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Atrocities of 1971 cannot be forgotten and forgiven, Sheikh Hasina tells Pakistan high commissioner

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They need a tragedy to forget the old one.

Should be given to them
We will do it again, should the time move backwards to 71.

I am sure you would.
But how come you never showed the same revolutionary spirit while the Brits had you under their feet for 2 centuries ?
So what is the Solution? Remembering 1971 like it’s an holy year til the Yaum happens? Every attempt for good relations should be countered with „But 1971“? We should remember 1971 as a warning what happens when Muslims don’t treat each other with respect, yes, but not as the only thing that defines our relations.

World wars were fought and former belligerents are BFF now. But two Muslim counties cannot?

- Bangladeshis did not start this Thread.

- Bangladeshis are not daft to start 'genocide' threads on a Pakistani forum.

- You lot pay way too much attention to what Hasina says

- Barring what Hasina says, has she taken any adverse actions to disrupt PK-BD relations ? NO.

- Issuing Condemnation when we hang war criminals who are our citizens does not have the effect of 'moving on'.

- We are building a massive embassy in Islamabad, Why would we do that, If the we don't want better relations ?

- No Bangladeshi walks up to a Bangladeshi and hits up a discussion about 71.

- The 'Bengali gaddar' rhetoric does more to shape negative perceptions of Pakistan in BD than the actual past. We will get along a lot better, If Pakistanis come up with better insults.

- Realistically, You do not have anything to offer to us nor us to you, the current level of ties is as far as they will ever get in the current scenario.

- Bombarding 71 threads with hate messages does not help, we Bangladeshis rarely comment in these threads, If you do not believe me, search for 71 (or related terms) and 80% of the comments will be from Pakistanis.
I am sure you would.
But how come you never showed the same revolutionary spirit while the Brits had you under your feet for 2 centuries ?
Excuse me, Bengalis (Both Indian and Bangladeshi of today) were the ones who violently opposed the british but the pakistanis were not even fighting against the brits. The only Pakistani I remember who fought against Brits was Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan. I am half bengali hence I better know how we fought against the brits because of their opium and indigo rhetoric.
I am sure you would.
But how come you never showed the same revolutionary spirit while the Brits had you under your feet for 2 centuries ?

Yeah, the British just packed up and left by themselves ? Or do you forget that the independence movement started from Bengal and not from some Northern dusty badlands.

British came to Bengal first because we were the economic and cultural centre of the subcontinent, you control Bengal, you can easily exert control on the rest of the region.

The seeds of independence from Hindu rule was sown in 1905 through the partition of Bengal, which was the catalyst that led to other Muslims elsewhere who were until then sucking their thumbs to wake up and stand against the Brahmin menace.

They controlled us using artificially induced famines, do not pretend to be daft and ignorant unless it's your default state.

Blind nationalism is a hell of a drug, read history sometimes and not from pakistani text books.
Yeah, the British just packed up and left by themselves ? Or do you forget that the independence movement started from Bengal and not from some Northern dusty badlands.

British came to Bengal first because we were the economic and cultural centre of the subcontinent, you control Bengal, you can easily exert control on the rest of the region.

The seeds of independence from Hindu rule was sown in 1905 through the partition of Bengal, which was the catalyst that led to other Muslims elsewhere who were until then sucking their thumbs to wake up and stand against the Brahmin menace.

They controlled us using artificially induced famines, do not pretend to be daft and ignorant unless it's your default state.

Blind nationalism is a hell of a drug, read history sometimes and not from pakistani text books.
Yes you’re right, thats why a Bengali city Kolkata was capital of the subcontinent for so many years and Kolkata and Chittagong were the economic powerhouses of the British empire, if you control Chittagong and Kolkata at the same time then you can easily control a huge volume of trade. Pakistanis only have Karachi and now they are making Gwader with chinese loans.p so that PLAN can use it as a military base as part of string of pearls strategy.
No one discusses bangladesh in Pakistan. If you tell new generation that bangla was part of pakistan then they will give you a surprise pikachu face. Don't give yourself too much importance.

