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Atheist faces jail after Facebook remark

Please tell me this is some sort of sad joke that was lost into conversion into a post.

How DARE anyone be enthusiastic about, or worse, participate in such a thing... beating and imprisoning someone over his beliefs.

Again, let me turn it around. What if a Muslim man in the USA said something like "Jesus is NOT divine, he was just a prophet" and a freaking MOB beat him up, and the authorities took him away? The outcry would be deafening.

Please don't say something like "A Muslim wouldn't do that" because obviously, Muslims believe exactly that which I quoted. Expression of belief is personal and should always be allowed.

I so agree with you,everyone wants the US to be the perfect kid in the classroom devoid of any faults.If such a thing happened it'd be on the 9'o clock news in the middle east.

---------- Post added at 10:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 PM ----------

Ah...one of those guys. You know those keyboard warriors claiming themselves to be Atheists showing off their supposedly great intellect?

I do not agree with how the man was treated. Those guys are merely feeding him with more attention and give more opportunity for those um...Islam-bashing brigades.

Many Indonesians are known to be extremely intolerant from my experience (I lived in SE Asia).

If you disagree with something, then discuss with him. I have seen many Atheists getting owned by religious scholars (any religion, not just Islam). Actually, they aren't really that smart in most cases.

It is funny. Easterners relative to Westerners are intolerant when it comes to speech. When Easterners disagree with something over any subject...be it a business deal, a technical workout, etc they tend to take it personally in many cases. And that affects the whole relationship between the two.

In Western culture however, it is quite the opposite. And that is why the Western World has advanced so much over the centuries.

It is really an issue of culture if you ask me.

Very good Zabaniya.
once again, I am absolutely appalled at the crocodile tears, and hypocrisy shown by our Indian friends.

You guys are looking under every rock, for a way to condemn Islam.
But when you have a History like India's, why do you guys even bother?

In India you will be thrown in Jail just for eating beef, and many of you people defending this guy also defended the beef law, or at least tried to rationalize it.
Does your hatred for Islam run so deep that you are unable to take a consistent apprach to these things?
on one hand you defend this guy for going to jail over something silly, which btw I agree, it is silly to send him to jail, but on the other hand you defend the beef law that would send people to jail for 7 years. Which is actually even more silly then this.

And I don't even want to get into the murder of 3 Muslims and the destruction of a Muslim village by Hindu fanatics after they heard a rumor that someone ate beef.
Of course non of you guys would ever post a post like that and you certainly would not condemn it without coersion.

Another thread full of Indian hypocrisy, nothing to see here people move along.

dont be such a ....... the law was enacted because in india almost 70% of the communal riots start have started with cow slaugghter...so that was a law and order situation...

your point would have been correct if someone had a status message like "i will kill a cow" on FB and he was arrested for that..
Have you actually read the thread on PDF about the ban of beef eating in India? There are still a lot of idiots in India who would like to enforce their views on others just like your country. However there is still a very large, very vocal group of people who live without the fear of things like blasphemy laws of crown lynching who make their voices heard against such stupidity.

right, so you do concede my point that many Indian members were defending it.

Now, I know most Indians think that Pakistan is some kind of mythical land akin to Mordor from Lord of the rings, but I can assure you that you are incorrect in your thinking.
No one is scared of the police knocking down your door at any moment because you told your friend that you think vegetarianism is better than being a carnivore.
The Blasphemy law simply states that you are not allowed to insult anyone's religion, be it Islam, Christianity, or even Hinduism.
You and I both know how laws are applied in South Asia, so let me inform you that the vast majority of people caught in the blasphemy law have been muslim. Contrary to your beliefs, Minorities in Pakistan don't live in constant fear of mobs destroying there homes.

Also I think I am just going to copy this response and past it every time an Indian brings up the blasphemy law, which at the rate the Indians bring it up, means I will pasting this like 4 times a day.
I think it is totally the opposite. If these religious scholars were actually smarter then atheists there wouldn't be any need for blasphemy laws now, would there?

I do not think that scholars have all the authority over devising blasphemy laws within the state. It is the leaders who put them up. Monks, Mullahs, Priests, etc aren't supposed to be politicians or heads of state. This sadly applies in countries like Iran.

Science cannot describe God. And there isn't much of a relationship between them either (for now). The one thing that can bring them closer is probably Neotic Science. But that's all in the back yard for now.

Rep up the trolling people!

right, so you do concede my point that many Indian members were defending it.

Now, I know most Indians think that Pakistan is some kind of mythical land akin to Mordor from Lord of the rings,

" I am also saying there is no God in this world", I know i have the freedom to say in my country.

If he can't stop bad things like Tsunami which happened in Japan, then how he can be a god. On the other hand if he watches somebody's destruction silently then he is a Devil not God.

