice.

Then why they blamed ISI.
The ideal situation would be if ISI or Amry has any reservation with any media persons, media houses have to fire those people. In the U.S CIA disapproval puts people out of job.
Then why they blamed ISI.
The ideal situation would be if ISI or Amry has any reservation with any media persons, media houses have to fire those people. In the U.S CIA disapproval puts people out of job.

Geo did not blame ISI. The victim did. Geo reported it. It is the height of arrogance to think that ISI should be able to influence hiring or firing of journalists due to any "reservations" they might have. It is wrong and illegal.

(And CIA's disapproval has never put anyone out of a job by itself, but the topic here is Geo/ISI, not CIA.)
That is the goal. An ignorant populace is a compliant populace.

And here i thought you were all about following rukes and Kaw, and in this case, every step was followed as per the procedure, so leave to the authority to decide, why are you and others being judgemental?? And how banning geo will silence the voices??
Geo did not blame ISI. The victim did. Geo reported it. It is the height of arrogance to think that ISI should be able to influence hiring or firing of journalists due to any "reservations" they might have. It is wrong and illegal.

(And CIA's disapproval has never put anyone out of a job by itself, but the topic here is Geo/ISI, not CIA.)

Oh lala, why are you doing this....have you read PEMRA's ordinance? Orshall i post it for you....it does not matter who said what, what matters is, who broadcasted it....and btw Amir Mir works for Geo....
And here i thought you were all about following rukes and Kaw, and in this case, every step was followed as per the procedure, so leave to the authority to decide, why are you and others being judgemental?? And how banning geo will silence the voices??

Where have I been judgmental? I have consistently called for due process to complete. Let us wait for Geo's reply to the Show Cause Notice and let's wait for the Tribunal to investigate the victim's accusations. Whether Geo needs to be banned or not should be decided after these processes are complete.

Oh lala, why are you doing this....have you read PEMRA's ordinance? Orshall i post it for you....it does not matter who said what, what matters is, who broadcasted it....and btw Amir Mir works for Geo....

I have already posted the relevant PEMRA rules right after the petition of the MoD was posted here. Proper reporting does not amount to a crime under those rules.

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