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Attack on Hamid Mir: Geo TV declares war on ISI

Oh lala, why are you doing this....have you read PEMRA's ordinance? Orshall i post it for you....it does not matter who said what, what matters is, who broadcasted it....and btw Amir Mir works for Geo....

Lala,post it. :tup:
Lala,post it. :tup:

I already have, on PDF. :D


So these are relevant excerpts of the relevant PEMRA rules that have been quoted as the basis for the petition. Of course the authorities will decide, but an initial reading indicates that the petitioner has a high standard to meet to merit cancellation. This complaint should fail on lack of merit.


15. Programms and advertisement content.- (1) The contents of the programmes and advertisements which are broadcast or distributed by the broadcast media or distribution service operator, shall conform to the provisions of section 20 of the Ordinance, these rules, the code set out in the Schedule-A and terms and conditions of the licence.

(2) The programmes shall also conform to the provisions of the Motion Pictures Ordinance, 1979 (XLIII of 1979), the rules and code of conduct made thereunder, whereas the advertisements shall also conform to the TV Code of Advertising Standards and Practices in Pakistan and Advertisement Code issued by the Authority.

(3) During a regular programme a continuous break for advertising shall not exceed three minutes and duration between two such successive breaks shall not be less than fifteen minutes.

(4) The licensee shall maintain a record and register of the programmes being broadcast or distributed by him and shall, for a period of not less than forty-five days, preserve such programmes.

(c) contains an abusive comment that, when taken in context, tends to or is likely to expose an individual or a group or class of individuals to hatred or contempt on the basis of race or caste, national, ethnic or linguistic origin, colour or religion or sect, sex, sexual orientation, age or mental or physical disability;

(g) contains aspersions against the Judiciary and integrity of the Armed Forces of Pakistan;

(j) brings into contempt Pakistan or its people or tends to undermine its integrity or solidarity as an independent and sovereign country;

20. Terms and conditions of licence.- A person who is issued a licence under this Ordinance shall-

(a) ensure preservation of the sovereignty, security and integrity of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan;

(b) ensure preservation of the national, cultural, social and religious values and the principles of public policy as enshrined in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan;

(c) ensure that all programmes and advertisements do not contain or encourage violence, terrorism, racial, ethnic or religious discrimination, sectarianism, extremism, militancy, hatred, pornography, obscenity, vulgarity or other material offensive to commonly accepted standards of decency;

27. Prohibition of broadcast media or distribution service operation:- The Authority shall by order in writing, giving reasons therefore, prohibit any broadcast media or distribution service operator from –

(a) broadcasting or re-broadcasting or distributing any programme or advertisement if it is of the opinion that such particular programme or advertisement is against the ideology of Pakistan or is likely to create hatred among the people or is prejudicial to the maintenance of law and order or is likely to disturb public peace and tranquility or endangers national security or is pornographic, obscene or vulgar or is offensive to the commonly accepted standards of decency; or

(b) engaging in any practice or act which amounts to abuse of media power by way of harming the legitimate interests of another licensee or willfully causing damage to any other person.

(d) comply with rules made under this Ordinance;

(e) broadcast, if permissible under the terms of its licence, programmes in the public interest specified by the Federal Government or the Authority in the manner indicated by the Government or, as the case may be, the Authority, provided that the duration of such mandatory programmes do not exceed ten per cent of the total duration of broadcast or operation by a station in twenty-four hours except if, by its own volition, a station chooses to broadcast such content for a longer duration;

(f) comply with the codes of programmes and advertisements approved by the Authority and appoint an in-house monitoring committee, under intimation to the Authority, to ensure compliance of the Code;

(g) not broadcast or distribute any programme or advertisement in violation of copyright or other property right;

(h) obtain NOC from Authority before import of any transmitting apparatus for broadcasting, distribution or teleporting operation; and

(i) not sell, transfer or assign any of the rights conferred by the licence without prior written permission of the Authority
Geo did not blame ISI. The victim did. Geo reported it. It is the height of arrogance to think that ISI should be able to influence hiring or firing of journalists due to any "reservations" they might have. It is wrong and illegal.

(And CIA's disapproval has never put anyone out of a job by itself, but the topic here is Geo/ISI, not CIA.)

The topic here is the status given to a highest functionary of the state and how that status is protected by the state, constitution, parliament and the ruling party?

( CIA/ senate, rejected the Obama's nomination of ambassadors in different countries, Obama administration has to talk back those nomination)
The topic here is the status given to a highest functionary of the state and how that status is protected by the state, constitution, parliament and the ruling party?

( CIA/ senate, rejected the Obama's nomination of ambassadors in different countries, Obama administration has to talk back those nomination)

Since when is the DG-ISI a "highest functionary" of the State? He is a subordinate of the COAS who in turn is subordinate to the elected government.
Good and have you seen the complete footage of amir mir's statement to geo???

What about it? All these things have to be taken together, but in their rightful place, no more, no less.
Good and have you seen the complete footage of amir mir's statement to geo???
hiya soldier.....what do you think is gonna happen next in all this GEO vs Army/ISI war? where its gonna end?
What about it? All these things have to be taken together, but in their rightful place, no more, no less.
because that video footage is the key....let see what happens
hiya soldier.....what do you think is gonna happen next in all this GEO vs Army/ISI war? where its gonna end?
well tbh - am feeling hungry right now- just wana go out and have some ice cream -----
nothing is going to happen, geo will not be closed, military will not jump, muk mukka ho ga, as it happened with memogate.....
oh! don't forget Altaf Bhai will be coming down soon to brush this all under the carpet :D
GEO is starting a war they should know they cannot win. They are on the hit list of the TTP, now they have successfully alienated the Army. They have shot themselves in the foot, give it some time and this horrible TV Channel will be out of business.
what shameless lies are posted by the Jang group defending Hamid Mir..

saying he talks for the poor and oppressed...

but in reality he is a chronic hate monger and a bigot who hates minorities, laughs at their massacre and praises the Taliban and his "journalistic service" is mocking the Pakistan military..
because that video footage is the key....let see what happens

well tbh - am feeling hungry right now- just wana go out and have some ice cream -----
nothing is going to happen, geo will not be closed, military will not jump, muk mukka ho ga, as it happened with memogate.....
oh! don't forget Altaf Bhai will be coming down soon to brush this all under the carpet :D
ice cream so late?:what: werent you at some war stricken place like you told us here months ago? murna hey kia is time?:tongue:
Weren't you going to put it up for discussion? What happened?
i wish i had found it, trust me, am after that video more then you, but all i have come up is with that edited version of 2 minutes....:(

ice cream so late?:what: werent you at some war stricken place like you told us here months ago? murna hey kia is time?:tongue:
lol, that war stricken place was at the border of khuzdar and sindh :p am on my off days....:party:
i wish i had found it, trust me, am after that video more then you, but all i have come up is with that edited version of 2 minutes....:(

I am sure the whole thing is recorded in many places. ;)

Let's see what turns up. :D
i wish i had found it, trust me, am after that video more then you, but all i have come up is with that edited version of 2 minutes....:(
konsa video? temme may be i can search...justin timberlake ki koi video tu nae?:unsure:
ok here it is, an extract from PEMRA Ordinance 2009:
[see rules 2(l)(f) and 15(1)]
No programme shall be aired which-
(d) contains anything defamatory or knowingly false;
(e) is likely to encourage and incite violence or contains anything against maintenance oflaw
and order or which promotes anti-national or anti-state attitudes;
(g) contains aspersions against the Judiciary and integrity of the Armed Forces of
(h) maligns or slanders any individual in person or certain groups, segments of social, public
and moral life of the country;
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