Loans as such are not bad,if they generate revenue.
The only loans that China was willing to give to Sri Lanka was for real tangible infrastructure that could not be stolen by the corruption of the country.
The politicians promptly decided to spend that money from the loan to subsidize import consumption and then default on the port.
China then obviously gave up on sri lanka, at which point sri lanka looked to western commercial banks for loans for further subsidization of import consumption.
100% of the arguments in this thread seem to devolve to
"China should have simply violated sovereignty of the countries they invested in and imposed colonial demands to fix their countries."
People want to talk about sovereignty.
Not forcing countries to change is sovereignty.
If you want China to force a country to change, then you don't really want sovereignty.
You are really demanding colonialism.
Keep projecting all the internal problems of all countries onto china.
I dare you.
Working so well for the african countries that selectively defaulted in chinese loans on advice of U.S./Western NGOs.
Now all of the countries that did so are stuck with destroyed credit ratings and no more preferential loan rates from China and are now stuck with sky high rates from western commercial lenders, the only ones that will now lend to those countries.
If you want to do the CIA's work for them, be my guest.