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Atheist faces jail after Facebook remark

If you don't believe what other guy is saying, don't believe it..just keep believing whatever you are believing...matter closed :hitwall:

but it is really getting to the point of stupidity day by day...

* you cannot leave the religion once you are in the religion...
* you cannot dispute/question anything about the religion...
* you cannot draw pictures...
* you cannot question me why I believe...
* you cannot even say there is no god......

so...everybody in this world MUST obey your beliefs.....WHAT? religion of peace :hitwall: BS logics...
somebody comes and will say...we are peaceful only as long as you don't question me :hitwall:

if you are sooooo insecure about your religion...it is YOU who should shut up and live in closet...not other way around...GODDDDDDD!!!!!!

this intolerance is going to cost the world sooner or later...believe me :hitwall:
Ah...one of those guys. You know those keyboard warriors claiming themselves to be Atheists showing off their supposedly great intellect?

I do not agree with how the man was treated. Those guys are merely feeding him with more attention and give more opportunity for those um...Islam-bashing brigades.

Many Indonesians are known to be extremely intolerant from my experience (I lived in SE Asia).

If you disagree with something, then discuss with him. I have seen many Atheists getting owned by religious scholars (any religion, not just Islam). Actually, they aren't really that smart in most cases.

It is funny. Easterners relative to Westerners are intolerant when it comes to speech. When Easterners disagree with something over any subject...be it a business deal, a technical workout, etc they tend to take it personally in many cases. And that affects the whole relationship between the two.

In Western culture however, it is quite the opposite. And that is why the Western World has advanced so much over the centuries.

It is really an issue of culture if you ask me.
God does not want humans to fight over god's existence :wave: :)
There goes your moderate muslim country, I guess only malayasia and turkey are remaining.

malaysia..? there are probably more bigoted than the indonesians....just because their cities are shining doesnt mean they are liberal...
God am happy my country is a seculer country not some islamic budhist or hindu country where a dozen if nut jobs beat someone up coz he said ge has no faith in god freak man sick

dont worry even in a hindu country you would not be beaten up....atheism (nasthika) is well recognized concept in hinduism..:)

islam seriously need to come to terms with 21st century instead of being stuck in 7th century..
do you know for sure what those people have done? "innocent" is a easy word to say... i have a lot of family members who take drugs.

you need to know that god has given us the brain cells to think. you have feelings and you are more than capable of thinking. when someone kills he has the choice to leave, wich god has given him.

just to tell you... i have lived without technology for 3 weeks while i was in Turkey!

you know those terrorists you talk about are idiots. it's like talking to someone who cant hear. you as a human have the capability to choose, and that is what god has given you.

just because you can bomb doesn't mean you can. and yes, i have been cured from diseases by praying to my god.

you dont have to believe, but dont come here and say religion is stupid and is one of the biggest reasons there is war today and blah blah.

atheists have stood for more destruction and war this last century than religious people!

---------- Post added at 11:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 PM ----------

the guy has himself to blame. you dont just go around and scream something like that in a Islamic country... if he just used logic.

beaten up i dont agree with, but if he went against the laws of the country then he should be punished according to that law.

:lol: expected this BS...

If a doctor saves a patients,u say God created doctor
If a scientist invented something,u say god created him and gave him the brain to do it
if someone is successful ,then u say god made him become successful..

U give all ur delusional reason to everything rather than scientific thing

By plz tell me if a person has a life threatening disease ,will praying to god all day long will cure him??NO

And why just 1 week without technology??? Why can't u live without technology at all???



once again, I am absolutely appalled at the crocodile tears, and hypocrisy shown by our Indian friends.

You guys are looking under every rock, for a way to condemn Islam.
But when you have a History like India's, why do you guys even bother?

In India you will be thrown in Jail just for eating beef, and many of you people defending this guy also defended the beef law, or at least tried to rationalize it.
Does your hatred for Islam run so deep that you are unable to take a consistent apprach to these things?
on one hand you defend this guy for going to jail over something silly, which btw I agree, it is silly to send him to jail, but on the other hand you defend the beef law that would send people to jail for 7 years. Which is actually even more silly then this.

And I don't even want to get into the murder of 3 Muslims and the destruction of a Muslim village by Hindu fanatics after they heard a rumor that someone ate beef.
Of course non of you guys would ever post a post like that and you certainly would not condemn it without coersion.

Another thread full of Indian hypocrisy, nothing to see here people move along.

This is easy. We learn the answer to this as little children in Sunday School.
What are the first words one utters when they get a phone call from the hospital? What about when they get into a car accident, or when a family member dies?

That's why these atheists make me laugh.

However, this should not be reason enough for jailing them nor using violence against them.
This raises an interesting question. All prophets who establish a new religion start the new religion by committing acts of apostasy. So, by committing acts of apostasy, you can claim that you are following the path of your prophet.
If you disagree with something, then discuss with him. I have seen many Atheists getting owned by religious scholars (any religion, not just Islam). Actually, they aren't really that smart in most cases.

I think it is totally the opposite. If these religious scholars were actually smarter then atheists there wouldn't be any need for blasphemy laws now, would there?
once again, I am absolutely appalled at the crocodile tears, and hypocrisy shown by our Indian friends.

You guys are looking under every rock, for a way to condemn Islam.
But when you have a History like India's, why do you guys even bother?

In India you will be thrown in Jail just for eating beef, and many of you people defending this guy also defended the beef law, or at least tried to rationalize it.
Does your hatred for Islam run so deep that you are unable to take a consistent apprach to these things?
on one hand you defend this guy for going to jail over something silly, which btw I agree, it is silly to send him to jail, but on the other hand you defend the beef law that would send people to jail for 7 years. Which is actually even more silly then this.

And I don't even want to get into the murder of 3 Muslims and the destruction of a Muslim village by Hindu fanatics after they heard a rumor that someone ate beef.
Of course non of you guys would ever post a post like that and you certainly would not condemn it without coersion.

Another thread full of Indian hypocrisy, nothing to see here people move along.

Have you actually read the thread on PDF about the ban of beef eating in India? There are still a lot of idiots in India who would like to enforce their views on others just like your country. However there is still a very large, very vocal group of people who live without the fear of things like blasphemy laws of crown lynching who make their voices heard against such stupidity.
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