In previous decades it all the rage, I use to even get abuse from the mighty martial race paks, growing so I guess its blow back. There is no smoke with out fire..
Excuse me, Bengalis (Both Indian and Bangladeshi of today) were the ones who violently opposed the british but the pakistanis were not even fighting against the brits. The only Pakistani I remember who fought against Brits was Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan. I am half bengali hence I better know how we fought against the brits because of their opium and indigo rhetoric.

You mean you tickled them and rubbed their feet while they practically made you salves.
This thread went a bit too extreme. As I said earlier in this same very thread.
As Muslims, for the sake of brotherhood, please move on from 71, and I say this to both sides of the aisle. Islam is facing a lot of threats today, and as Muslims we need to unite and fight them off. It is a well known of some nations who I will not name to divide us Muslims from within.
Islamophobia is rampant across the globe, yet we're stuck in the past.
I appeal to you again, move on.
Yeah, the British just packed up and left by themselves ? Or do you forget that the independence movement started from Bengal and not from some Northern dusty badlands.

British came to Bengal first because we were the economic and cultural centre of the subcontinent, you control Bengal, you can easily exert control on the rest of the region.

The seeds of independence from Hindu rule was sown in 1905 through the partition of Bengal, which was the catalyst that led to other Muslims elsewhere who were until then sucking their thumbs to wake up and stand against the Brahmin menace.

They controlled us using artificially induced famines, do not pretend to be daft and ignorant unless it's your default state.

Blind nationalism is a hell of a drug, read history sometimes and not from pakistani text books.

Persians destroyed our beautiful Pakistan.

The Persian Satraps, Yahya and Bhutto were racist from the core and had religious differences with the majority of East Pakistanis.

They sacrificed East Pakistan to appease the Persians.
This thread went a bit too extreme. As I said earlier in this same very thread.
As Muslims, for the sake of brotherhood, please move on from 71, and I say this to both sides of the aisle. Islam is facing a lot of threats today, and as Muslims we need to unite and fight them off. It is a well known of some nations who I will not name to divide us Muslims from within.
Islamophobia is rampant across the globe, yet we're stuck in the past.
I appeal to you again, move on.
This is mostly an internet phenomenon. Bengali and Pakistani Muslims don’t like Hindus ruling them and the younger generation doesn’t care about 71. My cousin even married a Bengali women a few years back in the UK having 3 kids by now. Both visit Pakistan and Bangladesh and no one cared about that!

Muslim Brotherhood is stronger than Hindu propaganda.
You mean you tickled them and rubbed their feet while they practically made you salves.
Slaves were you not us, We bengalis fought the brits, stop reading distorted history what you are taught by the state go research yourself. Bengal is among the wealthiest regions of the subcontinent (both India and Bangladeshi bengal).
This thread went a bit too extreme. As I said earlier in this same very thread.
As Muslims, for the sake of brotherhood, please move on from 71, and I say this to both sides of the aisle. Islam is facing a lot of threats today, and as Muslims we need to unite and fight them off. It is a well known of some nations who I will not name to divide us Muslims from within.
Islamophobia is rampant across the globe, yet we're stuck in the past.
I appeal to you again, move on.
People who forget the history are doomed to repeat it.
This is mostly an internet phenomenon. Bengali and Pakistani Muslims don’t like Hindus ruling them and the younger generation doesn’t care about 71. My cousin even married a Bengali women a few years back in the UK having 3 kids by now. Both visit Pakistan and Bangladesh and no one cared about that!

Muslim Brotherhood is stronger than Hindu propaganda.
Because Pakistanis are taught to hate Hindus. Bangladeshis are not. Hence we rarely see Hindus coming from Pakistan but a lot of Hindus coming from Pakistan over here.
Slaves were you not us, We bengalis fought the brits, stop reading distorted history what you are taught by the state go research yourself. Bengal is among the wealthiest regions of the subcontinent (both India and Bangladeshi bengal).

People who forget the history are doomed to repeat it.

Are Bengalis even united now? They are now separated with 2 states trying to divide and rule them in Bangladesh and India.

You cannot use WE as an Indian with a Bangladeshi. Not till that border remains
Because Pakistanis are taught to hate Hindus. Bangladeshis are not. Hence we rarely see Hindus coming from Pakistan but a lot of Hindus coming from Pakistan over here.

The only indoctrination being witnesses is an Indians understanding of everything Pakistan.
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