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Atheism: Next threat to humanity

Sir so Nazis were God fearing people.
If ISIS can be god fearing then Nazis could've been as well.
Sir so Nazis were God fearing people.

If ISIS can be god fearing then Nazis could've been as well.
Both aren't

Sir when you mix urine with milk can you call it milk when you mix racism with God can you call it kinda
I sometimes wonder, what if India were a atheist country? Can India and Pakistan's relations be better?
I sometimes wonder, what if India were a atheist country? Can India and Pakistan's relations be better?
No it wouldn't. We are enemies because of the Kashmir dispute and Sir Creek Dispute.

Even China has two territorial disputes with India.

China being an official Atheist country, does it make it have good relations with India.=?
Turkey. Thank to Kemal reform. Who is utterly anti-Islam.
Malaysia. Thank to Malaysian Chinese.
Saudi Arabia,Brunei. Thank to oil.
From an absolute materialistic point of view
I visited many parts of this world. One thing I always noticed that religious people, from all the religions are less poisonous. They have values, and fear of God, in one or the other form.
Humans fought two big wars, under the banner of atheism. As religion departs, humans become animals. Son tries to marry mother, and father marries daughter. Humans are killed like cats and dogs, and no body gives a damn.
Now, as the world is running towards atheism, the humanity is running faster towards its end, and humans, with no morals are equipped with enough lethal weapons to wipe out each other.

Atheism is bigger threat than any other religion today, as atheist are a threat from within. They may be your brothers, sisters, or friends. And this disease is spreading, as in this era of machine, humans don't need God, anymore.

I think, missionaries from all religions should be united against this threat. Denial of God should be handled on priority basis.

I have one question here: What may be the most convincing argument for the existence of God? Like how to convince an atheist that there exists a God, as they just deny it, as they can't see it.
@Mentee @BHarwana @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Zarvan
How easy to attack other beliefs/religion/thoughts. What if Tomorrow someone will open threads about Islam or Muhammad with same title?. We should not attack other thoughts/beliefs. Let respect their thoughts and get respect..

But the concept of God was present in that society.

We are Not discussing quality of it. But the theology of it.
I sometimes wonder, what if India were a atheist country? Can India and Pakistan's relations be better?
Sir you forget racism.
I sometimes wonder, what if India were a atheist country? Can India and Pakistan's relations be better?

Probably worse.
But the concept of God was present in that society.

We are Not discussing quality of it. But the theology of it.
When mixed confused with racism. Can it still be called theology.?
Aids is now a manageable disease like diabetes.
Yeah....but it was practically a death sentence in the 90's. If it were an airborne disease world population would be very different.
Planet Earth will always sustain Life.

Humans may evolve unto something Else. The specie is alien to the Planet Anyhow.
Human evolve into something else won't be human. Just like birds are not dinosaurs.

Both aren't
According to them they are.
When mixed confused with racism. Can it still be called theology.?

Yes. Its a thought isnt it?
I visited many parts of this world. One thing I always noticed that religious people, from all the religions are less poisonous. They have values, and fear of God, in one or the other form.
Humans fought two big wars, under the banner of atheism. As religion departs, humans become animals. Son tries to marry mother, and father marries daughter. Humans are killed like cats and dogs, and no body gives a damn.
Now, as the world is running towards atheism, the humanity is running faster towards its end, and humans, with no morals are equipped with enough lethal weapons to wipe out each other.

Atheism is bigger threat than any other religion today, as atheist are a threat from within. They may be your brothers, sisters, or friends. And this disease is spreading, as in this era of machine, humans don't need God, anymore.

I think, missionaries from all religions should be united against this threat. Denial of God should be handled on priority basis.

I have one question here: What may be the most convincing argument for the existence of God? Like how to convince an atheist that there exists a God, as they just deny it, as they can't see it.
@Mentee @BHarwana @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Zarvan
Wrong,nothing to do with atheism.
Only culture is important.

Consciousness our personal internal awareness. Which is a result of the chemichel reactions in our brains. If you consider how we see, we don't see with our eyes. Our eyes simply receive signals(wavelengths of various light), then it gets passed to brain through optical nerve. Then brain decodes it and forms your vision. So what you see is basically what your brain is decoding decoding for you. It's same with every type of awareness. You are aware according to your brain chemistry.

Like I said before, I cannot say that God does not exist. But I find it worthless to ponder about. Because we don't know what God is and what he/she/it may want.

I think I may have miscommunicated my point. I understand how the chemistry of the brain is linked to the affects on the mind.

I am talking about a more fundamental question: how do we know that others are truly conscious or not? I'm talking about the Philosophical Zombie.

A theoretical person that is indistinguishable from a normal person in all things except that it does not 'experience' consciousness.

Is there any scientific way to know whether others are conscious or merely have the same physiological processes that we have but without a 'mind'?

That's why most scientific studies about consciousness are actually merely studying the activity in the brain and how it relates to the experiences reported by subjects. Consciousness is not studied directly.

My point is that it is important to understand what exactly science is what its current limits are. Otherwise it becomes a religion in its own right.

The theoretical model of the universe we have is based upon the theories we currently have of thibgs around us. The things (for instance consciousness) that we have yet to detect in an objective manner, let alone form a proper scientific theory about, haven't been integrated into that overall understanding of the world around us.

We can use the theories of physics and extrapolate a whole lot from them. That is all the theories of the origin of the cosmos are limited to the fundamental forces and laws and theories we currently understand.

Yet, we know conscious minds exist within ourselves, and conscious action too exists with it. However, since we lack the scientific understanding of consciousness we cannot integrate this into iur overall understanding of the universe.

That is why there is no scientific theory that accounts for a conscious Creator, because we have such little understanding of the conscious minds we ourselves possess. Yet our consciousness is the most real of all that we know. Cogito, ergo sum.


My point is that as far science is concerned, the safest position is agnosticism. The question of whether God exists or not, is simply not a scientifically answerable question at this point in time.

Atheism, or denying that God exists, as most athiests I have seen do, is not a scientific position.


Whether God created all of this or not is question that is best suited for philosophy and logic etc.

What God wants is mostly only solvable via revelation as even if one were to ascertain that God exists using logic, it would be harder to find out what God wants without God actually telling us.

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