Give me your address I will send some fanatics to beat you. If you are near to Hyderabad, It will be easier for me to send them... :D

Its always debatable that "God made the man" or Man made the God". My parent believe that everything happen by God's will. When I clear IIT prelimns, they told its god will, when I failed IIT mains, they told God's will.

For your argument, they will say, God punished japanese coz they were breaking there atom in Fuckushima... or coz japs give the city name ****-oshima.. :P Religion is something we must not mess with.

Religion and Connumnism justify everything, even killing your son.
My question is if God exist then why
1. He made different religion?? He should have made only one religion so that every one would have lived peacefully.
2. Even inside one religion why there are many sect and caste? He would have made one sect and one cast for all.
3. Is it like there are many god in heaven and they show there supermacy through there follower?
My question is if God exist then why
1. He made different religion?? He should have made only one religion so that every one would have lived peacefully.
2. Even inside one religion why there are many sect and caste? He would have made one sect and one cast for all.
3. Is it like there are many god in heaven and they show there supermacy through there follower?
MR First of all he made only one Religion and all the PROPHETS BROUGHT the same Religion which is Islam Sir this life is a test to check who remains on the straight Path so you have to search and strive to know truth and their is only one GOD Sir

---------- Post added at 10:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ----------

Does God Exist? - Abdur Raheem Green - YouTube
MR First of all he made only one Religion and all the PROPHETS BROUGHT the same Religion which is Islam Sir this life is a test to check who remains on the straight Path so you have to search and strive to know truth and their is only one GOD Sir

No one knew Islam before Prophet Muhammad. Leave it, I don't want to get bann from PDF. So keep this topic aside. I surrender..
No one knew Islam before Prophet Muhammad. Leave it, I don't want to get bann from PDF. So keep this topic aside. I surrender..
Mr Islam was the religion brought by HAZRAT ADAM TO HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW ALL the PROPHETS In between also brought Islam Sir HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW is not the founder of Islam he is the last PROPHET SAW of ISLAM and Sir if a chair can't come into existence on its own How Can this huge Universe came into existence without some one who created it Sir ? use common sense Sir
My question is if God exist then why
1. He made different religion?? He should have made only one religion so that every one would have lived peacefully.
2. Even inside one religion why there are many sect and caste? He would have made one sect and one cast for all.
3. Is it like there are many god in heaven and they show there supermacy through there follower?

1. It is said that He sent many prophets at some point. Given that He does exist, He did actually have a 'one religion' in plan from the very beginning of Man on the material realm. Man corrupted that 'one religion' to suit his own desires. He did in fact have 'one religion' ever since Adam and Eve came into existence. It was their descendants who corrupted that order.

^That's the theory.

2. I do not know about other religions. But in Islam, there are technically no sects or caste. But unfortunately, Muslims do divide themselves among sects. Shia-Sunni? Difference in opinion really, but no biggy there.

3. There is only one god.
Mr Islam was the religion brought by HAZRAT ADAM TO HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW ALL the PROPHETS In between also brought Islam Sir HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW is not the founder of Islam he is the last PROPHET SAW of ISLAM and Sir if a chair can't come into existence on its own How Can this huge Universe came into existence without some one who created it Sir ? use common sense Sir

There is no point of discussion when I surrender, I know some point of time something rational comes from my mouth and that time I will be blamed for blashphemy.
There is no point of discussion when I surrender, I know some point of time something rational comes from my mouth and that time I will be blamed for blashphemy.
Sir I ask you to read Quran and Life of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and sir use common sense you will know that this world can't come into existence on its own Sir
1. It is said that He sent many prophets at some point. Given that He does exist, He did actually have a 'one religion' in plan from the very beginning of Man on the material realm. Man corrupted that 'one religion' to suit his own desires. He did in fact have 'one religion' ever since Adam and Eve came into existence. It was their descendants who corrupted that order.

^That's the theory.

2. I do not know about other religions. But in Islam, there are technically no sects or caste. But unfortunately, Muslims do divide themselves among sects. Shia-Sunni? Difference in opinion really, but no biggy there.

3. There is only one god.

Do I have other option rather than agreeing with you?? :smitten: And what if I don't believe in apple theory.. Bad Apple (Adam was thrown out of eden, Newton was prosecuted by church coz of falling apple.).. And Docs are getting there business loss doe to the same apple (One apple a day, keep Docs away)).

---------- Post added at 11:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 AM ----------

Sir I ask you to read Quran and Life of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and sir use common sense you will know that this world can't come into existence on its own Sir

Common sense ends there where you stop free thinking. Where radical though comes. There was a age called dark ages for science. It was before Renascence, Church was not allowing the open thinkers and they were prosecuted.

So for common sense we need to have open thinking.
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